The cult of Osama........I mean obama....!!!!


I dare you to stop us GL

"***COMING TOMORROW!!! THE CULT OF OBAMA!!! Revival has broken out across the Land as millions are following the newest "messiah of false hope, " B. Hussein Obama. Don't miss this important message on the latest "savior" and why true followers of Christ can't say "Yes we can," but have to say, "NO WE WON'T!!!""

I sure can't wait for Lord keller to expose Obama as a terrorist/SATAN!!!

I hope that he admits that it's him who is telling people that Obama bin laden is a muslim.
Your reference to B. Hussein Obama is a total rip-off of my B. Hussein O.
Yeah, I'm sure he's been online searching for your posts just waiting to jump on that one...


Seriously, I don't think the guy has enough imagination to come up with it himself!

How about "Obamination!" As in He's an Obamination!... Think he'll see it and rip it off now?