The Department of Hypocrisy

Truth Detector

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Democrats are everything they accuse Trump and Republicans of. More proof follows:

The Department of Hypocrisy

Attorney General Merrick Garland, media personality Steve Bannon, and former Trump White House official Peter Navarro all have one thing in common: They have each defied congressional subpoenas.

To defy a subpoena is a serious matter. It can lead to contempt charges, fines, and even jail time. But to date, only Navarro and soon Bannon have faced any consequences for it. Even more notably, it was Garland’s Justice Department that prosecuted both men.

But when Congress issued a subpoena demanding that Garland turn over the audio recording of an interview that former special counsel Robert Hur conducted with President Joe Biden, the attorney general in stunningly hypocritically fashion told the nation’s legislative body to get lost and called the inquiry illegitimate.

“We have gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that the committees get responses to their legitimate requests, but this is not one,” Garland said last month. “To the contrary, this is one that would harm our ability in the future to successfully pursue sensitive investigations.”

The defiance of this lawful subpoena prompted the House Judiciary Committee to initiate contempt proceedings against the attorney general. But a defiant Garland said he will “not be intimidated” by the contempt threat.

“I view contempt as a serious matter,” Garland said at a House Judiciary Committee hearing. “But I will not jeopardize the ability of our prosecutors and agents to do their jobs effectively in future investigations.”

Garland may consider contempt and the defiance of subpoenas to be a serious matter, but his actions tell an entirely different story and reek of hypocrisy. Not only has Garland defied subpoenas himself while prosecuting Bannon and Navarro, but he has actively abetted subpoena defiance from other Department of Justice officials who received congressional subpoenas.

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In April, the DOJ defended two of its tax attorneys, Mark Daly and Jack Morgan, before a federal judge, arguing that their defiance of a subpoena by the House Judiciary Committee investigating Hunter Biden was entirely justified. The judge, Ana Reyes, who was appointed to the bench by Joe Biden, was having none of it.

“There’s a person in jail right now because you all brought a criminal lawsuit against him because he did not appear for a House subpoena,” she said, referring to Navarro. “I find it rich that you pursue criminal action and put people in jail for defying congressional subpoenas, then [defy subpoenas] here.”
The Department of Justice’s hypocrisy is rich indeed. Garland has established a standard that grants the department the sole authority to determine which subpoenas are legitimate and whether a person is entitled to defy a subpoena or not. In practice, it means that there is one set of rules that apply to Justice Department officials and another set of rules for everyone else.

That is not a practice that equates to equal justice under the law. All it does is bolster concerns that the DOJ has abandoned its traditional commitment to blind justice in favor of partisan prosecutions.

Under Garland, the Department of Justice may as well be renamed the Department of Hypocrisy.
Garland should be locked up.

He will be fired after Trump's second inauguration. I expect there will be a lot of records destroyed in the interim between the election and inauguration. That's how third world banana republic politicians on the left operate.