The Feds Fiddles While America Burns


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18 trillion $ of national debt.

Half trillion dollar annual defects

America’s borders not sufficiently protected.

Big City Drug War gun crime left unsolved.

American blood and treasure bogged down in a middle east quagmire.

Billions upon billions of taxpayer’s dollars wasted on fraud and abuse.

A “Do Nothing” Republican Congress and a clueless incompetent President in France talking about a travesty that doesn’t even exist.

Twelve Reasons Why The Paris Climate Talks Are A Total Waste

1. There has been no ‘global warming’ since 1997

2. The polar bears are doing just great.

3. Antarctica is growing.

4. The Maldives aren’t sinking

5. Ocean acidification is a myth

6. The alarmist climate scientists are talentless low-lives who cannot be trusted

7. Winter Is Coming

8. CO2 is greening the planet

9. There has been no increase in “extreme weather events”.

10. People are losing interest in global warming

11. $1.5 trillion is a lot of money to pay every year for a problem that doesn’t exist

12. It will make (almost) no difference
18 trillion $ of national debt.

Half trillion dollar annual defects

America’s borders not sufficiently protected.

Big City Drug War gun crime left unsolved.

American blood and treasure bogged down in a middle east quagmire.

Billions upon billions of taxpayer’s dollars wasted on fraud and abuse.

A “Do Nothing” Republican Congress and a clueless incompetent President in France talking about a travesty that doesn’t even exist.

I know. It should make you nostalgic for the Bill Clinton Presidency. You know, that Presidency from 1993-2000 when we had.....

-$2.7 trillion dollars of GDP growth (more than any President in history, and double that of Reagan).
-Real GDP growth at 3.9% per year, also better than St. Reagan.
-Unemployment dropped from 7.5% to 3.9%, a figure many economists thought was impossible in a developed economy (while participation increased by millions as well).
-Of the 23 million new jobs added (also far and away a record), 93%+ were in the private sector (something talk radio listeners should love).
-Household incomes grew 14% in real terms.
-7 Million less Americans in poverty, the largest decrease since the Eisenhower administration
-53% LESS welfare recipients (Reagan presided over a 24% increase)
-Record levels of business investment, corporate profits and stock market growth
-An unheard of 2.2% inflation rate during a period of historic economic growth

Oh yeah - we weren't at war either. And violent crime started a unprecedented drop. Too bad Bubba got a blowjob, eh?
I know. It should make you nostalgic for the Bill Clinton Presidency. You know, that Presidency from 1993-2000 when we had.....

-$2.7 trillion dollars of GDP growth (more than any President in history, and double that of Reagan).
-Real GDP growth at 3.9% per year, also better than St. Reagan.
-Unemployment dropped from 7.5% to 3.9%, a figure many economists thought was impossible in a developed economy (while participation increased by millions as well).
-Of the 23 million new jobs added (also far and away a record), 93%+ were in the private sector (something talk radio listeners should love).
-Household incomes grew 14% in real terms.
-7 Million less Americans in poverty, the largest decrease since the Eisenhower administration
-53% LESS welfare recipients (Reagan presided over a 24% increase)
-Record levels of business investment, corporate profits and stock market growth
-An unheard of 2.2% inflation rate during a period of historic economic growth

Oh yeah - we weren't at war either. And violent crime started a unprecedented drop. Too bad Bubba got a blowjob, eh?

Bill Clinton had a Republican controlled Congress for the .majority of his terms as President.

Bill Clinton also had a “dot-com” bubble of massive economic activity delivering a large expansion in federal tax revenues.

How much of the economic situation during that Republican controlled Congress and the Clinton Presidency are you willing as a rabid leftist partisan to award to that Republican Congress?
And we should wait until you provide the evidence that something in the OP is a lie, right?

Sorry toodles, but your habit of throwing a lot of shit against the wall and hoping it sticks has been dealt with on numerous occasions. You NEVER admit you're wrong or your sources invalid DESPITE VALID, DOCUMENTED FACT FROM REPUTABLE SOURCES TO THE CONTRARY. That you use Breitbart as your sole source is a fucking joke and a half. Hell, even the right wing pisses on them: Boehner, Fox’s Shep Smith, And Other Journalists Slam Breitbart For His Race-Baiting Smear Campaign

Forget the Sherrod fiasco, this jackass can't get his act together, and then doubles down on his stupidity. Breitbart News attacked the wrong Loretta Lynch

And since YOU are an acolyte of the Breitbart's of the world, I'm not going to waste time addressing your list of right wing talking points that have been disproved and discredited on numerous occasions on different threads by myself and others in the past.

Now run-a-long and claim "victory", as you usually do with your intellectually impotent, insipidly stubborn way.
Bill Clinton had a Republican controlled Congress for the .majority of his terms as President.

Bill Clinton also had a “dot-com” bubble of massive economic activity delivering a large expansion in federal tax revenues.

How much of the economic situation during that Republican controlled Congress and the Clinton Presidency are you willing as a rabid leftist partisan to award to that Republican Congress?

So, was it bad, and he deserves all the blame for a "dot-com bubble", or was it good, and the (pre-trailer park revolution version of) the GOP deserves all the credit? And when the stock market increases 150% in a person's Presidency, is a "dot-com bubble" really that bad a thing? Sounds like Bubba can't win on the AM radio circuit. What a shame - a good lesson can be learned here.

At some point, you are going to have to come to peace with his record. Yes, he raised taxes on the wealthy (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, something Rush thought would potentially end the Republic). Yes, his economic policy was quite moderate and thoughtful, and very much drafted by the former Co-Chairman of Goldman Sachs, Robert Rubin (curiously, another Wall Street big wig who didn't see the same threat of socialism that people in trailer parks do from Democratic Presidents). And yes, his record of economic growth, budget discipline, employment growth and wealth creation was unequivocally the best of any modern peacetime President. You can have your own opinion, but not your own facts. Bill Clinton had a better economic record than Reagan.

