The EC will decide Trumps Fate...

Buckly J. Ewer

Racism Whistleblower
A record-breaking number of people have signed a petition asking the Electoral College to reverse the election results

Approximately one month after Donald Trump’s shocking victory, a record-breaking number of people (4.7 million as of today) have signed a petition asking the Electoral College to reverse the election results. It’s not a matter of being sore losers — Hillary Clinton currently leads the popular vote by 2.5 million, and this number is likely to increase because there are still uncounted ballots in California and New York — two of America’s most liberal states.

When the Electoral College was set up, Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. 68 that ...the job of Electors is to stop people with “[t]alents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity” and individuals who would “convulse the community with any extraordinary or violent movements” from becoming president.


Over 200 years ago, it seems like Hamilton predicted that a demagogue like Trump may someday prevail — and, in that case, it’s the Electors’ job to protect the country by keeping him out of The White House.

As the petition states, Electors who cast their ballots for Clinton will preserve the majority rule and prevent the most unqualified candidate in history from moving to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in January.

“Never in our Republic’s 240 years has our President had no previous experience in an office of public trust, be it elected or appointed, civilian or military. Never has a President admitted to sexual assaults. Never has a President encouraged violence at campaign events,” Brezenoff writes. “There is no reason electors cannot vote with their conscience. They are not taking away the majority vote, and are not violating the Constitution.”
There are multiple reasons Electors should vote with their conscience and put their support behind Clinton.
Ain't happening, too radical if you have any hopes of keeping the country from self imploding.

Just got to live with it, face the pitcher coming in, you lived thru Reagan didn't you, besides, think of the entertainment your going to have watching the conservatives and their media defend this guy
Love it. The majority hate the red headed clown. Just goes to prove more Americans don't want him in office. Saw pictures yesterday of 10 individuals that voted for him and why. Talk about fat ass slobs wanting a hand out.
The electoral college will do their job as defined by the constitution...
Trump will never be inaugurated.

No, they won't. Because most don't know what their actual duties are.

Aside from that, those who live in states that can fine "faithless electors" may think twice if they're facing a thousand dollar fine.

Then there's the fact that some states can disqualify and replace a "faithless elector."

And finally, remember that most electors are people who have staunchly supported their party, are very loyal to the party, and in all likelihood were in party leadership positions.

Given how quickly and easily Republicans have bent their knees to sniff Trump's wrinkled, dried and orange taint, what makes you think Republican electors will do any differently when they vote?

Come to terms with it Buck. Trump is going to be President of the Divided States of America.

Until he gets impeached and removed, probably by January 31st.

Of course, that will leave us with an asshole who views the world through the eyes of a 1600s Puritain, and I"m not so sure that's any better.
a record-breaking number of people (4.7 million as of today)

less than the number of people who voted johnson. The Electors would do well to remember that 'we the people' rule this country and not them. their lives could depend upon it. this whole nation could depend upon it.

the best part is, all we have to do is look at the electoral votes across the country and know who to exterminate.
less than the number of people who voted johnson. The Electors would do well to remember that 'we the people' rule this country and not them. their lives could depend upon it. this whole nation could depend upon it.

the best part is, all we have to do is look at the electoral votes across the country and know who to exterminate.

ehh if you claim to be a constitutionalist then the electors should be allowed to choose me if they want instead of trump or clinton.
less than the number of people who voted johnson. The Electors would do well to remember that 'we the people' rule this country and not them. their lives could depend upon it. this whole nation could depend upon it.

the best part is, all we have to do is look at the electoral votes across the country and know who to exterminate.

You're the one who's always saying people should rise up, let's hope you mean electors too.
buck are you delusional?

are you trolling?

like even if you thought there was a really high chance of this happening why would you leave yourself open to getting blasted by the usual suspects when you fall flat on your face?

I kinda feel sorry for you. You must have really gone off the deep end.
Best case scenario for the Dems, 5 or so Republicans go and vote for Mitt Romney and the unprecedented amount of faithless electors delegitimizes Trump a bit and gets serious conversation started about reforming the system. Worst case scenario, the guy who wrote the New York Times article chickens out, nobody else joins in, a bunch of Democratic electors vote for a moderate Republican or something trying to bait Republican electors into it, and it just makes Clinton look even worse.
Can you imagine the shit there would be if the electors went Ryan, it was thrown to the house, and then Ryan went in on it and promoted himself as president, and managed to make it pass with a minority of Republicans and all the Democrats? Lol. No end to the bloodshed.
The latest in an endless series of "X" is going to stop Trump memes. First he was supposed to peter out in a bunch of states, then he was supposed to be shut down at the convention, then he was supposed to lose the goddamn election, now of course the electoral college is going to go faithless. The only one in that series that wasn't desperate was the general election, and Clinton fucked that up because her team was shit and targeted the wrong states, tilting at windmills trying to turn Georgia and Arizona while letting Trump have free reign in Wisconsin. Fuck her.
If the goal had been to win the popular vote then trump would have campaigned differently and won that. He played by the rules and won. Do we give a victory in baseball to the team with the most runs or the most hits.? Either way will work but the rules say it's the runs that matter.
buck are you delusional?

are you trolling?

like even if you thought there was a really high chance of this happening why would you leave yourself open to getting blasted by the usual suspects when you fall flat on your face?

I kinda feel sorry for you. You must have really gone off the deep end.
He's always been a little unhinged but now the door has fallen off completely.

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not even thing1 thinks faithless electors will undue trump.

Thing is partisan but not stupid.

Thankfully, it has almost no chance of happening. Lefty wackos like Buckle joke about red staters rising up, but they don't want to see it. It could literally start a civil war.

I encourage them to act like adults and take their medicine like conservatives did the past to general elections. We moped around for a few days in 2008 and then we put our energy into something constructive. We started at the grass roots and formed the Tea Party---it became a political force. We took over many state legislatures after Obama/Pelosi/Reid came into power.

And we worked within the system every step of the way.

But these idiots are the cry babies of the electorate. When they don't get their way they stomp and scream, whine about Russians and fake news affecting the election.

It's a pathetic sight. They [Jill Stein and co] don't realize it, but they aren't doing themselves any favors with tens of millions of voters. She also set a lousy precedent where sore-losers can challenge an election for the flimsiest of reasons.

There should be a higher standard of evidence in the future.