The Divine And Demoniac Natures - Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 16


Hare Krishna Templar
The Supreme Lord said: "Those who possess demoniac qualities and who live whimsically,
without following the regulations of scripture, attain lower births and further material bondage.
But those who possess divine qualities and live regulated lives gradually attain spiritual perfection."

Chapter 16, Verse 1-3
The Supreme Lord said: "Fearlessness, purification of one's existence, cultivation of spiritual
knowledge, charity, self-control, performance of sacrifice, study of the Vedas, austerity and simplicity;
nonviolence, truthfulness, freedom from anger; renunciation, tranquility, aversion to faultfinding,
compassion and freedom from covetousness; gentleness, modesty and steady determination;
vigor, forgiveness, fortitude, cleanliness, freedom from envy and the passion for honor-these
transcendental qualities, O son of Bharata, belong to godly men endowed with divine nature."

Chapter 16, Verse 4
"Arrogance, pride, anger, conceit, harshness and ignorance-these qualities belong to those of demonic nature."

Chapter 16, Verse 5
"The transcendental qualities are conducive to liberation, whereas the demonic qualities make for bondage.
Do not worry, O son of Pandu, for you are born with the divine qualities."

Chapter 16, Verse 6
"In this world there are two kinds of created beings. One is called the divine and the other demonic.
I have already explained to you at length the divine qualities. Now hear from Me of the demoniac."

Chapter 16, Verse 7
"Those who are demoniac do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done.
Neither cleanliness nor proper behavior nor truth is found in them."

Chapter 16, Verse 8
"They say that this world is unreal, that there is no foundation and that there is no God in control.
It is produced of sex desire, and has no cause other than lust."

Chapter 16, Verse 9
"Following such conclusions, the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have
no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world."

Chapter 16, Verse 10
"The demoniac, taking shelter of insatiable lust, pride and false prestige, and being thus
illusioned, are always sworn to unclean work, attracted by the impermanent."

Chapter 16, Verse 11-12
"They believe that to gratify the senses unto the end of life is the prime necessity
of human civilization. Thus there is no end to their anxiety. Being bound by hundreds
and thousands of desires, by lust and anger, they secure money by illegal means for sense gratification."

Chapter 16, Verse 13-15
"The demoniac person thinks: 'So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more
according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more
and more. He is my enemy, and I have killed him; and my other enemy will also be killed.
I am the lord of everything, I am the enjoyer, I am perfect, powerful and happy.
I am the richest man, surrounded by aristocratic relatives. There is none so powerful
and happy as I am. I shall perform sacrifices, I shall give some charity, and thus
I shall rejoice. In this way, such persons are deluded by ignorance.' "

Chapter 16, Verse 16
"Thus perplexed by various anxieties and bound by a network of illusions,
one becomes too strongly attached to sense enjoyment and falls down into hell."

Chapter 16, Verse 17
"Self-complacent and always impudent, deluded by wealth and false prestige,
they sometimes perform sacrifices in name only without following any rules or regulations."

Chapter 16, Verse 18
Bewildered by false ego, strength, pride, lust and anger, the demon becomes envious
of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in his own body and in the bodies of others,
and blasphemes against the real religion.

Chapter 16, Verse 19
"Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by
Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life."

Chapter 16, Verse 20
"Attaining repeated birth amongst the species of demoniac life, such persons can
never approach Me. Gradually they sink down to the most abominable type of existence."

Chapter 16, Verse 21
"There are three gates leading to this hell-lust, anger, and greed. Every sane man
should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul."

Chapter 16, Verse 22
"The man who has escaped these three gates of hell, O son of Kunti, performs acts
conducive to self-realization and thus gradually attains the supreme destination."

Chapter 16, Verse 23
"But he who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims
attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination."

Chapter 16, Verse 24
"One should understand what is duty and what is not duty by the regulations of the
scriptures. Knowing such rules and regulations, one should act so that he may gradually be elevated."
Can ‘Brahman’ be experienced, especially since it is being sought at all times via in-direct and temporal ways?

Orthodox hindu Vedas state:

As stated in the Taittiriya Upanisad (2.9): ". . . brahma puccham pratistha . . ."

1] There is God’s energy known as anna-maya, dependence upon food for existence.
This is a materialistic realization of the Supreme.

2] Then, in prana-maya {after realizing the Supreme Absolute Truth in food, one can realize the Absolute Truth in the living symptoms or life forms.]