What is noteworthy about Bubba is precisely what you need a hug about - he co-opted the very best legislation of a GOP congress and made it his own. But just like you are probably not going to give a tip of the hat to Tip O'neill or Jim Wright for Reagan's record, don't expect people to get too sentimental for Newt Gingrich's run. Bubba owns that - that's part of being President. Remember, he left office with a 68% approval rating. W? Not so much (and what a bubble he had, eh?).

I still don't get the part where he got a hummer in the White House from a chunky intern and somehow Newt Gingrich lost his job, but it must be part of that whole "culture war" thing. Oddly enough, the guy that deserves plenty of credit for Bill Clinton's excellent Presidency is running for President right now - and is buried under a slate of shit-head "tea party" candidates as a marked "RINO". Care to guess?
So, was it bad, and he deserves all the blame for a "dot-com bubble", or was it good, and the (pre-trailer park revolution version of) the GOP deserves all the credit? And when the stock market increases 150% in a person's Presidency, is a "dot-com bubble" really that bad a thing? Sounds like Bubba can't win on the AM radio circuit. What a shame - a good lesson can be learned here.

Well at least the lesson to be learned from your diatribe is your rabid leftist partisan-ism denies you the honesty of delivering a rational or honest answer to the question of how much credit for the economic conditions during the Slick Willy watch you award to the Republican controlled Congress.

Let me help you out, the answer is the credit for the economic conditions during Slick’s watch is the American capitalist system that created the dot-com delivery system for supply and demand. Slick Willy and the Republican Congress had little to nothing to do with those economic conditions, they simply benifited from them politically. Political Lady Luck, (the fickle political bitch) gave Slick and the Republican Congress a freebie blow job. The dot-com bubble began bursting just as Slick was headed out the door and G.W. had to deal with it.
Well at least the lesson to be learned from your diatribe is your rabid leftist partisan-ism denies you the honesty of delivering a rational or honest answer to the question of how much credit for the economic conditions during the Slick Willy watch you award to the Republican controlled Congress.

Let me help you out, the answer is the credit for the economic conditions during Slick’s watch is the American capitalist system that created the dot-com delivery system for supply and demand. Slick Willy and the Republican Congress had little to nothing to do with those economic conditions, they simply benifited from them politically. Political Lady Luck, (the fickle political bitch) gave Slick and the Republican Congress a freebie blow job. The dot-com bubble began bursting just as Slick was headed out the door and G.W. had to deal with it.

You know, fixing cars is not really "my thing", kind of like macroeconomics is apparently not yours either. No biggie. We should all take interest and have an opinion on a diverse set of things we don't understand well - it makes life fun.
You know, fixing cars is not really "my thing", kind of like macroeconomics is apparently not yours either. No biggie. We should all take interest and have an opinion on a diverse set of things we don't understand well - it makes life fun.

Fun fact: Bobo doesn't vote.

That'll show the bastards!
Bill Clinton had a Republican controlled Congress for the .majority of his terms as President.

Bill Clinton also had a “dot-com” bubble of massive economic activity delivering a large expansion in federal tax revenues.

How much of the economic situation during that Republican controlled Congress and the Clinton Presidency are you willing as a rabid leftist partisan to award to that Republican Congress?

hey fucktard

lets discuss the 1993 budget reduction act you fucking brain dead liebot.

what do you know about it
hey fucktard
lets discuss the 1993 budget reduction act you fucking brain dead liebot.

what do you know about it

Perhaps it is best to re-focus the mind of Robo in the more simplistic thought of Rush Limbaugh. Here is a quality Rush quote about the 1993 Budget act (you know, the one that was opposed by every Republican in congress and passed the Senate by a VP tie breaker)

It’s the tax increases that are going to doom this plan. It’s the tax increases that are going to stop this economy. It’s the tax increases that are going to slow it down and hurt the people who make this country work.

If the Republicans decide to compromise on any tax increase, they are participating in the damage that this plan will cause the country. They are helping and are complicit in the damage this plan will cause to the people who make this country work. - Rush Limbaugh, July 1993

Amazingly, increasing the top marginal rate (an act that very few tea-party shitheads will ever have to worry about effecting their finances) was somehow followed by the largest peacetime economic expansion in American history, the largest increase in the equity markets and investments in American history, and a budget surplus. Lots of us (many, many thousands of non-professional investors) made millions in very simple investments based on the American economy. Having a stable and funded government enhances the economy, and trust me, rich people will invest regardless. You can do your furious Google search all you want, but the bottom line is Bill Clinton had a superlative economic record, and part of that was based on raising taxes. He got it done, and the last GOP President really fucked it up.

Here's the bottom line - Tea Party shitheads should stick to hoarding guns, canned beans and silver, and leave the economy to the professionals. Glenn Beck, Bible College and/or your laughable III% militia may be a fun way to pass the time, but they are mutually exclusive from macroeconomics or even a rudimentary understanding of how an advanced economy creates and grows wealth. The gap between Robert Rubin and Erik Erickson is huge, and amazingly, you are on the wrong side. There was a time when the professionals were more moderate members of the GOP, but you are far more likely to find crack-pot FED conspiracy theorists, despondent white trash and superstitious millenialist Christians as Republicans these days. It's bad for America, but also somewhat entertaining - America is not so much burning as the world of non-college educated white people is smoldering and losing heat.

they campaigned on how evil It was and how It would destroy the country.

they were fucking wrong like fucking always.

somehow our corporate media never points out how wrong the right is AFTER the fact.

they always get a fucking pass