The day we fought for freedom

and the libs have been trying to destory it ever since..

April 19, 1775
The American Revolution begins

At about 5 a.m., 700 British troops, on a mission to capture Patriot leaders and seize a Patriot arsenal, march into Lexington to find 77 armed minutemen under Captain John Parker waiting for them on the town's common green. British Major John Pitcairn ordered the outnumbered Patriots to disperse, and after a moment's hesitation the Americans began to drift off the green. Suddenly, the "shot heard around the world" was fired from an undetermined gun, and a cloud of musket smoke soon covered the green. When the brief Battle of Lexington ended, eight Americans lay dead or dying and 10 others were wounded. Only one British soldier was injured, but the American Revolution had begun.

By 1775, tensions between the American colonies and the British government approached the breaking point, especially in Massachusetts, where Patriot leaders formed a shadow revolutionary government and trained militias to prepare for armed conflict with the British troops occupying Boston. In the spring of 1775, General Thomas Gage, the British governor of Massachusetts, received instructions from England to seize all stores of weapons and gunpowder accessible to the American insurgents. On April 18, he ordered British troops to march against the Patriot arsenal at Concord and capture Patriot leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock, known to be hiding at Lexington.

The Boston Patriots had been preparing for such a military action by the British for some time, and upon learning of the British plan, Patriots Paul Revere and William Dawes were ordered to set out to rouse the militiamen and warn Adams and Hancock. When the British troops arrived at Lexington, Adams, Hancock, and Revere had already fled to Philadelphia, and a group of militiamen were waiting. The Patriots were routed within minutes, but warfare had begun, leading to calls to arms across the Massachusetts countryside.

When the British troops reached Concord at about 7 a.m., they found themselves encircled by hundreds of armed Patriots. They managed to destroy the military supplies the Americans had collected but were soon advanced against by a gang of minutemen, who inflicted numerous casualties. Lieutenant Colonel Frances Smith, the overall commander of the British force, ordered his men to return to Boston without directly engaging the Americans. As the British retraced their 16-mile journey, their lines were constantly beset by Patriot marksmen firing at them Indian-style from behind trees, rocks, and stone walls. At Lexington, Captain Parker's militia had its revenge, killing several British soldiers as the Red Coats hastily marched through his town. By the time the British finally reached the safety of Boston, nearly 300 British soldiers had been killed, wounded, or were missing in action. The Patriots suffered fewer than 100 casualties.

The battles of Lexington and Concord were the first battles of the American Revolution, a conflict that would escalate from a colonial uprising into a world war that, seven years later, would give birth to the independent United States of America.
So why are you not killing people now because they wont let you have a machine gun and a rocket launcher?
WHY would the "libs" try to destroy that story?

The patriots were the liberals of the day...John Locke's ideas on liberalism greatly influenced the political minds behind the revolution. The loyalists or Tories who remained loyal to the British Crown were holders of royally appointed offices, Anglican clergymen and many wealthy landowners and people intrinsically adverse to change...translation: conservatives.
WHY would the "libs" try to destroy that story?

The patriots were the liberals of the day...John Locke's ideas on liberalism greatly influenced the political minds behind the revolution. The loyalists or Tories who remained loyal to the British Crown were holders of royally appointed offices, Anglican clergymen and many wealthy landowners and people intrinsically adverse to change...translation: conservatives.

let me rephrase then and just use 'modern liberals'. You are right, of course, for the founders and framers were indeed classic liberals and should be honored for that viewpoint.
It proves your logic wrong is why you wont answer.

Talking revolution is treason when you have no real protecting of the constitution but a politcal aim of your own.

The Scotus desides how we interpret the constitution, not you.
It proves your logic wrong is why you wont answer.

Talking revolution is treason when you have no real protecting of the constitution but a politcal aim of your own.

The Scotus desides how we interpret the constitution, not you.

who wrote the constitution? when you can answer that CORRECTLY, you'll have your answer of who interprets it.
The same people who intended us be our own government.

We are the government.

of, by, and for. so if those elected or appointed(in the case of judges), when an obviously unconstitutional ruling is rendered, we the people get to do one of three things, ignore it, invalidate it, or change it.
of, by, and for. so if those elected or appointed(in the case of judges), when an obviously unconstitutional ruling is rendered, we the people get to do one of three things, ignore it, invalidate it, or change it.

You dont get to deside what is constitutional or not.

The scotus does that.

YOu can claim in your crazy assed rant that you are the "desider" but that does not make you the "desider".

I can claim it means anything I want but if I then kill people for MY interpitation does that mean I am defending the constitution? NO!

That would mean the person who kills people in the name of HIS kown personal interpitation is a fucking nut bag traitor.

Its the task of teh supreme court to determine if the laws we pass are in line with the constitution. Thats the way the US is designed. You can hate the founders for that one but what good is that?
You dont get to deside what is constitutional or not.

The scotus does that.

YOu can claim in your crazy assed rant that you are the "desider" but that does not make you the "desider".

I can claim it means anything I want but if I then kill people for MY interpitation does that mean I am defending the constitution? NO!

That would mean the person who kills people in the name of HIS kown personal interpitation is a fucking nut bag traitor.

Its the task of teh supreme court to determine if the laws we pass are in line with the constitution. Thats the way the US is designed. You can hate the founders for that one but what good is that?

how many times must you get spanked for not understanding the constitution?
so you are suggesting you can take up arms and kill your fellow Americans because you are the final arbitor of what the constitution says?
so you are suggesting you can take up arms and kill your fellow Americans because you are the final arbitor of what the constitution says?

no and never did I say such a thing. I am the final arbiter of what the constitution says, as are you, as is wm, grind, all americans. remember, we the people wrote that document, not the executive branch, not the congress, not the courts. WE did.

Now, if the government comes after me in violation of my constitutional rights, all bets are off. If an unconstitutional law is passed and the courts fail to invalidate it, i'll ignore it. If the government comes after me with force, then they'll be met with force. If there are americans pushing for this unconstitutional pursuit of whatever, then they do indeed become legitimate targets.

If you wonder how I can think something like that, consider what your beloved Pres Clinton did during the serbian conflicts.
just putting the gun controllers on notice.

come for my guns, expect them bullets first.

If the scotus says you can not have armour priecing bullets and you keep them theyou are a criminal and have defied the constitution of our country.

That is the way the government is set up.

If you dont like it you can take your bullets and move but you can not kill your fellow Americans for it.