3] Then, there is jnana-maya [realization extended beyond the living symptoms to the point of thinking, feeling and willing]

4] Then there is vijnana-maya (Brahman realization) [in which the living entity’s mind and life symptoms are distinguished from the living entity himself.]

5] the next and supreme stage is ananda-maya [realization of the all-blissful nature]

Thus there are five stages of Brahman realization, which are called brahma puccham.

The first three—anna-maya, prana-maya and jnana-maya—involve the fields of activities of the living entities.

Transcendental to all these fields of activities is the Supreme Lord, who is called ananda-maya.

The Vedanta-sutra also describes the Supreme by saying, ananda-mayo ’bhyasat: the Supreme Personality of Godhead is by nature full of joy.

To enjoy His transcendental bliss, He expands into vijnana-maya, prana-maya, jnana-maya and anna-maya.

In the field of activities the living entity is considered to be the enjoyer, and different from him is the ananda-maya.

That means that if the living entity decides to enjoy in dovetailing himself with the ananda-maya, then he becomes perfect.

This is the real picture of the Supreme Lord as the supreme knower of the field, the living entity as the subordinate knower, and the nature of the field of activities.

One has to search for this truth in the Vedanta-sutra, or Brahma-sutra.

It is mentioned here that the codes of the Brahma-sutra are very nicely arranged according to cause and effect, ie:

A] na viyad ashruteh (2.3.2) — the field of activities,
B] natma shruteh (2.3.18) — the living entity, and
C] parat tu tac-chruteh (2.3.40) — the Supreme Lord, the summum bonum of all various entities.

When, by simply quite sitting mantra-meditation one stops paying attention to thoughts and thus withdraws the senses inward toward its center point of origin ---No further stimulai distracts the mind's attention ---that is when the meditator preceives bliss. This Bliss is there from the beginning ---yet the meditator is fully conditioned to be distracted by life's stimulai.

It would seem that intimate moments in bed are comprised with activities that ask the performers to focus there attention to only a single minded goal ---it is an Irony that of all daily activities are not appreciated with the same level of 'delighting in the mercy' of all the facilities because the senses are so dulled by material living.

on the subject of "brahma puccham pratistha" I just found this on the web:

The taithreeya upanishad says about the stages of consciousness in a persons life.

The human and an animal differs in the conscious level, that is the human being has a higher conscious level and the animal has a lesser conscious level. But the human being who has a higher conscious level should not be satisfied with the higher conscious level, because the human being has still higher level of conscious level the BRAHMA BHUTA stage.

The upanishad says it is five kosas or the sheaths which covers the soul, which is called the brahma puccham. The stages are ANNA MAYA, PRANA MAYA,JANANA MAYA,VIJANA MAYA, ANANDA MAYA.Let us analyse the different stages one by one.

The lowest stage is the anna maya.Because the person in this stage is concerned only about the food aspect of life(anna maya).The best examples are the babies, who drink the mother's milk and sleep.

The next higher stage is called na pramaya. In this stage the person is concerned only about his survival (prana-life).The example is our survival in this material world.We go to office, factories, do work etc etc.If a person is concerned only about his survival and earning riches which will not give any tangible solution to the spiritual dimension of life.

The next higher stage of life is janana maya (seeking knowledge). At this the person is religious and believes in God and thinks that the God helps him in his walk of life and tries to gather information about God. But gathering information about God is not the solution unless or otherwise it is dovetailed with the self, Or in other words the relation ship about the living entity.

The three progressive stages of yogic enlightenment:
Brahman, Paramatma, Bhagavan
I) Brahman-Realization, ---the impersonal manifestation of God, nothingness, the field, the void; Brahman is also used as a general reference for God, et al.

II) Paramatma Realization, the presence of god as the nucleus of every inanimate spark and particle of matter and energy in the universe, and also god as present in every animate individual soul as the witnessing 'Supersoul'—hence the word, 'Param (super) atma' (soul)

[ Note: Conscience living beings are capable, by birth-right, of progressing through the following 5 stages of spiritual maturity:
A) anna-maya = recognize the manifest mercy of god as 'food'.
B) prana-maya = recognize god as 'living force in all life forms'.
C) Sankya-maya=recognize god as 'thinking, willing, and feeling'.
D) vigyana-maya= 'mind and ego seen different from the soul'.
E) ananda-maya= 'all-blissful nature' Via prema-bhakti-seva. (loving devotional service to Krishna

III) Bhagavan Realization, God as he is reveal in the Vedas of India—(krsnas tu bhagavan svayam . . . )

