The Face of Bog Government


Loyal to the end
Al Salvi ... was a prosperous lawyer and won the Republican Senate nomination to run against a Democratic congressman named Dick Dur-bin.

In the fall of 1996, at the campaign's climax, Democrats filed with the Federal Elections Commission charges against Salvi's campaign, alleging campaign-finance violations. These charges dominated the campaign's closing days. Salvi spoke by telephone with the head of the FEC's Enforcement Division, who he remembers saying: "Promise me you will never run for office again, and we'll drop this case." He was speaking to Lois Lerner.

After losing to Durbin, Salvi spent four years and $100,000 fighting the FEC, on whose behalf FBI agents visited his elderly mother demanding to know, concerning her $2,000 contribution to her son's campaign, where she got "that kind of money." When the second of two federal courts held that the charges against Salvi were spurious, the lawyer arguing for the FEC was Lois Lerner.

More recently, she has been head of the IRS Exempt Organizations Division, which has used its powers of delay, harassment and extortion to suppress political participation. For example, it has told an Iowa right-to-life group that it would get tax-exempt status if it would promise not to picket Planned Parenthood clinics.

Liberals love this.
Wait... but I though corruption was the Republicans' job! Or was that the Democrats? Ah, it's easier to just name identical twins the same thing.
“I did nothing wrong and I invoke my constitutional right to not answer your questions.” (Lois Lerner)
Seems the Communist In Chief in the White House will “Clintonize” his administration’s scandals by going to war with Syria and deflecting the national news. Seems arming Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria has already calmed and soothed the likes of John McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Boehner and all of the Republican Neo-Cons in the Congress and brought them into the Obama fold of war hawks and busybodies hell bent on killing off more American youth in another undeclared, unconstitutional fucking war.

Forget the fucking IRS folks, the duopoly is about to make major news in Syria!!!!
You neocons like he constitutional rights for NRAZI but not liberals

I’m a “real liberal” numb-nuts, I promote the idea of preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution and especially it’s so very, very “liberal” Bill Of Rights.

Y’all fucking LEFTIST don’t even know what a real liberal is!!!!
This is the obvious solution to this problem:

Hours before the House Appropriations Committee held a hearing on political targeting at the Internal Revenue Service, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) had a simple solution to the agency’s problems — get rid of it altogether.

“I think we ought to abolish the IRS and instead move to a simple flat tax where the average American can fill out taxes on postcard,” he explained in a Fox News interview over the weekend. “Put down how much you earn, put down a deduction for charitable contributions, home mortgage and how much you owe. It ought to be a simple one-page postcard, and take the agents, the bureaucracy out of Washington and limit the power of government.”
I’m a “real liberal” numb-nuts, I promote the idea of preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution and especially it’s so very, very “liberal” Bill Of Rights.

Y’all fucking LEFTIST don’t even know what a real liberal is!!!!
Your more neocon than programmer Archie bunker

Poor Salvi. He's so innocent! *sniff* And twenty plus years later the personal injury ambulance chaser and part time right wing radio show host is saying, without proof, that the IRS picked on his poor, poor mommy! *sniff*

Here's the original charge against Salvi:

FEC v. Al Salvi for Senate
The FEC asks the court to find that the Al Salvi for Senate Committee and its treasurer violated the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act) when they misreported and failed to report in a timely manner more than $1.1 million in contributions and loans during the 1996 election cycle. More specifically, the Commission alleges that the Committee:

• Reported bank loans to Mr. Salvi as personal loans from the candidate, never identifying the source of the funds;

• Failed to report debts to the candidate;

• Failed to file 48-hour notices for personal advances from the candidate; and • Failed to disclose campaignrelated payments by the candidate to vendors and a bank.

The Commission became aware of the reporting errors during the normal course of reviewing committee reports and after receiving an administrative complaint questioning the accuracy of the Committee’s reports. Despite being told of the inaccuracies, the Committee failed to comply with the Act and properly amend its reports until five months after Mr. Salvi’s primary election.
2 U.S.C. §434(a)(6)(A), 2 U.S.C.§434(b) and 11 CFR 104.3(d).

In addition to asking the court to find that the Committee violated federal election law, the FEC asks the court to assess a civil penalty against the Committee and its treasurer and to enjoin them from committing further violations of the Act.

U.S. District Court for the Northern
District of Illinois, Eastern Division,
98C-1321, March 3, 1998. ✦

In the course of the investigation, like all investigations, his mother was questioned for background information. Not a doddering old mother, a fifty-something mother intrinsically involved in the pursuit of Mafioso's in Chicago to get a first generation Italian elected to office.


So he didn't have to pay a fine and did nothing wrong. Until the next year.

Al Salvi likes to know who his friends are.

On Wednesday night, at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield, an estimated 1,200 people showed up for a $50-a-head fundraising event for Salvi, the Republican candidate for secretary of state.

Hundreds of them were state employees, which came as no surprise. Salvi's campaign sent numbered tickets, soliciting $50 contributions, to Springfield-area workers in the secretary of state's office, using a state-generated list of employees obtained by a state lawmaker who is Salvi's law partner and who also serves as Salvi's campaign chairman.

Enclosed in each letter was a numbered ticket to the event, which would allow the Salvi campaign to track who coughed up for the tickets and who did not.

In essence, Salvi asked the people whose careers he would control should he win election to give him some help.

"As you know, I have launched a campaign to become the next Illinois Secretary of State," the solicitation letter read. "It is my desire to continue the programs that you have labored so intensively to build. I would also like to find creative ways to build upon the legacy you have begun.

"I am sincere in this commitment, and will work hard to prove myself as the right person for this office. You have worked too hard to change course now."

The solicitation has some office employees fuming.

"I've never seen anything like it in 24 years here," said one disgruntled worker, who asked not to be identified. "I'm not happy about it. I think it's definitely a form of harassment."

Salvi, who faces Democrat Jesse White in the Nov. 3 general election, was traveling Downstate and was unavailable for comment Friday. But a Salvi campaign spokesman said the fundraiser was targeted at a far broader audience than secretary of state employees and that the ticket numbers would not be used to determine which employees made a donation.

The secretary of state's office is one of the most coveted in Illinois because it controls a political army of hundreds of workers. But rules are in place to protect secretary of state employees from on-the-job political fundraising solicitations.

"We have very clear rules about all kinds of fundraising within the office," said office spokesman David Urbanek, who also received a mailed solicitation from Salvi but declined to attend. "This is not something that we have ever done."

Nothing in state law prohibits political solicitation of state workers based on state employment records. But at least one watchdog group, saying that the use of state employment lists for fundraising mailings may occur more frequently than is believed, is considering pushing for a change in state law.

"This is classic Illinois political prostitution with a twist," said Jim Howard, executive director of Common Cause of Illinois. "The message to state employees is, `Pay up.' "

Yeah...he's real innocent.
Hilarious, Zippy is now the spelling cop.

Only when it comes to words my daughter, who just graduated Kindergarten, can already spell correctly.

That is one seriously tiny brain you got sitting atop your narrow, sloping shoulders, my friend.

You truly do exhibit the IQ of a Dumb Monkey!

Better yet, pass the Fair Tax Act. No one pays tax on what it takes for subsistence. Everyone pays the same consumption tax on all purchases of new goods and services. (this also taxes all unreported incomes) No taxes on savings. No IRS.

In the US, we spent $500 billion on tax compliance. That is not the taxes, but what we spent (private citizens, businesses ect) complying with the IRS. That is more than we spend on education, k-12, in this country.