The Dirty Old Commie Is Taking Advice From A Traitor


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It was the usual climate talk, but what struck me the most was when Bernie Sanders responded to a question about population control. Without hesitation or any sense of self-awareness, Sanders offered up abortion in third world countries as a necessary and legitimate solution to overpopulation.

It was chilling.

Kira Davis: Abortion Is Not a “Gift” To The Black Community
Posted at 1:30 pm on September 5, 2019
by Kira Davis

It should have been just as chilling when John Kerry said it:

But Kerry has gone what in better days would have been universally held to be one bridge too far. In a speech last year to the NARAL Pro-Choice America Dinner, he gave an intellectually suicidal summary of his views.

He began by saying that "there is no overturning of Roe v. Wade." He went on: "There is no outlawing of a procedure necessary to save a woman's life or health." That statement of course begs the question on which the entire Congress and the state legislatures and the Supreme Court have been stalled for years, namely, Is the invocation of "health," if made by the woman alone, conclusive in authorizing abortion? If so, Roe v. Wade, which did not authorize willful third-trimester abortions, stands to be revised as the Roe-Wade-Kerry decision.

Kerry continued: "There (shall be) no more cutbacks on population control efforts around the world."

This endorses abortion Chinese-style. Too many people? Too few abortions.

But the eye-popper was still to come: "We need to honestly and confidently and candidly take this issue out to the country and we need to speak up and be proud of what we stand for."

But Kerry says he personally opposes abortion. Where is he exhibiting his pride in what he stands for? Whom has he counseled against abortion? A nun somewhere, out of earshot?

Crooked thought
William F. Buckley
February 26, 2004

NOTE: Black Americans vote for Roe v. Wade every time they vote for a Democrat. That is why I never understood why black Americans —— and their television mouths —— become so enraged every time a cop kills a black man in self-defense. It never bothers black Americans that Democrats already killed tens of millions of black babies in this country alone with more to come. Also note that importing millions of Third World illegal aliens is exempted from population controls.

Incidentally, overcrowding this country with millions of illegal aliens and the U.N.'s economic immigrants not only increases poverty in this country, it guaranties a never-ending source of poverty stricken peoples.

It will not be long before Democrats promote sterilizing Third World immigrants in order to satisfy the demands of population control and abortion as well as providing a never-ending source of cheap labor.


In one sense, using a few Third World countries as breeding farms for laborers one tick smarter than monkeys and robots flies in the face of population controls and abortion.

Let me close with the late Wangari Maathai (1940 - 2011). She took the prize for stupidity along with her Nobel Peace Prize. (Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reported that the homosexual community was pissed off when the dingbat did not include them in her HIV accusation.)

OSLO, Dec. 9 - Just a day before she is scheduled to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, the Kenyan environmentalist Wangari Maathai tried Thursday to defuse a controversy over reports that she said "evil-minded scientists" in the developed world intentionally created AIDS to decimate the African population.

Dr. Maathai, a 64-year-old biologist, whose Green Belt Movement is credited with planting millions of trees in an attempt to reforest Kenya, said that her recent statements about AIDS and H.I.V., reported in the African press, were taken out of context. She said she had meant only to pose alternative theories about the disease's origin to counter the belief by some Kenyans that AIDS was a curse from God.

Nobel Peace Laureate Seeks to Explain Remarks About AIDS
By Walter Gibbs
Dec. 10, 2004

In any event, Wangari Maathai put her emphasis on black genocide when it belongs on the U.N.’s population control. Democrats/Socialists are equal opportunity butchers —— they will wipe out poor people of every color:

QUESTION: What in hell does planting trees have to do with preventing wars?

When Wangari Maathai won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 she was identified as a “Kenyan ecologist.” I knew what a Kenyan was, but I was not sure what an ecologist did? I soon learned that stopping deforestation was another environmental con job on par with global warming.

NOTE: Wangari Maathai is credited with planting a million trees! Think about the amount of time it would take to plant a million of anything. I doubt if Johnny Appleseed had enough time to spread a million apple tree seeds around let alone plant them.

