The Fatal Shot that Doomed the American Experiment.


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The fatal shot that would destine the American Experiment was the one from John Wilkes Booth's revolver that killed President Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

At the time he was assassinated Lincoln was in the process of implementing a policy of re-settling all freed, former, Black slaves to countries outside of America.

In short he believed that Blacks could never assimilate harmoniously into mainstream, White, Western society due to the pronounced intellectual and other cultural deficiencies of the former. He also believed that they would harbour a permanent loathing and bitter resentment of White American in general on account of the history of slavery.

After his death, Lincoln's grand project to deport all Blacks from America to foreign territories that were geographically and climatically similar to sub-Saharan, West Africa was shelved by his successor.

The former Black slaves remained in the US and the consequence were never-ending social strife and trillions of dollars (futilely spent) in government revenue trying to assuage it.

The present of a Black population in America grant equal Civil Rights to those of White/Western Americans established a "moral" principle of multiracialism/multiculturalism for American society on the basis of the abstract proclamation that "all men are created equal."
No White America dared challenge this assertion, for fear of being judged a wicked racist.

Thus the American left exploited it to usher in mass, non-white/non - culturally Western immigration (both legal and illegal).

This inlux of coloured immigration began in 1965 and was predominantly from the Third World and imported non-White (European), ethnic/racial cultures that were objectively inferior to White European Western culture. More recently - (over just the past 4 years ) - 20 MILLION illegal, non-White immigrants have been allowed to enter the US with the blessing of a radical, neo-Marxist/progressive/Woke government.

This demographic revolution is already replacing the White American population and in so doing, it is eradicate White, Western culture/civilisation from the North American continent The damage is ALREADY done and it is ALREADY IRREVERSIBLE. The process of social/moral/political/educational/economic degeneration and decayis already well underway. When the demographic revolution in America is completed - and in historical terms, this is imminent - North America will be hurled into the abyss of a brutal, and savage new Dark Age.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!