The DICK; Cheney: Predicting ISIS - 1994

March 4, 2003 - "The Army Chief Of Staff, Gen. Eric Shinseki, told Congress last week that stabilizing Iraq, after a war is won might require as many forces as deposing Saddam.

A couple of days later, the department’s top two civilians challenged his logic, with Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz pointedly calling Gen. Shinseki’s estimates “way too high.” Who is right? And who should be making such calls, the nation’s top military brass or its civilian leaders?"

June 12, 2003 - "Gen. Eric K. Shinseki, the Army chief of staff who pushed his tradition-bound service on a difficult path toward transformation, retired today, warning against arrogance in leadership.

General Shinseki's four-year term was marked by clashes with the Pentagon's civilian leadership over weapons systems and troop strength, and he did not mention Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld in his parting remarks. The defense secretary did not attend the ceremony because he was traveling in Europe en route to a NATO meeting.

''You must love those you lead before you can be an effective leader,'' he said. ''You can certainly command without that sense of commitment, but you cannot lead without it. And without leadership, command is a hollow experience, a vacuum often filled with mistrust and arrogance.''

June 16, 2015 - "A year after declaring his caliphate, it is clear that the secret of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's success is the army and state he has built from the remnants of Saddam Hussein's military, and the allegiance he has won or coerced from alienated Sunni Muslims in Iraq, Syria, and beyond."
