The Donald Proves He's A Moron Again With A Half Truth


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Donald Trump tells a half truth then said it was just sarcasm, then said , “well maybe not so much.

The Donald is idiot first class! He accused Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton of being the “Creator Of ISIS.” The statement was only half true. Trump should have included Republicans George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, John McCain, (who Trump just recently endorsed) and Lindsey Graham.

If he had included those 4 Republican war-hawks he would have been correct and accurate and could have rationally argued his case, but the man is an idiot!

George W. Bush destabilized the middle east by attacking Iraq, removing Saddam and signing the SOFA agreement that set a date certain to withdraw America’s forces from Iraq, all of which was instigated by Dick Cheney who controlled Bush like his puppet and all of which established an oped door for Islamic terrorism all over the middle east. Barrack Obama opened the door further for the creation of ISIS by following to the (T) the SOFA that George Bush signed with Iraq. Hillary Clinton armed Libyan rebels with the full knowledge of Obama. She and Obama were instigated and charmed by John McCain and Lindsey Graham into arming those rebels claiming they knew they were pro-American and pro-democracy. Those rebels turned out to be ISIS who instituted the attack on America’s Ambassador and murdered him and four other Americans.

This folks is what a bipartisan collaboration between establishment duopoly dingbats gets you. If Trump bothered to learn the “WHOLE” truth he could have defended his statement and shoved it up the establishment duopoly’s ass. But he’s a moron!
Finally, something that I can half agree with you on, Robo. Obama and Clinton made some mistakes in the middle east that abetted the spread of ISIS. Even the chicken hawks didn't 'create' ISIS, though. That credit goes to the fundamentalist jihadist, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Neither Republican nor Democrat errors were made with intention to create a terrorist group, so any claim by Drumpf or you that they were the 'founders' is simply silly, and by definition, impossible.
Saying it was sarcasm sounds better than I am totally ignorant of history & have proven to be totally wrong...

Blood coming out her whatever.. ha ha ha :palm:

Russia pls hack hillary.. ha ha ha :palm:

Why can't we use nuke ha ha ha :palm:
I actually liked it when Douchebag Donald called Bush a liar and attacked the Iraq War. It was probably the highlight of his primary campaign, as it signifies a change in direction for the GOP.

But, yeah, I don't buy any of his recent "sarcasm."
Finally, something that I can half agree with you on, Robo. Obama and Clinton made some mistakes in the middle east that abetted the spread of ISIS. Even the chicken hawks didn't 'create' ISIS, though. That credit goes to the fundamentalist jihadist, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Neither Republican nor Democrat errors were made with intention to create a terrorist group, so any claim by Drumpf or you that they were the 'founders' is simply silly, and by definition, impossible.

You can argue that they didn't intend to create ISIS, but that's only to ignore "unintended consequences." Trump was also right about Saddam. There was no ISIS or Al-Qaeda running roughshod over Iraq during Saddam. The middle eastern radicals only understand iron fist horror tyrannical governing. Saddam put terrorist and their whole families in wood chippers. He strung them up by their thumbs and tortured them. What the war hawks refuse to accept is the fact that the middle east is the very definition of a hornet's nest. Poke it with the "big stick" and you better be expecting severe unintended consequences.

The only solution I can see now, since our ignorant war hawks have poked the ME with the BIG stick, is for the Congress to officially declare war on "Radical Islamic Terrorism" and go after it with everything we have and reduce it to a foot note. Keep GITMO open and jail the bastards for their lifetimes.
Saying it was sarcasm sounds better than I am totally ignorant of history & have proven to be totally wrong...

Blood coming out her whatever.. ha ha ha :palm:

Russia pls hack hillary.. ha ha ha :palm:

Why can't we use nuke ha ha ha :palm:

The fellow is a moron and his opposition candidate is a felon and pathological liar. Take your choice and vote.:rofl2::cof1:
I actually liked it when Douchebag Donald called Bush a liar and attacked the Iraq War. It was probably the highlight of his primary campaign, as it signifies a change in direction for the GOP.

But, yeah, I don't buy any of his recent "sarcasm."

Trump knows just enough actual history to be dangerous! Clinton knows enough actual history to know when she has the political world by the short hair and she could do what The Donald claimed he could do. She could shoot somebody and her brain-dead supporters would cheer her for it and claim all in the same breath that she didn't do it.
Like so many of Bush's idiotic policies that left the country in a shambles....The Right feels that the day after Obama's first inauguration was the day that all of the problems were now magically Obama's doing.

There is no denying that the country was destroyed by 8 years of a 'guy you'd like to have a beer with'.

Now, they blame the negro, while forcing him to act with both hands tied behind his back.

Revisionist history is alive and well.
Like so many of Bush's idiotic policies that left the country in a shambles....The Right feels that the day after Obama's first inauguration was the day that all of the problems were now magically Obama's doing.

There is no denying that the country was destroyed by 8 years of a 'guy you'd like to have a beer with'.

Now, they blame the negro, while forcing him to act with both hands tied behind his back.

Revisionist history is alive and well.

What do you chalk up to "revisionist history" relative to the fact that Madam Senator Hillary Clinton voted for the Bush war? What "revisionist history" provided the fact that Madam Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton armed Libyan rebels who turned out to be ISIS? Oh wait! I always forget that she's always innocent in lefty-land.

BTW, if the negro President didn't know what she was doing, what then is his legacy? "Incompetent In Chief?"
You can argue that they didn't intend to create ISIS, but that's only to ignore "unintended consequences." Trump was also right about Saddam. There was no ISIS or Al-Qaeda running roughshod over Iraq during Saddam. The middle eastern radicals only understand iron fist horror tyrannical governing. Saddam put terrorist and their whole families in wood chippers. He strung them up by their thumbs and tortured them. What the war hawks refuse to accept is the fact that the middle east is the very definition of a hornet's nest. Poke it with the "big stick" and you better be expecting severe unintended consequences.