Environmental wack jobs are one thing, but Wangari should have been moved over to the screwball column when she said the West created HIV in a lab. I do not know if that unproven charge was considered by the Nobel Awards Committee along with human Rights and the evils of deforestation. I do know that if a real scientist made such a statement without proof he or she would be ostracized by fellow scientists.
When is somebody going to ask the dirty old Communist “Why should every taxpayer pay for your religious beliefs?”

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, . . .

Better yet ask every elected Democrat to justify disregarding the First Amendment by paying for abortions with tax dollars?

Global warming has always been a useful camel's nose under the tent for leftist politicians to justify their repulsive policies that won't sell otherwise with voters: ending meat consumption, getting average Joe out of his car and forcing him to ride the union-controlled bus, halting housing construction, you name it.

Bernie Sanders, in response to a question by an earnest, stringy, dried up–looking leftist woman with a Christine Blasey Ford voice at a Democrat climate change town hall, has come up with new one:

READYOFF: Good evening. Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth. I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it’s crucial to face. Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact. Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature of a plan to address climate catastrophe?

SANDERS: Well, Martha, the answer is yes. And the answer has everything to do with the fact that women in the United States of America, by the way, have a right to control their own bodies and make reproductive decisions.

And the Mexico City agreement, which denies American aid to those organizations around the world that are — that allow women to have abortions or even get involved in birth control, to me is totally absurd. So I think, especially in poor countries around the world where women do not necessarily want to have large numbers of babies, and where they can have the opportunity through birth control to control the number of kids they have, it’s something I very, very strongly support.

So let's pay to get rid of those little brown babies — even through abortion — and declare it part of the heroic and virtuous mission of saving the planet.

Margaret Sanger would be so proud of him.

Rather rightly, he was subject to criticism for this kill-'em-off abroad approach:

Liz Wheeler

Imagine being so disgusting that you want to force Americans to pay for abortions to kill brown babies in foreign countries so you don't feel guilty flying private jets & visiting communist nations.

Meet @BernieSanders. He's that disgusting.
10:38 AM - 5 Sep 2019

John Ocasio-Nolte

John Ocasio-Nolte Retweeted Bernie Sanders

You really want to use American tax dollars to control the populations of other countries through abortion...?

Isn't that the plot of a James bond movie?

Are you Blofeld?


Bernie Sanders

Young people deserve a livable future and an economy that works for them, not just billionaires. Join a Bernie 2020 College Tailgate:

Iowa State University: ……


6:58 AM - 5 Sep 2019

S.E. Cupp

Let’s just state for the record: talking about needing “population control” through ABORTION for the sake of CLIMATE is talking about EUGENICS. The fact that @BernieSanders is willing to entertain this vile idea is not only disgusting, it should be disqualifying.

9:24 PM - 4 Sep 2019​

Naturally, the Washington Post is covering for Sanders, saying everybody does it.

And nobody's bringing up that much of the world — from China to Russia to Japan to Mexico to Central America and certainly to western Europe — is in a population death spiral already. Nations such as El Salvador can't actually afford to lose more people, so pushing more abortion on them, far from saving the planet, will probably hasten its demise.

But the Left just can't help itself. Facts are of no consequence. Just get rid of the little brown babies and break up those families. So much for the outrage over family "separations" — these guys don't even like families.

NOTE: Black Americans vote for Roe v. Wade every time they vote for a Democrat. That is why I never understood why black Americans —— and their television mouths —— become so enraged every time a cop kills a black man in self-defense. It never bothers black Americans that Democrats already killed tens of millions of black babies in this country alone with more to come. Also note that importing millions of Third World illegal aliens is exempted from population controls.
It does call to mind how counterproductive the idea is of foisting abortion on other countries.

But what it really goes to show is that global warming is the cure-all for every perceived problem by leftists. Can't sell paying for abortions of foreigners to voters in the states as an issue? Simple: Slap a global warming save-the-planet sticker on it, and watch the merchandise move.

Saving the planet is an amazing justification for horrible ideas that can't stand on their own. No wonder Democrats such as Sanders and all socialists are so addicted to it.

