The End Is In Sight


Verified User
I had him pegged before he was sworn in:

Repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 was a snap for most Americans BEFORE Chief Justice John Roberts said it was a constitutional tax.

The ruling on religious services was not a conflict between organized religions and the Left because Catholic Associate Justice Barrett upheld the First Amendment for every American irrespective of their personal beliefs. That includes:

. . . FREEDOM FROM RELIGION as well as freedom of religion. If the Founders did not intend FREEDOM FROM RELIGION the government would have the constitutional authority to force every American to support an organized religion, or a cult, or a political cause as Democrats have been doing since the end of WWII.

On the other hand Chief Justice Roberts upheld the Democrat Party’s beliefs.

The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and the court’s three liberal members in dissent.


In those cases, Chief Justice John Roberts, who arguably is now the face of the Court’s liberal wing, was the one who delivered the death blow. In the Nevada case, SCOTUS upheld limitations concerning church attendance but was fine with movie theaters and casinos operating with a more cavalier capacity policy.


With Barrett on the Court, Roberts is now an irrelevant factor.

SCOTUS Ruling on Religious Services During COVID Lockdowns Removes Obstacle Named Chief Justice Roberts
Matt Vespa
Posted: Nov 26, 2020 1:45 AM

The American people will not know if John Roberts’ political beliefs are irrelevant until the High Court rules on the big one —— China Joe Biden & Company’s unconstitutional claim on the presidency. Biden’s claim is supported by a theft so all-encompassing, so well-funded, and sold by television mouths it is difficult for average Americans to get a handle on the depth of corruption that took place.

Bottom line: No justice will ever decide a more important, or a more complicated case. The justices who ruled on Al Gore’s burglary attempt had to contend with a meager three congressional districts in Florida. They had a walk in the park compared to Biden’s nationwide stickup.

Thankfully, the end is in sight.
Bottom line: No justice will ever decide a more important, or a more complicated case. The justices who ruled on Al Gore’s burglary attempt had to contend with a meager three congressional districts in Florida. They had a walk in the park compared to Biden’s nationwide stickup.

Rodney O. Willis sums up the difference between Gore’s petty theft and Biden’s grand larceny quite nicely:

In the 2016 Trump v. Clinton election, it became clear on election night that Hillary had gotten swept in an electoral rout by President Trump. Democrats were dumbfounded, wrestling with how a crass political neophyte could defeat "the smartest woman in the world." Two brutal defeats were enough to push the Democrats toward a new strategy.

Small-scale fraud would not work in 2020 -- only large-scale, industrial strength, systematic fraud would ensure an electoral victory. It appears that Joe Biden wasn't kidding when he said they had put together the most "inclusive voter fraud" operation.

November 27, 2020
We Needed the Result We Got
By Rodney O. Willis

Al Gore set the precedent when he tried to steal the election in 2000. Precedence supposedly carries a lot of weight in the High Court. If that is true, surely Al Gore’s precedence applies to President Trump.

Remember that the court ruled against Gore’s burglary in progress by 7 to 2. Happily, Gore fled the scene of the crime empty-handed.

To this ordinary American’s understanding of simple justice, I cannot see how the Supreme Court can refuse to rule in favor of Trump by 9 to 0.


In short: I cannot imagine the SCOTUS ruling against Trump because he is trying to prevent Biden from walking away with the loot from the biggest heist in history.

p.s. Willis referred to media as the fourth branch:

Going forward, the so-called "fourth branch" can no longer consist of just the officially recognized journalists. They must forever be supplanted by citizen journalists who will disseminate information through means outside the control of the government and corporations. Americans have a right to hear all sides to all stories.


More than one side occasionally finds its way into print. There is not a chance you will ever hear anything on television except the government’s side.

In short: Print press does NOT need a license to publish. Television cannot broadcast without a government license that can be revoked at anytime.
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More than one side occasionally finds its way into print. There is not a chance you will ever hear anything on television except the government’s side.

Do not hold your breath until Retired Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney gets as much coverage as General Flynn got in the almost four years he was crucified by government media:

As allegations of fraud and irregularities in the election mount in overwhelming numbers, a retired and highly decorated Air Force General came forward to expose the CIA on vote hacking.

Retired Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney, a former US Air Force Assistant Vice-Chief of Staff, said that the CIA might be behind the efforts to sabotage the election. In an interview with One America News Network reporter Pearson Sharp, Lt. Gen. McInerney exposed what could be the largest blow in the presidential election.

Air Force General Exposes CIA Vote Hacking
By United Patriot News
When the election fraud case gets to the supreme court justices Democrats have a slight edge in that:

. . . it is important to remember that they do not hear testimonies from witnesses and hold normal courtroom sessions.

Following oral arguments, the supreme court justices go into a private conference and a preliminary vote is done. After the vote, the supreme court justices spend their time researching and arguing the case in written documents called opinions. These opinions are circulated amongst the colleagues. Finally, a vote is taken, the case is decided and a written decision is issued.

What does a Supreme Court Justice do?
Felicia Dye
Last Modified Date: November 02, 2020

Do not hold your breath until Retired Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney gets as much coverage as General Flynn got in the almost four years he was crucified by government media:

My question is: If Biden’s attempted heist was tried as a criminal case, or as a civil lawsuit, I would first ask who Biden’s lawyers would produce as rebuttal witnesses against General McInerney and Dr. Kershavarz-Nia's? Any lawyer that would allow Biden to take the stand should be arrested for attempted murder. On the bright side imagine Sidney Powell cross-examining any one of Biden’s gang of liars and thieves?

In her Georgia complaint, Sidney Powell included the declaration of Navid Keshavarz-Nia, an expert witness who stated under oath that there was massive computer fraud in the 2020 election, all of it intended to secure a victory for Joe Biden. Dr. Kershavarz-Nia's name may not mean a lot to you, but it's one of the weightiest names in the world when it comes to sniffing out cyber-security problems.


Not only does Dr. Kershavarz-Nia have an innate intelligence, but he's also got extraordinary academic and practical skills in cyber-fraud detection and analysis. The reason we know about his qualifications is that it takes seven paragraphs for him to list them in the declaration he signed to support the Georgia complaint.

His qualifications include a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in various areas of electrical and computer engineering. In addition, "I have advanced trained from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), DHS office of Intelligence & Analysis (I&A) and Massachusetts Institution of Technology (MIT)."

Professionally, Dr. Kershavarz-Nia has spent his career as a cyber-security engineer. "My experience," he attests," spans 35 years performing technical assessment, mathematical modeling, cyber-attack pattern analysis, and security intelligence[.]" I will not belabor the point. Take it as given that Dr. Kershavarz-Nia may know more about cyber-security than anyone else in America.

So what does the brilliant Dr. Kershavarz-Nia have to say? This:​

November 28, 2020
The 'smartest man in the room' has joined Sidney Powell's team
By Andrea Widburg
If Biden’s attempted heist was tried as a criminal case, or as a civil lawsuit, I would first ask who Biden’s lawyers would produce as rebuttal witnesses against General McInerney and Dr. Kershavarz-Nia's? Any lawyer that would allow Biden to take the stand should be arrested for attempted murder. On the bright side imagine Sidney Powell cross-examining any one of Biden’s gang of liars and thieves?
