The Faith Trap

First, it was her lack of experience... but Obama has less than she does, so they had to withdraw that charge.

Then, it was her daughter and family.... but many American families could relate to her problems, so they had to withdraw that one too!

Then it was her positions on 'pork projects' but... Obama and Biden have endorsed more pork projects for their respective states than Palin ever dreamed of... so they had to withdraw again.

Then it was her ties to radical groups, but Obama is also tied to radical groups, much more sinister than the tepid associations Palin has had with an Independent political party organization.... they had to back off that!

Then it was her looks... calling her a 'stewardess' and most recently, a 'pig'.... but this doesn't play well with most women, so they are now backtracking on that one too.

The next big thing you'll start to hear about, is her religious beliefs. Yes, the Democrats are going to go after Palin for her religion! They are going to actually walk straight in to the Faith Trap, and doom themselves to certain loss in November. An overwhelming majority of Americans are 'faith-based' and deeply rooted to their personal religious beliefs. An even greater number, are very sensitive to people being criticized for whatever they choose to believe, and feel it is a private matter. But the Democrats, desperate to make something stick and get some traction, will undoubtedly walk right into the trap, which was probably what McCain and his advisers thought would happen all along.

I can only say one thing... don't go there Dems! It's a trap! IF you do, you will seal your candidate's fate in this election, and the 'dream' will all be over for you. There is a good chance, that happens anyway, but I'm telling you right here and now, you attack her for her religious beliefs, and you are 'dead dog' Democrats.
First, it was her lack of experience... but Obama has less than she does, so they had to withdraw that charge.

Then, it was her daughter and family.... but many American families could relate to her problems, so they had to withdraw that one too!

Then it was her positions on 'pork projects' but... Obama and Biden have endorsed more pork projects for their respective states than Palin ever dreamed of... so they had to withdraw again.

Then it was her ties to radical groups, but Obama is also tied to radical groups, much more sinister than the tepid associations Palin has had with an Independent political party organization.... they had to back off that!

Then it was her looks... calling her a 'stewardess' and most recently, a 'pig'.... but this doesn't play well with most women, so they are now backtracking on that one too.

The next big thing you'll start to hear about, is her religious beliefs. Yes, the Democrats are going to go after Palin for her religion! They are going to actually walk straight in to the Faith Trap, and doom themselves to certain loss in November. An overwhelming majority of Americans are 'faith-based' and deeply rooted to their personal religious beliefs. An even greater number, are very sensitive to people being criticized for whatever they choose to believe, and feel it is a private matter. But the Democrats, desperate to make something stick and get some traction, will undoubtedly walk right into the trap, which was probably what McCain and his advisers thought would happen all along.

I can only say one thing... don't go there Dems! It's a trap! IF you do, you will seal your candidate's fate in this election, and the 'dream' will all be over for you. There is a good chance, that happens anyway, but I'm telling you right here and now, you attack her for her religious beliefs, and you are 'dead dog' Democrats.

Are you just lying Dixie? When did Obama withdraw the charge that Palin is inexperienced?
shut up liberal.

Translation: I, Dixie, surrender. I cannot tell him when Obama withdrew this claim, because he didn't. Obama and Biden still question Sarah Palin's experience (rightly or wrongly so) and have not abandoned this criticism. I can provide no evidence to support a claim a have made. ImaTanArmyMan has destroyed me with his superior brain and 1337 debate skillz.
Translation: I, Dixie, surrender. I cannot tell him when Obama withdrew this claim, because he didn't. Obama and Biden still question Sarah Palin's experience (rightly or wrongly so) and have not abandoned this criticism. I can provide no evidence to support a claim a have made. ImaTanArmyMan has destroyed me with his superior brain and 1337 debate skillz.

Translation: I never made the claim that Obama made the claim, therefore, there is no reason to dignify such an absurd question with a response.

One of the most priceless moments has been watching that idiot Kerry sit there and repeat... she has absolutely zero foreign policy experience... as if he didn't realize, Obama has absolutely zero foreign policy experience and Republicans have been screaming this to the brain-dead people of America since "The Rock Star Obama" emerged. To question her experience, only draws attention to your utterly profound hypocrisy!

What you all have nominated, is a decent political speech maker, who looks nice in a suit. He nominated a 1973 relic of the Senate, who has unsuccessfully ran for president more times than Bella Abzug and Alfred P. Newman combined! The policy platform is a rehash of exactly what Walter Mondale proposed 30 years ago... this is the "change" we are supposed to have from an Obama Administration. Windfall Profits taxes... Social entitlements we can't afford or pay for, and massive tax increases for virtually EVERY American. There is no real "change" in the platform, it is the standard textbook liberal democrat socialist agenda it's always been!

Sarah Palin represents a fundamental change, someone who exemplifies REAL change, not some phony dressed up failed relic of the past, pretending to be change! Like John McCain, she can roll up her sleeves and get in there with the Democrats and Republicans, and hammer out meaningful reforms and solutions to the problems we face. Do you really believe the empty suit with a good speech, and the 35-year-relic of the Senate, are going to do that? A vote for Obama/Biden, is a vote for Two Senators Who ARE the Status Quot!
First, it was her lack of experience... but Obama has less than she does, so they had to withdraw that charge.

Then, it was her daughter and family.... but many American families could relate to her problems, so they had to withdraw that one too!

Then it was her positions on 'pork projects' but... Obama and Biden have endorsed more pork projects for their respective states than Palin ever dreamed of... so they had to withdraw again.

Then it was her ties to radical groups, but Obama is also tied to radical groups, much more sinister than the tepid associations Palin has had with an Independent political party organization.... they had to back off that!

Then it was her looks... calling her a 'stewardess' and most recently, a 'pig'.... but this doesn't play well with most women, so they are now backtracking on that one too.

The next big thing you'll start to hear about, is her religious beliefs. Yes, the Democrats are going to go after Palin for her religion! They are going to actually walk straight in to the Faith Trap, and doom themselves to certain loss in November. An overwhelming majority of Americans are 'faith-based' and deeply rooted to their personal religious beliefs. An even greater number, are very sensitive to people being criticized for whatever they choose to believe, and feel it is a private matter. But the Democrats, desperate to make something stick and get some traction, will undoubtedly walk right into the trap, which was probably what McCain and his advisers thought would happen all along.

I can only say one thing... don't go there Dems! It's a trap! IF you do, you will seal your candidate's fate in this election, and the 'dream' will all be over for you. There is a good chance, that happens anyway, but I'm telling you right here and now, you attack her for her religious beliefs, and you are 'dead dog' Democrats.

Dixie, you're such a putz. This process is called "Vetting" and it aint shit compared to what Obama and McCain have been through so far so you'd better not let your panties get in a wad over this as the Public has the right to know who Sarah Palin is and what she stands for and what her record is.
Yeah right dixie, we all want to hear from palin how thwe Iraq war is some kind of mission from God thing, and so is her pipleine to somewhere. According to the 2 clips I saw of her ranting about them.