September 6, 2019
Bernie Sanders: Kill the babies, save the planet
By Monica Showalter
When is somebody going to ask the dirty old Communist “Why should every taxpayer pay for your religious beliefs?”

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, . . .

Better yet ask every elected Democrat to justify disregarding the First Amendment by paying for abortions with tax dollars?

Global warming has always been a useful camel's nose under the tent for leftist politicians to justify their repulsive policies that won't sell otherwise with voters: ending meat consumption, getting average Joe out of his car and forcing him to ride the union-controlled bus, halting housing construction, you name it.

Bernie Sanders, in response to a question by an earnest, stringy, dried up–looking leftist woman with a Christine Blasey Ford voice at a Democrat climate change town hall, has come up with new one:

READYOFF: Good evening. Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth. I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it’s crucial to face. Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact. Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature of a plan to address climate catastrophe?

SANDERS: Well, Martha, the answer is yes. And the answer has everything to do with the fact that women in the United States of America, by the way, have a right to control their own bodies and make reproductive decisions.

And the Mexico City agreement, which denies American aid to those organizations around the world that are — that allow women to have abortions or even get involved in birth control, to me is totally absurd. So I think, especially in poor countries around the world where women do not necessarily want to have large numbers of babies, and where they can have the opportunity through birth control to control the number of kids they have, it’s something I very, very strongly support.

So let's pay to get rid of those little brown babies — even through abortion — and declare it part of the heroic and virtuous mission of saving the planet.

Margaret Sanger would be so proud of him.

Rather rightly, he was subject to criticism for this kill-'em-off abroad approach:

Liz Wheeler

Imagine being so disgusting that you want to force Americans to pay for abortions to kill brown babies in foreign countries so you don't feel guilty flying private jets & visiting communist nations.

Meet @BernieSanders. He's that disgusting.
10:38 AM - 5 Sep 2019

John Ocasio-Nolte

John Ocasio-Nolte Retweeted Bernie Sanders

You really want to use American tax dollars to control the populations of other countries through abortion...?

Isn't that the plot of a James bond movie?

Are you Blofeld?


Bernie Sanders

Young people deserve a livable future and an economy that works for them, not just billionaires. Join a Bernie 2020 College Tailgate:

Iowa State University: ……


6:58 AM - 5 Sep 2019

S.E. Cupp

Let’s just state for the record: talking about needing “population control” through ABORTION for the sake of CLIMATE is talking about EUGENICS. The fact that @BernieSanders is willing to entertain this vile idea is not only disgusting, it should be disqualifying.

9:24 PM - 4 Sep 2019​

Naturally, the Washington Post is covering for Sanders, saying everybody does it.

And nobody's bringing up that much of the world — from China to Russia to Japan to Mexico to Central America and certainly to western Europe — is in a population death spiral already. Nations such as El Salvador can't actually afford to lose more people, so pushing more abortion on them, far from saving the planet, will probably hasten its demise.

But the Left just can't help itself. Facts are of no consequence. Just get rid of the little brown babies and break up those families. So much for the outrage over family "separations" — these guys don't even like families.

It does call to mind how counterproductive the idea is of foisting abortion on other countries.

But what it really goes to show is that global warming is the cure-all for every perceived problem by leftists. Can't sell paying for abortions of foreigners to voters in the states as an issue? Simple: Slap a global warming save-the-planet sticker on it, and watch the merchandise move.

Saving the planet is an amazing justification for horrible ideas that can't stand on their own. No wonder Democrats such as Sanders and all socialists are so addicted to it.

September 6, 2019
Bernie Sanders: Kill the babies, save the planet
By Monica Showalter

It's incredible that some, including some on this site, think that Bernie could beat Trump for the presidency. Just mind-boggling.
It's incredible

To Steven VanderMolen:
Incredible, but no surprise. Parasites will support any form of government that feeds them, and their numbers are increasing. Any increase gives them hope.

The scary part is the number of Russians, Chinese, Cubans, North Koreans, North Vietnamese, etc. who supported everything their leaders did to non-Communists.