The only solution I can see now, since our ignorant war hawks have poked the ME with the BIG stick, is for the Congress to officially declare war on "Radical Islamic Terrorism" and go after it with everything we have and reduce it to a foot note. Keep GITMO open and jail the bastards for their lifetimes.

Okay, now you are back to the bullshit artist that I know you to be. Shut the fuck up about wood chippers and babies thrown out of incubators. Even the liars that started those myths didn't claim that Saddam put "terrorist and their whole families" into either a plastic shredder or a wood chipper. Those total fabrications were the worst part of the gin up to the Iraq war, claiming "See men shredded, then say you don't back war". Today, there is not a creditable source that even tries to back those total fabrications.

Did Saddam rule with an iron fist? Of course. He dropped sarin and mustard gas bombs on the Halabja civilian population, well away from rebel and Iranian army positions, killing many thousands of innocent Kurdish civilians. When captured, Saddam was tried and executed for the Dujail massacre, where 142 were tortured and executed for an attempted assassination plot against the dictator.

Brutal, and even bordering on genocidal, Saddam's massacres were against his political opponents, mainly those who supported Iran during the Iraq/Iran wars. I agree that the Bush chicken hawks poked the hornet's nest. I agree that Obama and Clinton unintentionally created some of the vacuum that allowed ISIS to grow. But please stop with the echo chamber knee-jerk disinformation.

Iraq alone has claimed the lives of over 4,000 US servicemen, over 100,000 Iraqis, and cost this country trillions. Yet, you want to wade into the middle east to achieve a "final solution"? You thought the gin up to the Iraq war was crap, yet you think that we should gear up to take over the entire ME? And then what? The Pottery Barn rule... you break it, you bought it? Do you really want us to rule the entire ME? Do you think Gitmo can house the vast numbers of enemies that we create during such an onslaught? Or, do you think we could murder all of the 'bad guys' and then simply walk away?
Like so many of Bush's idiotic policies that left the country in a shambles....The Right feels that the day after Obama's first inauguration was the day that all of the problems were now magically Obama's doing.

There is no denying that the country was destroyed by 8 years of a 'guy you'd like to have a beer with'.

Now, they blame the negro, while forcing him to act with both hands tied behind his back.

Revisionist history is alive and well.

A lot of blame was heaped on the Carter and the Clinton, and they're not negroes...
Okay, now you are back to the bullshit artist that I know you to be. Shut the fuck up about wood chippers and babies thrown out of incubators.

I’ll shut up when I’m 6 feet under. I don’t take orders from you or anybody. You believe whatever you want! Next you’ll be claiming Saddam was a documented saint. Were there any problems in Iraq with Al-Qaeda or any other terrorist operations? Answer, NO ! That case is closed!

Did Saddam rule with an iron fist? Of course. He dropped sarin and mustard gas bombs on the Halabja civilian population, well away from rebel and Iranian army positions, killing many thousands of innocent Kurdish civilians.

Oh! So that proves Saddam was never, ever the kinda guy to put somebody in a wood-chipper, huh? You’re arguments are laughable.

I agree that Obama and Clinton unintentionally created some of the vacuum that allowed ISIS to grow. But please stop with the echo chamber knee-jerk disinformation.

Where’s the alleged “knee-jerk disinformation?” Do you deny that Hillary Clinton armed Libyan rebels? Hell that’s been known by everybody with an honest bone in their body. Just because major media never made it the front page news it should have been doesn’t make it untrue and a very, very significant and serious reason why major parts of Libya today is controlled by ISIS operators.

Furthermore it’s also known that Benghazi was to be an operational site to transfer American weapons through Turkey and into Syria to back Syrian rebels also promoted and instigated by John McCain and Lindsey Graham who love the incompetent warhawk Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton.

Iraq alone has claimed the lives of over 4,000 US servicemen, over 100,000 Iraqis, and cost this country trillions. Yet, you want to wade into the middle east to achieve a "final solution"? You thought the gin up to the Iraq war was crap, yet you think that we should gear up to take over the entire ME?

Please post my quote proving I ever said any such thing!

What I actually said was “the only solution I can see now is for “THE CONGRESS” to declare an official war on “Radical Islamic Terrorism” and charge the President to prosecute it to the full extent of American power.” Where’s the part about “taking over the entire middle east?”

And then what? The Pottery Barn rule... you break it, you bought it?

For your education and information, IT’S ALREADY BROKE George W. Bush/Dick Cheney with the help of Senator Clinton saw to that unconstitutionally!

Do you really want us to rule the entire ME?

Where did you discover that imaginary simple-minded idea?

Do you think Gitmo can house the vast numbers of enemies that we create during such an onslaught?

Islamic terrorist are not noted for being taken alive, won’t you agree? What’s your imaginary estimate of just how many radical Islamist we’d need to house who didn’t get the chance to martyr themselves and receive their 72 virgins?

Or, do you think we could murder all of the 'bad guys' and then simply walk away?

Killing bad guys in a constitutionally, congressionally declared war isn’t considered “murder” even by most American Democrats. It comes under the heading of “self defense.”

Why couldn’t we withdrawal once radical terrorism is stamped out? The war is “ENDLESS” now, where would the difference be with a constitutionally, congressionally declared war? Oh gee! Maybe just maybe the difference would be if we’d use enough force, the war would be over quickly by all intents and purposes at least for some notable periods of time, huh?