The crisis of Israeli society

Alik Bahshi

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Alik Bakhshi

The crisis of Israeli society

"The moral choice turns out to be
the most pragmatic"

A. Sakharov

From the first day, the construction of the State of Israel proceeded according to Ben Gurion’s slogan “it doesn’t matter what the goyim say, it’s what the Jews do that matters.” These words contain some trouble from a moral point of view, and if we consider that the goyim, according to the Jewish concept, are representatives of all other peoples, then there is an antagonism between the Jews and the rest of Humanity. How can one not remember the often heard “no one loves us.” Of course, the reason for the antagonism is not the creation of the state of Israel; it arose a long time ago and lies in a completely different area. (1) Demanding love is immoral! And accusing ICC Prosecutor General Karim Khan of anti-Semitism, who submitted a request for an arrest warrant for Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Galant for war crimes, is not tactful, because the warrant is also being requested for more than three Hamas leaders.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, accompanied by terrorist attacks and wars, has been going on for 75 years, and in my opinion, the fault lies with the UN in its fatal haste in making a decision on the creation of two states in Palestine. This fatal mistake was a tragedy for both Arabs and Jews. First, it was necessary to carry out explanatory work with the local population, introduce observers and international forces to the intended division border. Then it would be possible to avoid the forced eviction of Arabs not only from the territory intended for the Jewish state, but also from cities such as Jaffa and Acre, which, according to the UN map, are actually part of the Arab state, and, as a result, there would be no problem Palestinian refugees scattered throughout the surrounding countries.
Israel, in the territory intended for an Arab state, is pursuing a settlement policy, as a result of which almost nothing remains of this territory.


The Palestinians themselves live in apartheid conditions behind a concrete wall and barbed wire with the right to work on construction sites and plantations in Israel with special passes. True, during the tenure of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, reconciliation of the parties almost took place, but all efforts ended with the murder of Rabin at the hands of a Jewish terrorist (2). It is important to note here that this murder, to be honest, was received with the tacit approval of the majority of the Israeli public, in whose minds the very idea of a state for the Palestinian Arabs is absent. Moreover, the myth of the inability of the Palestinian Arabs, unlike the Arabs of other countries, to create their own state is firmly entrenched in the minds of Israelis. (3) Hence it is clear why Netanyahu does not have a plan for the post-military structure of Palestine. The fact is that Netanyahu is between two fires. On the one hand, Biden, who expressed his opinion on the state of Palestine as the only possible option for establishing peace, on the other hand, the population of Israel has a completely opposite opinion. Netanyahu, who is accustomed to power and cannot imagine himself in any other form, is, it seems to me, ready for any option just to remain in his post. However, at this historical moment, with all his resourcefulness, he cannot escape the answer and is obliged, as the head of state, to have a clear plan, otherwise it is not clear why Israeli soldiers are dying every day, if everything turns out to be the creation of a Palestinian state, which has been directed against all these years Israeli politics.
And yet, to see Netanyahu alone as being to blame for what happened is absurd. Where has Israeli society been all these years? In the end, elections to the Knesset are held fairly and look for blame in yourself, and not in the representatives of the people elected to power, who embodied the aspirations of Israeli society. In the article “When Conscience is Silent,” I warned that it would be a mistake if Netanyahu was in power (4), but what happened happened. It may well be that Netanyahu understood how it would all end, but the example of Rabin, who ignored the opinion of Israeli society, clearly did not suit him, as a person far from moral principles.

Today Ben Gurion's thesis does not work. We have to take into account the opinion of the world community, which, through the UN, gave the Jews the right to create their own state. At the same time, Israeli society accuses the UN of being biased towards the Jewish state.
The combination of political pragmatism and morality ultimately did not result in eclecticism and led to a crisis, which could initially have been foreseen if we take into account Sakharov’s prescient words about pragmatism and morality.

1. People's fate or every cricket has its own nest.
2. On the question of who killed Rabin. Israel. Our country. 04.12.96.
3. The main myth of the state of Israel.
4. When Conscience is silent.

And yet the Arab world is made up of created states such as the "Palestinians" who act like stone age savages

And yet the Arab world is made up of created states such as the "Palestinians" who act like stone age savages
Isn't Israel a created state? The day of the creation of the State of Israel is celebrated with a holiday that is held every year in Israel. It is a fact!