American parasites vote for Communists because they truly believe they are on the path to victory. The violence our Communists are engaging in foreshadows worse to come should they win a total victory. One look at every Democrat in Congress and federal bureaucracies tells me they may not be winning, but they sure as hell are not losing.

NOTE: Russians elected a substantial number of Communists to every level of government AFTER THE SOVIET UNION IMPLODED.

that some, including some on this site, think that Bernie could beat Trump for the presidency. Just mind-boggling.

To Steven VanderMolen: Sad to say our Communist parasites are definitely winning “ELECTIONS” in our federal courts. —— If they cannot elect a Communist president defeat the opposition president and his policies in the courts. If that works on Trump it will work on every future non-Communist president.

Attorney General William Barr is calling for an end to nationwide injunctions, which have become recurrent obstacles in the way of President Trump's agenda.

With the frequency of judges' orders blocking the enforcement of federal laws and policies on the rise, Barr's op-ed in the Wall Street Journal escalates the Justice Department's fight to check this facet of the judicial branch's power.

Nationwide injunctions, he wrote, "create an unfair, one-way system in which the democratically accountable government must fend off case after case to put its policy into effect, while those challenging the policy need only find a single sympathetic judge."

Barr alluded to the framers of the Constitution, asserting they never intended the courts to "act as a 'council of revision' with sweeping authority to reach beyond concrete controversies and rule on the legality of actions taken by the political branches."

The rising number of injunctions have affected both Democratic and Republican administrations, but opponents of the Trump administration have accelerated the use of the procedural device. Barr said there were only 20 national injunctions during the eight-year Obama administration, while there have already been roughly 40 in the two-and-a-half years Trump has been in office.

"Shrewd lawyers have learned to 'shop' for a sympathetic judge willing to issue such an injunction," Barr said. "These days, virtually every significant congressional or presidential initiative is enjoined — often within hours — threatening our democratic system and undermining the rule of law."

Last year Barr's predecessor, Jeff Sessions, released a memo to DOJ litigators with guidelines for arguing against the issuance of nationwide injunctions that halt executive branch actions as legal battles play out in the courts.

Among the injunctions handed down in the Trump era include those targeting a travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and restrictions on transgender individuals from serving in the U.S. military.

The "best example" of "harm" caused by these national injunctions, Barr said, relates to the legal fight over Trump trying to scrap the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which offers protections for individuals brought to the U.S. illegally as children, instituted under former President Barack Obama.

Barr said the use of an injunction sabotaged a chance for political compromise.

"Far from solving the problem, the DACA injunction proved catastrophic," he said. "The program’s recipients remain in legal limbo after nearly two years of bitter political division over immigration, including a government shutdown. A humanitarian crisis — including a surge of unaccompanied children — swells at the southern border, while legislative efforts remain frozen pending Supreme Court resolution of the DACA case."

Critics of the Trump administration argue national injunctions as essential to protect people from what they view as illegal acts done unilaterally.

Responding to a speech Barr gave in May railing against federal judges who impose federal injunctions, Rep. Ted Lieu tweeted the Trump administration would not get so many court injunctions "if it didn't engage in so many blatantly unconstitutional actions." The California Democrat added, "You want the Imperial presidency. But you are weakening the presidency with your stupid legal arguments."

The attorney general warned the Democrats' eagerness to embrace injunctions could one day come back to haunt them.

"One can easily imagine the signature policies of a future Democratic administration — say, on climate change, immigration or health care — being stymied by courts for years on end," he said.

Barr ended his op-ed by quoting conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who said in 2018 that nationwide injunctions are “legally and historically dubious" and called on federal courts to consider adjudicating their use.

"It is indeed well past time for our judiciary to re-examine a practice that embitters the political life of the nation, flouts constitutional principles, and stultifies sound judicial administration, all at the cost of public confidence in our institutions," Barr said in conclusion.

AG William Barr demands end to nationwide injunctions empowering lone 'sympathetic' judges
by Daniel Chaitin
September 06, 2019 05:29 PM

To Steven VanderMolen:
Incredible, but no surprise. Parasites will support any form of government that feeds them, and their numbers are increasing. Any increase gives them hope.

