"The Fiscal Cliff" Bwahahaha.....


Makes the ganglia twitch.
I can't help it, this tickles me.

Officials: Obama ready to veto a bill blocking ‘fiscal cliff’ without tax hike for rich

Source: washington post

President Obama is prepared to veto legislation to block year-end tax hikes and spending cuts, collectively known as the “fiscal cliff,” unless Republicans bow to his demand to raise tax rates for the wealthy, administration officials said.

Freed from the political and economic constraints that have tied his hands in the past, Obama is ready to play hardball with Republicans, who have so far successfully resisted a deal to tame the debt that includes higher taxes, Obama’s allies say.

In the days after the November election, the tables will be turned: Taxes are scheduled to rise dramatically in January for people at all income levels, and Republicans will be unable to stop those automatic increases alone.

If he wins reelection, Obama may finally be able to dictate the terms of a bipartisan debt-reduction deal. And if he loses to Republican Mitt Romney, Obama could make sure that tax rates rise before he hands over the keys to the White House on Inauguration Day in late January.

Read more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/busin...4-1870-11e2-9855-71f2b202721b_singlePage.html

"Taxmageddon" broken down by Cenk Uygur...

and debated between Thom Hartmann and the Heritage Foundation's Curtis Dubay...

This should be good for some discussion...

M'eh. And if Romney wins, even if Obama throws a hissy and vetoes a bill to keep the tax rates the same as they are now, he can always pass a retroactive tax rate cut. Seriously, that would be some seriously weak crap for a lame duck to do. An outgoing lame duck can wreak minimum mayhem and let all his friends out of jail. But the changes they make can quickly be reversed, other than the jail thing. He can act alone on only certain minimal things, and it would take a child to be angry enough to use a fiscal nuclear weapon to "punish" America for hiring a new CEO.