The Democracy Illusion


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Americans are constantly told we must fight for democracy.

Leading up to elections, politicians extol the democratically-expressed wisdom of the electorate they hope to represent (that those elected often then ignore or overturn).

We are told that the American Revolution was for democracy; that people have died for our democratic right to vote; that each vote was crucial; that if you don’t vote, you don’t care about America; and so on.

We even hear proposals to replace the Electoral College because it isn’t democratic enough.

Such rhetoric ignores the fact that democracy can destroy liberty as well as preserve it.

For a minor example, ask yourself this: “Would I have more or less liberty if a majority vote installed a government that decides what I can or cannot say, see, or hear?”

More to the point, ask yourself, “Would I have more or less liberty if that was how my healthcare decisions were made for me, or how my continued prospects of employment were determined?”

Currently, the “democratic” equals “I approve” approach has turned into a cottage industry about how America and the world face massive threats to our democracy.

Good examples are bungling Biden’s statement that “Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to defend it, fight for it, strengthen it, renew it,” and his “Summit on Democracy” (ignoring the irony of how many things his regime has imposed or tried to impose against the wishes of many Americans).

It is also illustrated by a Google search that turned up over 4.5 million hits for “threat to democracy.”

Unfortunately, while democratically determining who will be entrusted with the reins of government may generally be the best hope to enable governments to change without bloodshed, democracy is not America’s core.

Liberty is.

In my opinion, it is either "townhall" or "brietfart," although the way that fluff reads, it could just as easily be something "copy and pasted" off of some whacked out right wing website as the Boogaloo Boys'
Democracy is rapidly dying in America because Americans refuse to fight for it is the first thing.

Democracy and Democracies are all around the world in rapid retreat is the second thing.

Ukraine was never a democracy and wont be for at least generations is the third thing.
Democracy is rapidly dying in America because Americans refuse to fight for it is the first thing.

Democracy and Democracies are all around the world in rapid retreat is the second thing.

Ukraine was never a democracy and wont be for at least generations is the third thing.

Fourth thing,go over and kiss Top's ass!Boy toy!
In my opinion, it is about equal protection of the laws to achieve better results under our form of capitalism.

You understand that the proper term for capitalism is just market liberalism? Liberalism, broadly, is the philosophy that promotes liberty under the law. One of the great products of the modern age, which is still alive, 72 years into the postmodern age.
I do what I do, U do what U do....that is just the way it has to be.

If this is a problem for U then kindly go fuck yourself.
Democracy, from America’s founding on, has been important only insofar as it served and defended liberty.

You cannot take seriously our founders’ words without coming to that conclusion (e.g., George Washington’s statement that “Your union ought to be considered as a main prop to your liberty; the love of the one ought to endear you to the preservation of the other”).

It is why we have the Constitution, and particularly the Bill of Rights.

If whatever the majority decided “democratically” at any given time were always to be law, there would be no purpose in restrictions that explicitly put certain rights against government impositions beyond majority determination.

It is also why Alexis de Tocqueville wrote that liberty, not democracy, was the central reason for our country’s greatness.

Today, however, many fail to recognize liberty’s primacy over democracy, and the lessons history teaches us about losing liberty despite, or sometimes because of, democracy.

That makes it important to refocus attention on that central issue that gets so little attention in policy discussions.

Americans are constantly told we must fight for democracy.

Leading up to elections, politicians extol the democratically-expressed wisdom of the electorate they hope to represent (that those elected often then ignore or overturn).

We are told that the American Revolution was for democracy; that people have died for our democratic right to vote; that each vote was crucial; that if you don’t vote, you don’t care about America; and so on.

We even hear proposals to replace the Electoral College because it isn’t democratic enough.

Such rhetoric ignores the fact that democracy can destroy liberty as well as preserve it.

For a minor example, ask yourself this: “Would I have more or less liberty if a majority vote installed a government that decides what I can or cannot say, see, or hear?”

More to the point, ask yourself, “Would I have more or less liberty if that was how my healthcare decisions were made for me, or how my continued prospects of employment were determined?”

Currently, the “democratic” equals “I approve” approach has turned into a cottage industry about how America and the world face massive threats to our democracy.

Good examples are bungling Biden’s statement that “Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to defend it, fight for it, strengthen it, renew it,” and his “Summit on Democracy” (ignoring the irony of how many things his regime has imposed or tried to impose against the wishes of many Americans).

It is also illustrated by a Google search that turned up over 4.5 million hits for “threat to democracy.”

Unfortunately, while democratically determining who will be entrusted with the reins of government may generally be the best hope to enable governments to change without bloodshed, democracy is not America’s core.

Liberty is.


This is why it's important to express repeatedly, over and over, again and again, that we're a constitutional republic with many elected people in the government, not a pure democracy and that why the bill of rights is so key.

Our founding persons were brilliant.

The totalitarian left hates this fundamental truth of our nation.

Americans are constantly told we must fight for democracy.

Leading up to elections, politicians extol the democratically-expressed wisdom of the electorate they hope to represent (that those elected often then ignore or overturn).

We are told that the American Revolution was for democracy; that people have died for our democratic right to vote; that each vote was crucial; that if you don’t vote, you don’t care about America; and so on.

We even hear proposals to replace the Electoral College because it isn’t democratic enough.

Such rhetoric ignores the fact that democracy can destroy liberty as well as preserve it.

For a minor example, ask yourself this: “Would I have more or less liberty if a majority vote installed a government that decides what I can or cannot say, see, or hear?”

More to the point, ask yourself, “Would I have more or less liberty if that was how my healthcare decisions were made for me, or how my continued prospects of employment were determined?”

Currently, the “democratic” equals “I approve” approach has turned into a cottage industry about how America and the world face massive threats to our democracy.

Good examples are bungling Biden’s statement that “Democracy doesn’t happen by accident. We have to defend it, fight for it, strengthen it, renew it,” and his “Summit on Democracy” (ignoring the irony of how many things his regime has imposed or tried to impose against the wishes of many Americans).

It is also illustrated by a Google search that turned up over 4.5 million hits for “threat to democracy.”

Unfortunately, while democratically determining who will be entrusted with the reins of government may generally be the best hope to enable governments to change without bloodshed, democracy is not America’s core.

Liberty is.


RT couldn’t have put it any better, probably did, why “”copy” left off the source, Vladimir thanks you for his continuous support
This is why it's important to express repeatedly, over and over, again and again, that we're a constitutional republic with many elected people in the government, not a pure democracy and that why the bill of rights is so key.

Our founding persons were brilliant.

The totalitarian left hates this fundamental truth of our nation.

We are a Democratic Republic, we elect our leaders democratically to serve in a Republican form of Government as established by the Constitution, this semantically game with what we are is inane
We are a Democratic Republic, we elect our leaders democratically to serve in a Republican form of Government as established by the Constitution, this semantically game with what we are is inane

with a constitution. it's more accurately called a constitutional republic. and yes, we have some elected positions.

already you're trying to do your deceptive anti constitutional shit.

thanks for proving my point, dippy.
with a constitution. it's more accurately called a constitutional republic. and yes, we have some elected positions. already you're trying to do your deceptive anti constitutional shit. thanks for proving my point, dippy.

Poor Anchovies.