The scary part is the number of Russians, Chinese, Cubans, North Koreans, North Vietnamese, etc. who supported everything their leaders did to non-Communists.

American parasites vote for Communists because they truly believe they are on the path to victory. The violence our Communists are engaging in foreshadows worse to come should they win a total victory. One look at every Democrat in Congress and federal bureaucracies tells me they may not be winning, but they sure as hell are not losing.

NOTE: Russians elected a substantial number of Communists to every level of government AFTER THE SOVIET UNION IMPLODED.

To Steven VanderMolen: Sad to say our Communist parasites are definitely winning “ELECTIONS” in our federal courts. —— If they cannot elect a Communist president defeat the opposition president and his policies in the courts. If that works on Trump it will work on every future non-Communist president.

Attorney General William Barr is calling for an end to nationwide injunctions, which have become recurrent obstacles in the way of President Trump's agenda.

With the frequency of judges' orders blocking the enforcement of federal laws and policies on the rise, Barr's op-ed in the Wall Street Journal escalates the Justice Department's fight to check this facet of the judicial branch's power.

Nationwide injunctions, he wrote, "create an unfair, one-way system in which the democratically accountable government must fend off case after case to put its policy into effect, while those challenging the policy need only find a single sympathetic judge."

Barr alluded to the framers of the Constitution, asserting they never intended the courts to "act as a 'council of revision' with sweeping authority to reach beyond concrete controversies and rule on the legality of actions taken by the political branches."

The rising number of injunctions have affected both Democratic and Republican administrations, but opponents of the Trump administration have accelerated the use of the procedural device. Barr said there were only 20 national injunctions during the eight-year Obama administration, while there have already been roughly 40 in the two-and-a-half years Trump has been in office.

"Shrewd lawyers have learned to 'shop' for a sympathetic judge willing to issue such an injunction," Barr said. "These days, virtually every significant congressional or presidential initiative is enjoined — often within hours — threatening our democratic system and undermining the rule of law."

Last year Barr's predecessor, Jeff Sessions, released a memo to DOJ litigators with guidelines for arguing against the issuance of nationwide injunctions that halt executive branch actions as legal battles play out in the courts.

Among the injunctions handed down in the Trump era include those targeting a travel ban on Muslim-majority countries and restrictions on transgender individuals from serving in the U.S. military.

The "best example" of "harm" caused by these national injunctions, Barr said, relates to the legal fight over Trump trying to scrap the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which offers protections for individuals brought to the U.S. illegally as children, instituted under former President Barack Obama.

Barr said the use of an injunction sabotaged a chance for political compromise.

"Far from solving the problem, the DACA injunction proved catastrophic," he said. "The program’s recipients remain in legal limbo after nearly two years of bitter political division over immigration, including a government shutdown. A humanitarian crisis — including a surge of unaccompanied children — swells at the southern border, while legislative efforts remain frozen pending Supreme Court resolution of the DACA case."

Critics of the Trump administration argue national injunctions as essential to protect people from what they view as illegal acts done unilaterally.

Responding to a speech Barr gave in May railing against federal judges who impose federal injunctions, Rep. Ted Lieu tweeted the Trump administration would not get so many court injunctions "if it didn't engage in so many blatantly unconstitutional actions." The California Democrat added, "You want the Imperial presidency. But you are weakening the presidency with your stupid legal arguments."

The attorney general warned the Democrats' eagerness to embrace injunctions could one day come back to haunt them.

"One can easily imagine the signature policies of a future Democratic administration — say, on climate change, immigration or health care — being stymied by courts for years on end," he said.

Barr ended his op-ed by quoting conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who said in 2018 that nationwide injunctions are “legally and historically dubious" and called on federal courts to consider adjudicating their use.

"It is indeed well past time for our judiciary to re-examine a practice that embitters the political life of the nation, flouts constitutional principles, and stultifies sound judicial administration, all at the cost of public confidence in our institutions," Barr said in conclusion.

