The False Decline Of The US Navy


Verified User
Despite the fact that the US Navy has just under 300 ships, neo-con RINO Republicans and some war hawking Democrats claim America is in a woeful decline of world sea power and as they lobby BIG government for MORE, MORE, MORE Naval WMD, the facts remain as follows.

“The United States Navy currently operates eleven nuclear powered aircraft carriers. The oldest and least capable is faster, one third larger, and carries three times the aircraft of Admiral Kuznetsov, the largest carrier in the Russian Navy. Unlike China’s only aircraft carrier, the former Russian Varyag, American carriers have engines and are capable of self-propulsion. The only carrier in Indian service is fifty years old and a quarter the size of its American counterparts. No navy besides the United States' has more than one aircraft carrier capable of flying modern fixed wing aircraft. The United States enjoys similar dominance in surface combat vessels and submarines, operating twenty-two cruisers, fifty destroyers, fifty-five nuclear attack submarines, and ten amphibious assault ships (vessels roughly equivalent to most foreign aircraft carriers). In every category the U.S. Navy combines presumptive numerical superiority with a significant ship-to-ship advantage over any foreign navy.
This situation is unlikely to change anytime soon. The French Navy and the Royal Navy will each expand to two aircraft carriers over the next decade. The most ambitious plans ascribed to the People’s Liberation Army Navy call for no more than three aircraft carriers by 2020, and even that strains credulity, given China’s inexperience with carrier operations and the construction of large military vessels. While a crash construction program might conceivably give the Chinese the ability to achieve local dominance (at great cost and for a short time), the United States Navy will continue to dominate the world’s oceans and littorals for at least the next fifty years. “

And just think Ronald Reagan was working toward a 600 ship Navy. Along with his White House drinking buddy, {Democrat Speaker Of The House), Tip O’Neal, who traded Reagan taxpayer’s loot for his 600 ship Navy for taxpayer’s loot for Tip’s expansion of the social welfare state. Together they damn near tripled the national debt.
Big government republicans

That’s the first rational comment you’ve made in decades of drawing useless breath.

The neo-con RINO faction in a corrupt Republican party bemoans the Democrat’s love of BIG government then toils endlessly with fucking lies and taxpayer’s loot to build and expand the BIG GOVERNMENT Military Industrial Complex, start BIG GOVERNMENT wars, operate a BIG GOVERNMENT world police force, promote and provide for a violent insane BIG GOVERNMENT Drug War and promote the idea that BIG GOVERNMENT should decide which adult citizens should and should-not and who can and cannot have a marriage contract.

It matters not to the neo-cons and RINOs that ALL federal socialist programs are unconstitutional, they still promote and provide for BIG GOVERNMENT socialist programs and even invent new ones themselves.

“If you like Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid, then you like BIG GOVERNMENT so we Republicans need to support BIG GOVERNMENT.” (Republican hero Newt Gingrich)

This is why I won’t vote for a Republican. They always nominate a fucking neo-con RINO. They talk a good show about “limited government” then govern just like fucking BIG GOVERNMENT Democrats. They’re fucking hypocrites and liars just like Democrats.
is it any surprise? the only thing laughable about this is watching dumbass libs and cons accuse the other side of wanting big government while begging for it at the same time.
is it any surprise? the only thing laughable about this is watching dumbass libs and cons accuse the other side of wanting big government while begging for it at the same time.

The thing I find most appalling about the neo-con RINO majority of the Republican Party is the fact that when it comes to BIG GOVERNMENT the neo-con RINOs are even more pathetic and disgusting than the Democrats. The Democrats admit they favor BIG GOVERNMENT and defend it, while the neo-cons RINOs proclaim the flagrant lie that they’re about limited government while they govern every bit as BIG GOVERNMENT as the Democrats.
Its time to cut all spending across the board, reduce the size of government to conform to the Constitution, and pay down the pubic debt.

I'd be willing to raise taxes for that.
Pentagon asking or just pols with ship yards in their areas ?

There’s a lot more to it than that.

Politicians with defense corporations in their State/district and the jobs thereof.

The monstrous invention of the Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned about.

The neo-con RINO desire for authoritarian BIG government Imperialism, Neo-Roman Empire-ism and world military domination.

Wall Street Defense contractors in bed with crony politicians and military brass.

Military brass with an insatiable desire for new toys they feel a need to threaten the world with and run live test on in foreign nations in the fraudulent name of “national defense” and an obscene desire to justify their job title.

War is a fucking racket. The desire to perpetuate it is dominated by damn lies and imaginary boogiemen, thieves, authoritarians, and stupid bastards.