The Cowardly Lion


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Below is a piece, intelligently written, author unknown, not ONLY food for THOUGHT, but VERY Funny, to me, although Ultimately Troubling.

He’s going to get away with it, of course. No one will dare point to the fact that once again, Barack Obama has disposed of a problem, not by addressing the cause but rather the political garbage that goes along with it.

After 20 years association, the near nominee has decided to end his association with Trinity United Church.

Was it because of the racist, hate mongering sermons of Jeremiah Wright?

Was it because his church has embraced Louis Farrakhan?

Was it because the church allowed a Roman Catholic priest to preach sermons that ape the worst of Reverend Wright’s rants against whites and America?

Was it because almost everything about the church was far from mainstream Christian thought and that he finally rebelled against the message of hate that spewed from its pulpit for 20 years?

Not according to the candidate himself:

“We don’t want to have to answer for everything that’s stated in the church,” the Democratic front-runner said. “We also don’t want the church subjected to the scrutiny that a presidential campaign legitimately undergoes.”

Obama said he was resigning “with some sadness.”

“This is not a decision I come to lightly,” he said. Watch Obama discuss departure »

The resignation comes days after the Rev. Michael Pfleger, a visiting Catholic priest, mocked Obama’s Democratic rival during a sermon at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois.

In the sermon, Pfleger wipes his eyes with a handkerchief and suggests that Sen. Hillary Clinton wept because she thought that as a white person and the wife of a former president, she was entitled to the presidency.

Pfleger is a Catholic priest at St. Sabina Roman Catholic Church on Chicago’s southwest side. He is also a friend of Trinity’s former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, from whom Obama distanced himself in April.

Obama said the Pfleger controversy made it clear that, as long as he remained a member of the Trinity congregation, remarks from the pulpit would be “imputed” to him, even if they conflicted with his personal views.

In addition to being friends with Wright, Pfleger is also a long time friend of Barack Obama, a relationship that goes back almost as far as the candidate’s relationship with Wright. While in the state senate, Obama steered around $300,000 to various programs headed up by Father Pfleger while the bigot priest gave Obama $1500 in political contributions over the years. Obama has also claimed Pfleger as one of his “spiritual mentors” and the priest has been hanging around the campaign off and on over the past year, offering his “mentoring” whenever the candidate has hit a rough patch.

I bring this up because CNN didn’t think it was newsworthy to mention the close, personal relationship Obama has with Pfleger – which is another reason why the candidate is going to slide on the real reason he is quitting the church.

Representative Robert Wexler of Florida gives the media its marching orders:

Some Obama supporters, including U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler of Florida, said that disconnecting from the church signaled a chance for the campaign to move on.

“I think it bodes well for us in the general election that we can put whatever issues there were behind us in respect to the church,” Wexler said.

Don’t worry, Bob. The media already never heard of Trinity Church, or Wright, or Moss, or Meeks, or Pfleger. They are now officially “non-associates” of Barack Obama and can be safely ignored.

What then, to make of Obama’s quitting Trinity Church? Once again, Obama has proven himself to lack any kind of political courage. He makes the Cowardly Lion look like Audie Murphy. He once again tries the straddle approach – trying to disentangle himself from a political problem without alienating his base. And once again, political expediency and not conscience or moral outrage guides his actions.

The calculating nature of this move is made obvious by asking the one, simple, question that no one in the media has yet even raised by my reading so far; what the hell took you so long, Barry? No one believes the candidate when he says he never heard Wright utter his foul diatribes against America and against white people over 20 years of sitting in the pews at Trinity Church. That doesn’t even pass the laugh test. Nor does anyone believe him when he says he was “surprised” at Father Pfleger’s rants. Everyone in Chicago is familiar with Pfleger’s views on whites and on America. Much more so than Wright, Pfleger has been a fixture on local news and is good for a colorful quote or two whenever the media needs one on race or housing or on the Iraq War.

To repeat, what took you so long Obama? The fact is, as long as belonging to Trinity was a political plus – contacts with the movers and shakers in the black community as well as demonstrating his “authentic” blackness to his constituents – Obama embraced his church.

But now, running for president and having his pastor and church exposed as radical adherents to Black Liberation Theology, Obama throws them under the bus without hesitation. (Would that he was so decisive in matters of policy.). They have become a drag, a hindrance to his ambitions and must go the way of his other friends and associates he has summarily dismissed from his royal presence.

You wonder what Tony Rezko is thinking after spending years in promoting the young Obama to where now he stands on the threshold of the presidency and because of his trial, the candidate makes out as if he barely knows Rezko. Same goes for Bill Ayers who plucked Obama from obscurity and made him head of Ayer’s baby – the Chicago Annenberg Challenge – only to see the candidate describe his close relationship with Ayers as him being “just a neighbor.”

He tried to downplay his relationship with Wright, with Pfleger, with Reverend James Meeks (another radical bigot) – anyone and everyone who has proven themselves to be a danger to his ambitions has either been tossed on the garbage heap or dismissed as inconsequential.

Anyone see a pattern here?

Let us take Obama at his word for the moment and pretend that he has a ghost of a chance in realizing his campaign promises to bring “change” to Washington. Doesn’t matter how (the candidate hasn’t told us anyway). Whatever plan he comes up with will demand political courage. He will be going up against the most entrenched of interests who will fight tooth and nail to maintain their privileges and access.

But Obama has shown no sign of possessing the kind of political courage it would take to realize any of his goals with regard to “changing” Washington. This should be obvious even to his most rabid supporters. He has never gone against his party. He has never crossed the aisle to work in a bi-partisan manner on anything consequential. (His anti-Iraq war stance took about as much political courage as an alley cat has. He wasn’t running for any federal office and his state senate district makes Berkley look like Utah as far as ideological makeup is concerned.). In short, Obama is a Flim-Flam Man who has gotten away (so far) with relying on a friendly media to cover his ass for him as he tries to put radical after radical in his past behind him.

Pretty soon, the media is going to have Obama looking like a mainstream politician – something I didn’t think was possible but now believe that is the ultimate goal of the campaign.

No conscience, already Lied to us 3 times ( 1)about Rev.Wright, 2) about "Never hearing those Racist Rants 3) About Terrorist Bomber and "Obama Family" Member William Ayers, 4) about "Very distant" relationship w/ Tony Rezco "Gee, I only did 4 hrs of Legal Work for a CHURCH, that he was connected with!" -PURE Bullshit, he has a 217-year affair with the NOW CONVICTED FELON, the scumbag Swindler, Real-Estate Slumlord and Obama Financier- Oh, did I say only 3? Maybe Three HUNDRED, in his short Public Life, but not 3.

Where was I? Oh yeah- No Morals, no concience, Lies to Voters BEFORE getting Elected(THAT takes BALLS), befreinds Racist "Preachers", Befreinds Weathermen Terrorist Bombers, pays HOMAGE to same Terrorists, to Kiss Political Ring, at Start of Political Career, because Weathermen Terrorist Bomber is Ultra-Left Radical HERO, in Leftist Chicago circles,etc., etc.
So Yeah- He'll make a GREAT President- He's ALREADY shown such GREAT Character, and GREAT Judgement.