The [Diversity Equity Inclusion] Apostle's Creed


I believe in Diversity, destroyer of peace on Earth.

I believe in Equity, his perfect son, our Lord, who was conceived by Inclusion, born of the woke Karen. He suffered under Donald Trump, was laughed at, mocked, and was buried. He descended into irrelevance. Selection day he rose again into relevance. He ascended into culture and is parroted alongside Diversity almighty. From there he will come to persecute the MAGA and their king.

I believe in the holy Inclusion, the holy Climate Church, the lawfare of woke, the persecution of justice, the resurrection of rampant crime, and the destruction everlasting. Amen.
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I believe in Diversity, destroyer of peace on Earth.

I believe in Equity, his perfect son, our Lord, who was conceived by Inclusion, born of the woke Karen. He suffered under Donald Trump, was laughed at, mocked, and was buried. He descended into irrelevance. Selection day he rose again into relevance. He ascended into culture and is parroted alongside Diversity almighty. From there he will come to persecute the MAGA and their king.

I believe in the holy Inclusion, the holy Climate Church, the lawfare of woke, the persecution of justice, the resurrection of rampant crime, and the destruction everlasting. Amen.

Very good. Interesting...and creative.

Now ya gotta try it in Latin.
Now ya gotta try it in Latin.

Varietas credite, pacis vastator in terra.

Credo in Aequitatem, Filium suum perfectum Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est ex Inclusione, natus de Kareno experrecto. Sub Donaldo Trump passus, derisus, illusus, sepultus est. descendit ad irreverentiam. Electio hodie resurrexit in congruentia. Ascendit ad culturam et ad diversitatem omnipotentis emittitur. Inde ueniet ad persequendum MAGA et eorum regem.

Credo in sanctam Inclusionem, sanctam Ecclesiam Clima, ius evigilans, persecutionem iustitie, resurrectionem celi criminis, et interitum eternum. Amen.
I believe in Diversity, destroyer of peace on Earth.

I believe in Equity, his perfect son, our Lord, who was conceived by Inclusion, born of the woke Karen. He suffered under Donald Trump, was laughed at, mocked, and was buried. He descended into irrelevance. Selection day he rose again into relevance. He ascended into culture and is parroted alongside Diversity almighty. From there he will come to persecute the MAGA and their king.

I believe in the holy Inclusion, the holy Climate Church, the lawfare of woke, the persecution of justice, the resurrection of rampant crime, and the destruction everlasting. Amen.

I believe in Diversity, destroyer of peace on Earth.

I believe in Equity, his perfect son, our Lord, who was conceived by Inclusion, born of the woke Karen. He suffered under Donald Trump, was laughed at, mocked, and was buried. He descended into irrelevance. Selection day he rose again into relevance. He ascended into culture and is parroted alongside Diversity almighty. From there he will come to persecute the MAGA and their king.

I believe in the holy Inclusion, the holy Climate Church, the lawfare of woke, the persecution of justice, the resurrection of rampant crime, and the destruction everlasting. Amen.

Wow, are all Christians this stupid?!
Wow, are all Christians this stupid?!

On a Bell Curve doubt there are many more than a miniscule percentage of not cross conditioned way beyond therapy "serve the Pope or die" practicing Christiananality pedophilia in their Peter Principle pyramid scheme of suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming escalating survival of the fittest fascists to the fullest multiplicative geometrically creation of "man is God" while forgiving themselves in a mass psychoses of fascism crusade - jihad "death to the infidels" Islamidiotocracy.
Is diversity a problem for you? Don't like to see those other skin tones or people who aren't like you?
You're reminding me of a person I saw who had two bumper stickers on his/her car, literally right next to each other:

#1: "Puck Futin"
#2: some iteration of "Be nice to others"

Apparently liberals don't understand irony...
You're reminding me of a person I saw who had two bumper stickers on his/her car, literally right next to each other:

#1: "Puck Futin"
#2: some iteration of "Be nice to others"

Apparently liberals don't understand irony...

So you think I'm not valuing diversity because I don't like seeing people who have a problem with diversity posting shit?
So you think I'm not valuing diversity because I don't like seeing people who have a problem with diversity posting shit?
My comment was about the irony re: what you consider to be diversity.

So yes, you are further QED that irony is completely lost on liberals.
My comment was about the irony re: what you consider to be diversity. It's only ever about one thing.

So yes, you are further QED that irony is completely lost on liberals.

So if I dislike bigots for being bigots you would say I'm being bigoted against bigots, right? Sure. Fair enough. I find people who have a real problem with diversity are not people whose philosophy I want given representation.
My comment was about the irony re: what you consider to be diversity.

So yes, you are further QED that irony is completely lost on liberals.

Where ya been?

We were having a very interesting and (I think) productive conversation over in the other thread.

Is it your intention to discontinue?
So if I dislike bigots for being bigots you would say I'm being bigoted against bigots, right? Sure. Fair enough.
No. You clearly have no idea what bigotry even is.

I find people who have a real problem with diversity are not people whose philosophy I want given representation.
Once again, the irony in your own description of diversity is eluding you.
No. You clearly have no idea what bigotry even is.

Once again, the irony in your own description of diversity is eluding you.

LOL. I love how you think this is somehow super sharp of you and you have hoisted me on my own pitard.

Doesn't work that way, but thanks for playing. I know it has to feel good to you from time to time to think you are intellectually gifted.