"Maya"= the Cosmic Material Energy' recognized as a field of temporary matter and energy in flux, whence, the soul appears, to lord it over as best as can be had. All the whilst identifying with the present body, which was afforded by the fruits of prior acti

living entities = individual souls aka conditioned souls

The 4 defects “flaws of conditioned soul = mistakes; illusioned; cheating; imperfect senses”

Karma & Reincarnation=Karma means, 'action'. All living creatures Eat/sleep/mate/defend---one must rise above the mundane order of life and death. We are all destined to take repeated births in various bodies until we are re-acquainted with The grace of Mukunda (a name for Krishna---the sole Bestower of Liberation from the material ocean of repeated births and deaths—since time immemorial). This is done by approaching the top experts in the world authorized to instruct novices in the science of Bhakti-yoga.

'Sanskrit' alphabet's arrangement=same as established by professional theatre school text books to teach 'International Phonetics' (I.P.A.) so as to teach "Dialects and Accent-Elimination". [note: Professor Higgins in the G.W. Shaw's play, 'My Fair Lady' introduces himself as a professor of Linguistics and a scholar of Sanskrit.]

"Indo-European" languages = Sanskrit's position in this family tree is indicated by the word 'Indo'. [Ed. Surmises that the word ‘Europa’ can equate to the following Sanskrit compound word: ‘Uru-purusa, Uru (vast) + purusa (person)

'Maha-Bharata' = 5000 year old Epic of ancient India describing the court intrigue and culture of Brahminical India during the end of the last [dwarpa yuga] epoch.

'Bhagavad-gita' = after reading the Tao te ching, and the Art of War, and Book of Five Rings, and the Japanese Code of Bushido, the Buddhist Sutras, after life times of monastic contemplation and services to humanity one might read a authorized translation of the 'Bhagavad-gita' as it is; see A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami's edition for this great spiritual 700 versed dialogue translated from the chapter in the Ancient Sanskrit Epic of Antiquity, the 'Maha-Bharata' in its original Devotional Tradition.

Authentic old-school Hinduism has two Schools of Thought,
the Theist—Vaishnava devotee of Krishna (bhagavata school) &
the Impersonalist---the seeker of release from the individual ego and attain refuge and thus merge in the primodial impersonal state of nirvana (sunyavada school). The individual indivisible vector point of the soul is 'active by nature', thus nirvana is not eternal.]

Vegetarianism is all about ‘AHIMSA—non-violence”. Not about our sentiments. Meatless living is all about warding-off bad (ugra-) karma for humans. It’s not about compassion for the animals welfare but about the welfare of children being indoctrinated into a life based on killing inorder to live up to a false standard of ‘living’.

The cow is sacred because = the cow is the quintessentially perfect species for agrarian society—the husband of the cow ‘the bull’ is the best beast of burden for farm life; the cow gives milk, cheese(s), yogurt, butter, curd, ghee, ice cream, whip cream, caramel sweets, medicinal urine, fuel, fertilizer. Oxen, leather.

Polytheism = This is a misnomer. The many Demigods of the Indian religion are actually India's Vedic Literature's claim to have a record of the family tree(s) of the superintendents of cosmic affairs since time immemorial, nay, since the first moment that the ‘present Brahma’(-anda) was exhaled from Maha-Vishnu's Breathing, etc, etc, etc . . .

Common words and concepts in the English lexicon derived from Sanskrit = mantra, yoga, guru, pundit, swami, kundalini, prana, Buddha, Brahma-Bull, sacred cow, bungalow, yoke, Lapsa- apsa, use of spices in cooking, ghee, Indiana, Europe, Juggernaut, ganja, oriental carpets, untouchables, the three Wise Men of Christ's birth, India considered the 'Crown Jewel' of the British Empire of old.

The cover of Jimmy Hendrix's Double Album 'Axis' (sic?) = contains himself and his band members' faces superimposed over that of the multi-faces of 'Visnu's Universal form'---this Universal form is from the Bhagavad-gita.

The very beginning of the child's film "The Muppit Movie" contains Kermit the frog ask, "Have you tried Hare Krishna?"

Charles Dickens’ 19th Century English novel “Oliver Twist” [about the orphan boy named Oliver] starts with the Schoolmaster of the orphan-asylum arriving at the home of the new foster parents, inorder to the retrieve Oliver whose tantrums had made trouble for himself and his newest adopting parents. Upon arriving at the home, the Schoolmaster unlocked the closet whence the boy was arrested by the parent. As he drags the boy back to the orphanage the Schoolmaster scolded the parents thus, “I told you not to feed the boy meat, I told you to feed him porridge”.