The empty pantsuit

Legion Troll

A fine upstanding poster

She is an empty pantsuit.

Clinton has simply indulged in lame me-tooism, strategic vagueness and flip-floppery, and a willingness to manage Obama’s third term for him.

Clinton has never been a socially progressive candidate, still opposing marijuana legalization and only coming out for marriage equality in 2013.

Her favorable views toward immigrants are of equally recent vintage as well. She supported her husband's anti-immigrant positions back in the 1990s and ran for Senate in New York as hostile to everything approaching amnesty for illegals. As a member of the Obama administration, she stood by as the president deported record numbers of migrants.

When Sanders pushed for a $15 an hour federal minimum wage, Clinton rolled her eyes.

As Donald Trump powerfully (and stupidly) attacked free-trade, Clinton shushed him and then embraced exactly the same protectionist positions.

America is floundering in the 21st century, the victim of indefensible foreign policy that Clinton herself helped to mis-execute.

Clinton and Trump, despite claims to the contrary, are relics of the past, not heralds of the future.
American voters will face a choice of historically negative magnitude, between two major-party candidates whom the public, as a whole, intensely dislike.

We only started polling on trustworthiness and character of candidates in the 1950s. But since we’ve been doing it, these are the least-trusted pair of candidates by far. There has never been anything like it, at least in modern times.

In theory, a public mood of deep distrust of government and politicians should have made voters hungry for an impeccable, plausible ― and presumably younger and less damaged ― newcomer.

It hasn’t worked out that way. Some of the reasons are particular to the Democratic and Republican parties.

Midterm elections in 2010 and 2014, both characterized by backlash to Barack Obama’s presidential victories, wiped out a younger generation of potential challengers to a Clinton brand that was launched in the 1980s.

Hillary was left facing a ridiculously weak field. I like Bernie Sanders, but come on. The fact that he got as far as he did, showed that there really wasn’t anybody to knock off Hillary.

On the GOP side, the party was the victim of the cynicism it had sowed for decades about the role of government ― and politicians. And the often valid critique of “big” government transformed in the Obama years into an open, out-and-out hatred of immigrants, minorities and any “other” who threatened white voters.

The Republicans since 2010 have been electing more and more extreme candidates,. The Tea Party and its aftermath was never just about Obamacare ― it was about THEM.

The natural result was Donald Trump ― it would have been Ted Cruz had it not been for Trump.