The Energy Candidate


Last week Gore reiterated he will not run for President in 2008 and Mark Warner has dropped out.... I may now support Bill Richardson for President. It will be between he and Chuck Hagel.

Im looking for the Energy Candidate and Richardson may be the best bet...

The resume

15 years in the House of Representatives
2 Years Energy Secretary
2 as Ambassador to UN
4 Years as Governor

Self Described Fiscal Conservative has demonstrated this with Tax Cuts and moving his state budget into the black. Richardson has been lauded by traditionally right-leaning publications and organizations such as Forbes Magazine and the Cato Institute for reforming New Mexico's economy. In 2006, Forbes credited Richardson's reforms while naming Albuquerque, New Mexico the best city in the U.S. for business and careers. Cato has consistently rated Richardson as one of the most fiscally responsible Democratic governors in the nation.

Says his top priority as President will be; 1) Energy Independence 2) National Security 3) Education

Says he will lead a National Campaign at becoming Energy Independent by outlining aggressive goals much like we did in the 60's with the Apollo Mission.

He has an impeccable record in foreign affairs, In 1995 , he traveled to Baghdad with Peter Bourne and engaged in lengthy
one-on-one negotiations with Saddam Hussein to secure the release of two American aerospace workers who had been captured by the Iraqis after wandering over the Kuwaiti
border. This was one of several times that Richardson went overseas during the Clinton years to negotiate the release of American prisoners. He was also successful in this task in Sudan and North Korea.
Yeah and you believe him ? Bush was against using our troops as a police force and nation building as well....
Of the probable Repubs, I think Hagel might be best.