AG William Barr demands end to nationwide injunctions empowering lone 'sympathetic' judges
by Daniel Chaitin
September 06, 2019 05:29 PM

Thanks for the info. It's interesting that no libs on here have polluted this thread with their usual garbage. At least not YET.
Incidentally, overcrowding this country with millions of illegal aliens and the U.N.'s economic immigrants not only increases poverty in this country, it guaranties a never-ending source of poverty stricken peoples.

It will not be long before Democrats promote sterilizing Third World immigrants in order to satisfy the demands of population control and abortion as well as providing a never-ending source of cheap labor.

Jeez! Maybe I got it all wrong. Democrats are importing a food supply.

MLK’s niece connects black genocide to cannibalism.

Sanders’s proposal, said King, reminded her of the 1973 dystopian science fiction film Soylent Green, in which overpopulation and poverty was addressed through euthanization of the elderly and processing their remains into food.

“In light of the shocking [statements] that we just heard about population control and all of that, cannibalism, many years ago, I watched a movie with Charlton Heston,” recalled King. “It was called Soylent Green, and they were concerned about population growth and all that and the old people were living too long, so they came up with this delicious wafer that they began to feed the public with, and it turns out that Soylent Green was people, the older people, and they were told that they were going to Nirvana… and then they processed them and put them in this little green wafer, and I thought about that when I heard this particular report, and I said, ‘My God, they’re turning us into cannibals.'”

Alveda King: Bernie Sanders' Population Control Will Target Black Communities
By Breitbart
September 7, 2019

NOTE: I wonder if King realizes that the dirty old Commie is offering a choice between dark meat and white meat.

This prediction is number one on Socialism’s wish list:

Swedish scientist suggests cannibalism to combat climate change
Mattea Merta,
44 mins ago 4 min

When I first read about adding human beings to the food chain, I immediately thought cannibalism was a Swedish meatball’s attempt at satire. One look at the hatred in Bernie Sanders’ face:

reminded me that nothing is beyond the pale in the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death.

Listen to Melissa Francis after Carlson’s humorous opening monologue:

Jeez! Maybe I got it all wrong. Democrats are importing a food supply.

MLK’s niece connects black genocide to cannibalism.

Sanders’s proposal, said King, reminded her of the 1973 dystopian science fiction film Soylent Green, in which overpopulation and poverty was addressed through euthanization of the elderly and processing their remains into food.

“In light of the shocking [statements] that we just heard about population control and all of that, cannibalism, many years ago, I watched a movie with Charlton Heston,” recalled King. “It was called Soylent Green, and they were concerned about population growth and all that and the old people were living too long, so they came up with this delicious wafer that they began to feed the public with, and it turns out that Soylent Green was people, the older people, and they were told that they were going to Nirvana… and then they processed them and put them in this little green wafer, and I thought about that when I heard this particular report, and I said, ‘My God, they’re turning us into cannibals.'”

Alveda King: Bernie Sanders' Population Control Will Target Black Communities
By Breitbart
September 7, 2019

NOTE: I wonder if King realizes that the dirty old Commie is offering a choice between dark meat and white meat.

This prediction is number one on Socialism’s wish list:

Swedish scientist suggests cannibalism to combat climate change
Mattea Merta,
44 mins ago 4 min

When I first read about adding human beings to the food chain, I immediately thought cannibalism was a Swedish meatball’s attempt at satire. One look at the hatred in Bernie Sanders’ face:

reminded me that nothing is beyond the pale in the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death.

Listen to Melissa Francis after Carlson’s humorous opening monologue:


Soylent Green is PEOPLE! All kidding aside, I've actually read some articles lately where the Left really DOES consider cannibalism to be a possible solution in the future. And it wasn't satire, these people are serious. Also, it's hilarious that the libs on here STILL haven't touched this thread!
That dude is old enough to need nose hair transplants. He's probably only the skin bones and nevous system of himself.

I vote to demand to see Bernie's surgery records.
Soylent Green is PEOPLE! All kidding aside, I've actually read some articles lately where the Left really DOES consider cannibalism to be a possible solution in the future. And it wasn't satire, these people are serious. Also, it's hilarious that the libs on here STILL haven't touched this thread!

