the future of Dixie republicans


all the republican party need do is drop the moderates, kill the neocons, and re-embrace real conservative values and not this feaux compassionate conservatism, and they will once again see the evangelicals voting for them again. A slow return to power as the socialist dems implode.
all the republican party need do is drop the moderates, kill the neocons, and re-embrace real conservative values and not this feaux compassionate conservatism, and they will once again see the evangelicals voting for them again. A slow return to power as the socialist dems implode.

Every census and study I have seen shows the number of active christians in the US shrinking.

How can depending on a shrinking group bring you back to power?

the polls that say the majority of americans are christians just asks if they believe in God. Not whether they are active in their beliefs.

The number of people who will vote their religious beliefs is shrinking.
Every census and study I have seen shows the number of active christians in the US shrinking.

How can depending on a shrinking group bring you back to power?

the polls that say the majority of americans are christians just asks if they believe in God. Not whether they are active in their beliefs.

The number of people who will vote their religious beliefs is shrinking.

You don't get it. By embracing the evangelical minority and turning off the moderate fiscal conservative types that may otherwise vote Republican if not for the bible-thumping nonsense the Republican party will once again return to their glorious days of 2002. Or something.

The approval rating of the republican party dropped from 40% to 34% in one month.

Only 34% of the American people have a positive opinion of the Republican party.

This will leave them in the wilderness for years to come.

Follow the Dixie/Palin plan right into oblivion and maybe there will be a third party emerging that will overtake the republican partys past position.

You expect these numbers to be greatly different after the election but before Obama takes office? Hello?
all the republican party need do is drop the moderates, kill the neocons, and re-embrace real conservative values and not this feaux compassionate conservatism, and they will once again see the evangelicals voting for them again. A slow return to power as the socialist dems implode.

drop the moderates?

kill the neocons?

Dude dont you get that the evangelicals is all you have left.

Yet more proof they will shrink themselves by infighting and not win any elections anytime soon.
all the republican party need do is drop the moderates, kill the neocons, and re-embrace real conservative values and not this feaux compassionate conservatism, and they will once again see the evangelicals voting for them again. A slow return to power as the socialist dems implode.

Who are the evangelicals voting for now?
According to Dixie, lots of them refused to vote at all. (or at least he supposes that was a possibility)

Starting a statement with "According to Dixie..." is like starting a statement with.... "What I am about to say is opposit of the truth...".
I hope the Republicans do purge themselves of the moderates. It would make the Democrats very powerfull and would be great for America. The end of any power or influence the RR has left.
I hope the Republicans do purge themselves of the moderates. It would make the Democrats very powerfull and would be great for America. The end of any power or influence the RR has left.

I would like to see it too. But for very different reasons.

The republicans have had two factions for a number of years now. One side considers itself social conservatives and one side fiscal conservatives.

If we separate those two, there will be plenty of democrats who will jump ship and go along with the fiscal conservatives.

I think the centrists of both parties could get behind a party that pushed for fiscally conservative politics and stayed out of socially conservative OR liberal politics.
I would like to see it too. But for very different reasons.

The republicans have had two factions for a number of years now. One side considers itself social conservatives and one side fiscal conservatives.

If we separate those two, there will be plenty of democrats who will jump ship and go along with the fiscal conservatives.

I think the centrists of both parties could get behind a party that pushed for fiscally conservative politics and stayed out of socially conservative OR liberal politics.

True, if that occured, I would likely vote with the fiscal conservative/social liberals much more often than I currently vote for the Republicans.
all the republican party need do is drop the moderates, kill the neocons, and re-embrace real conservative values and not this feaux compassionate conservatism, and they will once again see the evangelicals voting for them again. A slow return to power as the socialist dems implode.

LOL, real conservative values are the reason this country is on the brink of disaster! Face it Smarter, your party is fucked. It's not only splintered but your whole conservative ideology has driven us to the edge of another Republicon Depression. Times are hard for most working people and in the future the Dems won't let them forget who caused this grief and who is responsible. It will be another generation or two before your conservative values has value again no matter what your propaganda machine tells you to believe.
all the republican party need do is drop the moderates, kill the neocons, and re-embrace real conservative values and not this feaux compassionate conservatism, and they will once again see the evangelicals voting for them again. A slow return to power as the socialist dems implode.

