The difference between philosophy and religion. And why philosophy is superior.


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I am persuaded by Bernard Williams’ view that philosophy is an attempt “to make the best sense of our life, and so of our intellectual activities, in the situation in which we find ourselves”.

Human affairs. Not Divine commandments.
I agree in principle that philosophy is more intellectually satisfying. But the distinction between the two is largely European. The Eastern intellectual tradition doesn't generally draw a bright red dividing line between philosophy and religion.
I agree in principle that philosophy is more intellectually satisfying. But the distinction between the two is largely European. The Eastern intellectual tradition doesn't generally draw a bright red dividing line between philosophy and religion.
The distinction is American. I live in America.
Philosophy is an approach to understanding our lives, the world around us and an attempt to understand our roles in that world. Religion, at least the largest in the world, are an attempt to explain the world around us through fairy tale stories while leveraging fear to influence our behavior.
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So? We got our conception of history from Europe as well. I don't see your point.
The philosophical approach spans the world and spans time.

I didn't realize this thread was only the provincial view of European philosophy. The thread just said "philosophy" period, end of story.
Philosophy is an approach to understanding our lives, the world around us and an attempt to understand our roles in that world. Religion, at least the largest in the world, are an attempt to explain the world around us through fairy tale stories while leveraging fear to influence our behavior.
Philosophy invites us into the inquiry. Religion beats us over the head into submission.
I am persuaded by Bernard Williams’ view that philosophy is an attempt “to make the best sense of our life, and so of our intellectual activities, in the situation in which we find ourselves”.

Human affairs. Not Divine commandments.
Philosophy is not a religion. It is not an 'answer to life, the universe, and everything'. It is obvious you have no idea what philosophy even is.
I agree in principle that philosophy is more intellectually satisfying. But the distinction between the two is largely European. The Eastern intellectual tradition doesn't generally draw a bright red dividing line between philosophy and religion.
Philosophy is not religion.
The philosophical approach spans the world and spans time.

I didn't realize this thread was only the provincial view of European philosophy. The thread just said "philosophy" period, end of story.
Philosophy is not a span. Philosophy is not a religion, Sybil.
So what is the difference between religion and philosophy?

All religions are based on some initial circular argument (or Argument of Faith), with arguments extending from that. In Christianity, for example, that initial circular argument is that Christ exists, and He is who He says He is, namely the Son of God. ALL other arguments in Christianity stem from that initial circular argument (which by itself is NOT a fallacy). The Church of No God uses the initial circular argument that there is no god or gods. ALL of it's other arguments stem from that initial circular argument.

Attempting to PROVE a circular argument True or False causes the Circular Argument fallacy. It is not possible to prove any circular argument True or False. This attempt is what a fundamentalist does.

Therefore, a religion is just a circular argument with arguments extending from that. Nothing more. A fundamentalist is one that tries to prove his religion True.

Religions may or may not have a god or gods.

Philosophy is nothing more than a reasoned argument. You must provide your own predicates and your own reasoning to reach your conclusion. You cannot borrow from anybody else. That's all philosophy is. Nothing more.

Democrats are especially unable to think for themselves. They depend on quotes from Google, from Wikipedia, from almost anywhere. In other words, they are letting someone else do their thinking for them. All Democrats here know how to do is cut and paste. They've long lost the ability to think and reason for themselves.

A fair number of conservatives have also lost this ability, but they are closer to recovering than Democrats are.

This simply description of what philosophy is, is what makes it so difficult to master. You literally have to think and reason for yourself.

It is philosophy that defines words like 'science', 'religion', 'real', etc. It is philosophy that gives the reasoning for these definitions.
So what is the difference between religion and philosophy?

All religions are based on some initial circular argument (or Argument of Faith), with arguments extending from that. In Christianity, for example, that initial circular argument is that Christ exists, and He is who He says He is, namely the Son of God. ALL other arguments in Christianity stem from that initial circular argument (which by itself is NOT a fallacy). The Church of No God uses the initial circular argument that there is no god or gods. ALL of it's other arguments stem from that initial circular argument.

Attempting to PROVE a circular argument True or False causes the Circular Argument fallacy. It is not possible to prove any circular argument True or False. This attempt is what a fundamentalist does.

Therefore, a religion is just a circular argument with arguments extending from that. Nothing more. A fundamentalist is one that tries to prove his religion True.

Religions may or may not have a god or gods.

Philosophy is nothing more than a reasoned argument. You must provide your own predicates and your own reasoning to reach your conclusion. You cannot borrow from anybody else. That's all philosophy is. Nothing more.

Democrats are especially unable to think for themselves. They depend on quotes from Google, from Wikipedia, from almost anywhere. In other words, they are letting someone else do their thinking for them. All Democrats here know how to do is cut and paste. They've long lost the ability to think and reason for themselves.

A fair number of conservatives have also lost this ability, but they are closer to recovering than Democrats are.

This simply description of what philosophy is, is what makes it so difficult to master. You literally have to think and reason for yourself.

It is philosophy that defines words like 'science', 'religion', 'real', etc. It is philosophy that gives the reasoning for these definitions.
did philosophy define "fuckknob"?
The philosophical approach spans the world and spans time.

I didn't realize this thread was only the provincial view of European philosophy. The thread just said "philosophy" period, end of story.
I have no idea what you are talking about.