The Dude arrives

The Dude

The Dude son of Dude has found your fountain of political exchange

A little diddy about The Dude

The Dude is inbetween gigs currently
The Dude is not highly motivated as you will see
The Dude not being highly motivated would likely not be welcome by either party
The Dude's goal is to "get the evilness out the act of both extreems"
The Dude will not appeal to limosine liberal or progressives necons or religious rights
The Dude is not rich but has more money than he could work though at his frugal pace.
The Dude burns tree like dad but does not favor the white russian nearly as much as a cheap Cali Cab.
The Dude hates pollution but can't abide by econ wingnuts burnign fossil fuel to chase poor people whaling.
"If you don't like my fire then don't come around, cause I'm about to burn one down".
Peace and love
The Dude Abides just like Dad.
thanks I think Man, I guess chilling is out of the question for ya

go research "project bluebeam" and then try to relax.

SEE how a 3d stratosphere projecter will simulate the end times!

THINK the thoughts projected into your mind by ELF and microwaves!

BE a part of the New Society!

KILL the nonbelievers!
go research "project bluebeam" and then try to relax.

SEE how a 3d stratosphere projecter will simulate the end times!

THINK the thoughts projected into your mind by ELF and microwaves!

BE a part of the New Society!

KILL the nonbelievers!

I'm always game for a light show. Sound, as well, I believe. Considering the price of movie tickets and snacks sitting in the back yard with a cold beer and a steak on the BBQ......I can't think of anything more relaxing. Can you?
I'm always game for a light show. Sound, as well, I believe. Considering the price of movie tickets and snacks sitting in the back yard with a cold beer and a steak on the BBQ......I can't think of anything more relaxing. Can you?

The show's fine. It's the ensuing global theocracy I have a problem with.
Read some of the Topspin post

LOL, The Dude appreciates being compared to a rich MBA boy. But the Dude does not drink the hatoraid.

The Dudes car is slightly better than dad's, but do you realize how much herb the dude can buy with all the trappings topspin seems strapped/married to New car, private hood.
Read some of the Topspin post

LOL, The Dude appreciates being compared to a rich MBA boy. But the Dude does not drink the hatoraid.

The Dudes car is slightly better than dad's, but do you realize how much herb the dude can buy with all the trappings topspin seems strapped/married to New car, private hood.


yes, the son would really bring up his dad's education in such a way....and already said your son has no work and is living with you :pke:

using your son like this....lame troll, but for you, a good attempt
So Topstool is posing as his son now: how lame is that? I noticed he picked up the third person thing, from, of course, The Southern Man. :cof1:
Read some of the Topspin post

LOL, The Dude appreciates being compared to a rich MBA boy. But the Dude does not drink the hatoraid.

The Dudes car is slightly better than dad's, but do you realize how much herb the dude can buy with all the trappings topspin seems strapped/married to New car, private hood.

Let's objectively examine the facts here.

About a weeks ago, Topspin makes a post about 'The Big Lebowski', emphasizing his stoner traits (which, ironically, where not heavily present in the movie).

Topspin posts almost nothing but articles on legalizing marijuana.

You post almost nothing but stuff about marijuana

Topspin has a rapid hatred for anyone and everyone who has ever owned a firearm.

You seem to exhibit a similar position, despite the fact that in 'The Big Lebowski', The Dudes' best friend (Walter) is one of the biggest firearms advocates in the movie.

You both preform fellatio for each other in your topics.

You both make critical spelling mistakes and probably couldn't pass a middle school English exam, based on your posts here.

Yeah, The Dude is Topspin. Which would also explain why I never see them both logged on at the same time, or why Buffalo Soldier (Tops mobile account) hasn't been on recently.