What the hell are "Real Conservative Values"? Oh! Do you mean the right wing extremist reactionary values? Hell you don't even know what a conservative is. You let fanatics like Limbaugh and Hannity and propagandist like Fox tell you what a "true conservative" is and you don't even have the wit to realize that this is not conservatism but reactionary extremism.

It's those extremist that took our great nation from being the pillar and shining light of freedom and liberty and made our nation an international embarassment because of these bigoted thugish and largely ignorant extremist fools.

Yea....I hope they do just exactly what you say and the Republican party will be the regional minority party of Yadkin county.
Dontcha just LOVE the way liberals are breaking their necks to tell us how to "fix" the Republican party? ...and surprise, surprise... it has absolutely nothing to do with returning to conservative core principles! No, they all think we should continue chasing after liberalism with some whimsical joke of an idea called 'moderation' which failed miserably this past election, and the one before.

I particularly LOVE how ignorant people like Solitary, think "social conservative" just automatically translates to "evangelical" and only people who answered some trumped up Atheistic survey, are practicing Christianity in America! Wye, there is such little interest in religion these days, we may as well bulldoze all churches!

...Only in Pinhead Fantasyland!
Dontcha just LOVE the way liberals are breaking their necks to tell us how to "fix" the Republican party? ...and surprise, surprise... it has absolutely nothing to do with returning to conservative core principles! No, they all think we should continue chasing after liberalism with some whimsical joke of an idea called 'moderation' which failed miserably this past election, and the one before.

I particularly LOVE how ignorant people like Solitary, think "social conservative" just automatically translates to "evangelical" and only people who answered some trumped up Atheistic survey, are practicing Christianity in America! Wye, there is such little interest in religion these days, we may as well bulldoze all churches!

...Only in Pinhead Fantasyland!

Its lovely the way you automatically label me a liberal atheist. I guess thats the only way your philosophy remains viable?

No Dixie, as hard as I will fight against evangelicals and social conservatives, I will fight to keep people's right to worship as they choose. You see, unlike you, I do not insist that my views are the only correct views in America.

I want the churches open. I am helping may my son's tuition in seminary, so I would certainly not want all the churches closed.

But it certainly helps you feel better if you believe I am an atheistic, socialist liberal, doesn't it? That way you can feel so righteous in your anger.
I don't know what you are Solitary, and it's not for me to judge anyway. I can't see inside your heart, so it would be prejudiced bigotry for me to assume anything regarding your personal faith. I can, however, make a determination on what you support and advocate, and that is all I did.

Again, I am not a fascist who thinks the world should live by my personal standards. That appears to be a liberal socialist way of thinking. I believe we all have to live together in this society, and as such, we have to adopt a collective societal morality and code of ethics. I am all for allowing THE PEOPLE to make this determination collectively for society, as opposed to some liberal appointed judge 'reinterpreting' the constitution to fit the modern liberal agenda and usurp the will of the people.
Dixie would have preferred desegregation had been a ballot initiative. Don't want those activist judges telling dem 'Bamans how to run their schools! How utterly retarded.
I don't know what you are Solitary, and it's not for me to judge anyway. I can't see inside your heart, so it would be prejudiced bigotry for me to assume anything regarding your personal faith. I can, however, make a determination on what you support and advocate, and that is all I did.

Again, I am not a fascist who thinks the world should live by my personal standards. That appears to be a liberal socialist way of thinking. I believe we all have to live together in this society, and as such, we have to adopt a collective societal morality and code of ethics. I am all for allowing THE PEOPLE to make this determination collectively for society, as opposed to some liberal appointed judge 'reinterpreting' the constitution to fit the modern liberal agenda and usurp the will of the people.

I dont insist anyone live by my standards. I also do not deny anyone else the rights given to some, based solely on ignorance.

I am not afraid of change. I understand that others do not believe as I do, and I am not afraid to allow them to live their beliefs.

As I said in the other thread, Dixie, you are not ignorant. You are simply a liar and a coward. Go crawl back into your hole and dream your dreams of social domination. Because they are only dreams of the losers.