
Verified User
The diehard Dummycrats of this forum like:Biden President (Biden-Banana); Nordberg; Archives; Taichiliberal, and ass-holes like, Foul-Woman, etc; are strangely quiet of late ? They certainly don't seem to have anything to say regarding the probable outcome of the Presidential election on 5th November of this year ??

Goodness me !! ... Why is that, I wonder ?

All I have to say is that the fact Donald Trump will win the November 5th Presidential election in a landslide is POETIC JUSTICE of the FIRST DEGREE !

Actually, those members of the Democrat establishment responsible for the nightmare of devastation and misery that was the 4-year-FUBAR Biden administration - and its impact on America - will not just feel the lash of a POETIC JUSTICE, but they will also find out that BAD DEEDS lead to BAD CONSEQUENCES via KARMA (and they will have but one option...GROVELLING repentance at the foot of TRUMP, or, the muzzle of a revolver !!)

What we CAN say sure is that by the time Donald Trump had won the 2016 Presidential election the Democrat Party has become nothing more than a giant rats' nest of reprobates, liars, deceivers, shysters, confidence tricksters, and cheats. And a STUPID rat's nest, at that; one that had allowed its batshit - crazy extreme left/"progressive" wing to consolidate its power.

The Democrat power-brokers knew that Joe Biden was already clearly displaying the classic symptoms of relatively advanced dementia at the time he became the official Presidential nominee 2020. The Democrats were so arrogant they simply hid "Sleepy Joe" in a basement for 90% of the campaign, so that the American public would be none the wiser. They may have been able to get away with a stunt like this on a short-term basis (if, that is, you believe Biden won the Nov 2020 election fair and and square) but it's simply not the kind of trick that you can pull off with a US President on a long - term basis.

The Democrat machine was no f**king stupid they actually thought that they would be able to get away with having a President of the United States with progressively worsening dementia. They thought that with a willing and complicit MSM in their pocket they could effectively "hide" their mentally incompetent President.

It didn't occur to them that you can't ever get away with "hiding" the leader of the free world - and if the later is afflicted with stage 5 dementia, then no matter what efforts are made to conceal the truth - the truth will out.

And that's exactly what happened -BIG TIME - on the evening of the first Presidential debate. All of America saw that their President was a bumbling, demented boobie. The spectacle Biden made of himself was egregious that he would be splattered if he remained the Democrat's Presidential nominee for the looming Nov 2024 election. Trump would simply "eat him alive" and not spit out the bones.

But the Democrats are so f**cking stupid that they managed to "snooker" themselves. They left it far too late to be able to get rid of Biden, for example, they cannot swap him out at the Democrat Convention, and even if they could, who would propose should be their new Presidential nominee. The Democrats are such a pack of clueless d**kheads, they were unable to grasp the fact that they needed to force Biden to stand down (probably) at some time in 2021, if they were to have any chance of a second term in power.

Anyway, the Democrats are about to get the biggest electoral shellacking in their Party's history - YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY !!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY !!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

And if you ask me there just two words needed to sum up the Democratic Party: STUPID, STUPID, STUPID and CRAZY, CRAZY, CRAZY !!!!

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
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The diehard Dummycrats of this forum like:Biden President (Biden-Banana); Nordberg; Archives; Taichiliberal, and ass-holes like, Foul-Woman, etc; are strangely quiet of late ? They certainly don't seem to have anything to say regarding the probable outcome of the Presidential election on 5th November of this year ??

Goodness me !! ... Why is that, I wonder ?

All I have to say is that the fact Donald Trump will win the November 5th Presidential election in a landslide is POETIC JUSTICE of the FIRST DEGREE !

Actually, those members of the Democrat establishment responsible for the nightmare of devastation and misery that was the 4-year-FUBAR Biden administration - and its impact on America - will not just feel the lash of a POETIC JUSTICE, but they will also find out that BAD DEEDS lead to BAD CONSEQUENCES via KARMA (and they will have but one option...GROVELLING repentance at the foot of TRUMP, or, the muzzle of a revolver !!)

What we CAN say sure is that by the time Donald Trump had won the 2016 Presidential election the Democrat Party has become nothing more than a giant rats' nest of reprobates, liars, deceivers, shysters, confidence tricksters, and cheats. And a STUPID rat's nest, at that; one that had allowed its batshit - crazy extreme left/"progressive" wing to consolidate its power.

The Democrat power-brokers knew that Joe Biden was already clearly displaying the classic symptoms of relatively advanced dementia at the time he became the official Presidential nominee 2020. The Democrats were so arrogant they simply hid "Sleepy Joe" in a basement for 90% of the campaign, so that the American public would be none the wiser. They may have been able to get away with a stunt like this on a short-term basis (if, that is, you believe Biden won the Nov 2020 election fair and and square) but it's simply not the kind of trick that you can pull off with a US President on a long - term basis.

The Democrat machine was no f**king stupid they actually thought that they would be able to get away with having a President of the United States with progressively worsening dementia. They thought that with a willing and complicit MSM in their pocket they could effectively "hide" their mentally incompetent President.

It didn't occur to them that you can't ever get away with "hiding" the leader of the free world - and if the later is afflicted with stage 5 dementia, then no matter what efforts are made to conceal the truth - the truth will out.

And that's exactly what happened -BIG TIME - on the evening of the first Presidential debate. All of America saw that their President was a bumbling, demented boobie. The spectacle Biden made of himself was egregious that he would be splattered if he remained the Democrat's Presidential nominee for the looming Nov 2024 election. Trump would simply "eat him alive" and not spit out the bones.

But the Democrats are so f**cking stupid that they managed to "snooker" themselves. They left it far too late to be able to get rid of Biden, for example, they cannot swap him out at the Democrat Convention, and even if they could, who would propose should be their new Presidential nominee. The Democrats are such a pack of clueless d**kheads, they were unable to grasp the fact that they needed to force Biden to stand down (probably) at some time in 2021, if they were to have any chance of a second term in power.

Anyway, the Democrats are about to get the biggest electoral shellacking in their Party's history - YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY !!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY !!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

And if you ask me there just two words needed to sum up the Democratic Party: STUPID, STUPID, STUPID and CRAZY, CRAZY, CRAZY !!!!

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
You are a lot sicker than I thought. You ought really to seek help from a competent mental health professional.

In any case, I am not a Democrat. But I remember two years ago when the same kind of rhetoric was in fashion.

Didn't happen. In fact, your side came away looking like a bunch of assholes. (Which figures.)

You ought to cool it a bit.
The far left’s cavalier attitude concerning the turnip is now a level 5 hurricane.

They realize that Trump will probably win the presidency.