Wasnt something like this was it

If you cant be reasonable, what reason is there?

Currently i hear people crying that putin is developing wmd's to wedge for blah blah blah. Putin already has wmd's. You're stupid and should be fired.

What he might not have is enough wmds to make good medicine for the disease of globalists and globalists infect us like cancer. Comunists are slightly more resilient to this cancer or at least the only other group strong enough to pose a check and balance to stop it. The world depends on the animosity between the us and russia for its continued survival.

There's four schools of thought on wmd theory

1. Small arms and drugs. The rifle has killed more people than any of the other teirs of traditional wmd. It is surely a wmd. The only thing from this teir that has killed as many or more people than rifles is drugs. Heroin is the most lethal and destructive wmd of all. You can use it in many ways. It can be an indispensable medicine, it can be tha bars of a honey trapped slave's cage. It can make armies and it can cut them down.

2. Wmd's that destroy everyone and everything. These are a favorite of the lowest class of minds as they have nothing to lose and nothing to hope for. Misandry pederasty and eunuchs cause these people to exist in a state of hopelessness. The power and funds to use these expensive weapons is out of their hands, however.

3. Wmd's that destroy everyone but leave everything else. These are a favorite of 1% globalists as they really only just want the whole place for themselves. You know its true because each and every one of us is the exact same way, dont lie to yourselves, just picture yourself as a little more evil, a little more capable, and a lot more ambitious. These are however(the controllable kind anyway) extremely expencive and out of the hands of even the richest people in the world. They have to honey trap intelegence agencies to bring them enough power over nations that can afford them. The cia is a honey trapped bitch right now, it's obvious what's coming.

4. Wmds that dont kill people but instead kill everything else. These are the rarest and least expencive, sought out only by poets and cannabals. These are most feared by 1% globalists as they fear cannibals most and value everything besides people and higher than the whole of humanity. They dont like the idea of having nothing to inherit from everyone's death.

What is good and evil?

Good is that which corresponds to life. Good is an accurate dose of medicine and it's hard to swallow.

Evil is that which corresponds to death. Evil is a gift so potent you have to play with it till you die from playing with it.

Theres only one universally true absolute ive ever found.
Everything is a poison, it's simply a matter of dosage.

The trick to medicine is to poison a poison at a lower dose than is needed to kill you.

The only cure for globalist's ambition is poisoning its evil intent and threatening their goals.

Psudomonas syrengae glyphosate exotoxin pump.

Remember the people who tried to disarm you of the only medicines you can reach. Are these people really good? Or do they maybe just taste really good. Dont leave your children defenseless and having to beg a cannibal for a gun.

Hey mods, choke on a dick.

And who were the people responsable for forgetting from history the pederastic nature of Catholicism? Who were the people responsible for all the molestation charges. The molesters or the people who infringed free speach to hide them from history? If i broke a rule by pointing out pederastic behavior, so be it.

Technology will continue until any given person will have the power to destroy the whole world. but much sooner than that, till any given nation could. Where do your sanctions go after that? Out the fking window. Now imagine a weapon that can be deployed anywhere in the world anonymously that ends all life on earth. Imagine this weapon is cheap as dirt to develop. Such a weappn would only be needed to be spoken out loud to ensure it was deployed. Dont blame yourself. Blame your parents and all your family before you for bending over to tyranny for so long.

When any given man has that kind of power, what man would ever put up with having to co-exist with pederasts?

Pseudomonas syringae spliced glyphosate exotoxin pump.
Cuz im not liberal or any other kind of partisan hack.

Btw, ive seen bunches of illegals at walmarts. Usually wearing florescent chartreuse to look like seasonal workers.
Because, this next war? Its gonna suck. Its gonna suck forever.

When all the radiation is finally gone, the world will still be dead.
Last edited:

The "pseudomonas syrengae glyphosate exotoxin pump"

Its a world ender that leaves nothing but cannibals behind. I'd bet you monsanto already has a bottle of it sitting on a shelf. It is horrifically simple shit to make.

Direct me to your supporting citation please where they discuss cannibalism. I want to umm speak to my fans....