the cracks are starting to appear

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
bo promised to accept public funding from the government and thereby limit his acceptance of other funds

now he is projected to raise three times the amount that mcsame will who has vowed and is limiting his campaign

this is not good

i think that he wants to defeat mcsame in traditional republican strongholds to simply roll over the dude for a mandate via a landslide victory...but at what cost

mind that i am not opposed to this, but think he should continue his more traditional funding sources, for him that is

you can bet that the big money people know who is going to win in nov and will back his campaign more than they back mcsame's

but then the big money people always hedge their bets by contributing to both sides...
for years Republicans have had the advantage in that their contributors gave to them and then maxed out contributions to the National party. Every single person that donates to either Obama or McCain is limited to 2,300 dollars. So if you are William Gates or Billy Busdriver you can only give the individual campaigns 2,300 dollar. This election cycle more individuals are giving to Obama so McCain has decided that he is going to hold him to his pledge to LIMIT himself to public financing because it is the ONLY way that McCain can really keep this close. If not Obama is going to be able to buy much more airspace for commercials, which doesn't mean much in June, but Come October cash is going to be in short supply in McCain's camp. Dems have played this game for so long that every single one of them thinks they should make the money pledge way before they have any idea whether it is a good idea or not. The worm has turned, republicans are getting far less in donations. Dems just never thought they would see this day. COme to think of it, never did Republicans.
The other difference of course ist hat Obama gets to use left over primary money in the general election where McCain cannot.

One thing you should know is that republicans will start whining only when you beat them at their own game. Only when you make them feel extreme pain, by resorting to the tactics they have used for years, is it possible for you to force them to contemplate rethinking the positions on fairness; e.g. publically financed campaigns.

Think about it. Republicans have used Lee Atwater/Karl Rove/Swiftboat tactics to win elections for years. But, the minute Democrats even begin to get in the trenches and fight dirty, the little crybaby GOP boys will cry foul and whine about how mean the Dems are. Liberals endured being called traitors and saddam lovers for years, but the minute you post a photo of a wounded solider a Bush lover will cry foul and announce they are leaving the message board.

We're dealing with cry baby bullys here.

The only way to get dirty money out of elections, and make the republicans contemplate running clean campaigns is to make them feel pain by beating them at their own game. They're weak. They will cave in an instant, when you kick them in the balls for once.
Obama would have been a fool to take public funding now .. and McCain has said he would take it .. then flipped and said he wouldn't and started spending beyond the limits .. then flipped and said he would but only after Obama said he wouldn't.

In the end, voters aren't going to care about it and Obama did the right thing.
bo promised to accept public funding from the government and thereby limit his acceptance of other funds

now he is projected to raise three times the amount that mcsame will who has vowed and is limiting his campaign

this is not good

i think that he wants to defeat mcsame in traditional republican strongholds to simply roll over the dude for a mandate via a landslide victory...but at what cost

mind that i am not opposed to this, but think he should continue his more traditional funding sources, for him that is

you can bet that the big money people know who is going to win in nov and will back his campaign more than they back mcsame's

but then the big money people always hedge their bets by contributing to both sides...

Obama gets the majority of his money from small time donors. Plus, there is a 2000 dollar cap limit per person. So the "big money" people can give him 2000 if they want.

One thing you should know is that republicans will start whining only when you beat them at their own game. Only when you make them feel extreme pain, by resorting to the tactics they have used for years, is it possible for you to force them to contemplate rethinking the positions on fairness; e.g. publically financed campaigns.

Think about it. Republicans have used Lee Atwater/Karl Rove/Swiftboat tactics to win elections for years. But, the minute Democrats even begin to get in the trenches and fight dirty, the little crybaby GOP boys will cry foul and whine about how mean the Dems are. Liberals endured being called traitors and saddam lovers for years, but the minute you post a photo of a wounded solider a Bush lover will cry foul and announce they are leaving the message board.

We're dealing with cry baby bullys here.

The only way to get dirty money out of elections, and make the republicans contemplate running clean campaigns is to make them feel pain by beating them at their own game. They're weak. They will cave in an instant, when you kick them in the balls for once.


mea culpa

i forgot about the 527s - seems the public funding law has too many loopholes that the reps like to exploit