The end of the Republican primary


Romney casts his delegates for Fuckabee at the convention, and Fuckabee landslides in the rest of the states. Fuckabee becomes the nominee. Then Hillary wins the Democratic primary. Then Bloomberg comes in, and the race immediately turns into a primarily Bloomberg-Hillary race. Fuckabee garners 5% of the vote in the ensuing election, and afterwards Bloomberg (in loss or victory) founds a political party made up of moderates and fiscal conservatives. Religious conservatives are left out to eat shit. No Republicans remain in elected office after 5 years.
all this was going on with republicans before Regan as well. im sure they will spring back.
This is my dream scenario though. I want all religious conservatives/neoconservatives to shrivel up and die. Never gonna happen though.

I know what you mean. I've always wanted poor people from Mississippi who suck to die but that hasn't happened either.
Romney casts his delegates for Fuckabee at the convention, and Fuckabee landslides in the rest of the states. Fuckabee becomes the nominee. Then Hillary wins the Democratic primary. Then Bloomberg comes in, and the race immediately turns into a primarily Bloomberg-Hillary race. Fuckabee garners 5% of the vote in the ensuing election, and afterwards Bloomberg (in loss or victory) founds a political party made up of moderates and fiscal conservatives. Religious conservatives are left out to eat shit. No Republicans remain in elected office after 5 years.

That is what would be best for America!