The German economy collapsing due to Green push

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Yep, Greentard policies are destroying the German economy.

Germany went from envy of the world to the worst-performing major developed economy. What happened?

Germany is the world’s worst-performing major developed economy, with both the International Monetary Fund and European Union expecting it to shrink this year.

All a nation has to do is follow radical Leftist, Greentard demands and their economy is fucked. As always, the Left uses their Crapper Touch to turn everything to shit.
Yep, Greentard policies are destroying the German economy.

Germany went from envy of the world to the worst-performing major developed economy. What happened?

Germany is the world’s worst-performing major developed economy, with both the International Monetary Fund and European Union expecting it to shrink this year.

All a nation has to do is follow radical Leftist, Greentard demands and their economy is fucked. As always, the Left uses their Crapper Touch to turn everything to shit.

We get it, TAG.

You like the unbreathable air,
the undrinkable water,
and the encroaching shore lines.

None of your besties are either polar bears or whales.

All you have to do now is explain how a strong economy works on an uninhabitable planet.

Once you fill in that little gap,
your theories will be ready for public consumption.:thinking:
There are lots of industries and jobs being created in green energy.
The world economy took a blow when Putin attacked Ukraine. If he stopped the killing, we would have a growing economy again.
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We get it, TAG.

You like the unbreathable air,
the undrinkable water,
and the encroaching shore lines.

Wrong. I dislike the idea that we should arrogantly try to have zero pollution, and an unchanging, static, climate planetwide. That is the goal of the radical Leftist greentard front by their actions, if not their words.

None of your besties are either polar bears or whales.

AlGore et al., have had to shut up and eat the idea that either is endangered as their populations have increased, not decreased.

All you have to do now is explain how a strong economy works on an uninhabitable planet.

All you have to do in return is explain how catching a rattlesnake for dinner is a better alternative...

Once you fill in that little gap,
your theories will be ready for public consumption.:thinking:

Your gaps in thinking show you are an insane lunatic.
All of Europe is in economic collapse.

America is right behind, the only reason we dont see it is that we have been making gobs of dollars, $7 trillion in just the last few years.

Both Europe and America are also in social collapse, in my view almost certainly at least partly driven by the new masters of the Universe, the CCP.
The reason that the Russians are not driving harder in Ukraine, to the point that a lot of Russians are upset, is that Xi and Putin are waiting out the collapse of the West....there is not a good reason to expend Russian lives here, the West is dead man walking...and the Ukrainians are morons.
We get it, TAG.

You like the unbreathable air,
the undrinkable water,
and the encroaching shore lines.
What 'unbreathable' air?
What 'undrinkable' water?
What 'encroaching shore line'?

You seem to be breathing, drinking water or some drink made with water in it, eating your veggies grown by watering them, and your feet are probably dry. Ships still dock where they always did.
None of your besties are either polar bears or whales.
Both of these species are doing better, not worse. Indeed, whales were saved by Big Oil (not Greenpeace). We don't hunt them anymore because we don't need to.
All you have to do now is explain how a strong economy works on an uninhabitable planet.
The planet is habitable. YOU are not only living on it, but hundreds of millions of others. So is every bird, fish, worm, reptile, mammal, etc. So is every plant and every fungus. It's been that way through every economy.
Once you fill in that little gap,
your theories will be ready for public consumption.:thinking:
He isn't presenting any theories. He is describing how the German economy went from the powerhouse of Europe to disaster.
All because of 'green' policies.
There are lots of industries and jobs being created in green energy.
The world economy took a blow when Putin attacked Ukraine. If he stopped the killing, we would have a growing economy again.

Energy has no color. It's not about jobs. It's about wasting money on wind and solar.
Neither Putin nor Ukraine are the world economy. Green policies were causing economic depression BEFORE the war broke out.
Energy has no color. It's not about jobs. It's about wasting money on wind and solar.
Neither Putin nor Ukraine are the world economy. Green policies were causing economic depression BEFORE the war broke out.

I remember arguing with a German maybe 7 years ago about the decision to close the nuclear plants, he was sure that it would be fine, I said that there was no way it could work if they wanted to keep their industrial base.

I was right, yet again.
There are a lot of industries where you simply cant turn off and on the takes days to stop and start with enormous costs...

The Germans did not want to hear it.
I was listening the other day to yet another person saying that Merkel was a complete disaster for Germany and all of Europe....none of the things that needed to happen on her watch happened....she resisted needed change and did a lot of really stupid shit instead.
Wrong. I dislike the idea that we should arrogantly try to have zero pollution,
Nifty the Mutt can't even name the 'pollution'. He's just chanting what the Masters at the Church of Green told him to say.
and an unchanging, static, climate planetwide.
There is no such thing as a 'world' climate. Earth has many climates. None of them change.
That is the goal of the radical Leftist greentard front by their actions, if not their words.
No. The goal of the radical Leftist greentards can be seen by where their religion stems from: the Church of Karl Marx.
The goal is to implement socialism, along with all the tyranny it requires.
AlGore et al., have had to shut up and eat the idea that either is endangered as their populations have increased, not decreased.
Nah. They just deny that is happening. Polar bear populations (as counted from time to time by US and Canadian land use observers) has been slightly increasing. They move from one country to the other as they follow their food supply. Males wander the most, since females have cubs to deal with. Much of their favorite food is out at sea, floating on icebergs...seals, which stay out there to try to escape the bears.

Polar bears are excellent swimmers.

All you have to do in return is explain how catching a rattlesnake for dinner is a better alternative...
Rattlesnake isn't too bad (a little tough). To catch one, just stay away from sharp end. The skin is quite pretty, and some people use them as decoration or making some leather products.
Your gaps in thinking show you are an insane lunatic.
The Church of Green itself is quite lunatic. So are the other Leftist religions. All of them have the same 'solution' (despite the different 'problems'), which is to destroy capitalism, implement socialism, and impose tyranny to do it.
The reason that the Russians are not driving harder in Ukraine, to the point that a lot of Russians are upset, is that Xi and Putin are waiting out the collapse of the West....there is not a good reason to expend Russian lives here, the West is dead man walking...and the Ukrainians are morons.

That doesn't follow. If that were true, Putin wouldn't have bothered to waste his resources attacking Ukraine.
That doesn't follow. If that were true, Putin wouldn't have bothered to waste his resources attacking Ukraine.

He was expecting to do a little show and get a negotiated deal....this was not the plan....but as long as the West refuses to allow a deal the Russians will do as they must.

It is the West that is losing not the China have never had the first fucking clue what is going on with Ukraine.
There are lots of industries and jobs being created in green energy.
The world economy took a blow when Putin attacked Ukraine. If he stopped the killing, we would have a growing economy again.

But economist Roger Meiners, a senior fellow with the Property & Environment Research Center, an environmental think tank based in Bozeman, Montana that in May published 7 Myths About Green Jobs, says that green jobs actually cost the economy. The report says that in Spain, for example, each green job created has destroyed 2.2 existing jobs in other sectors.

That's based on actual data, not future predictions by some pro-Green group.

Green Jobs? What About The Industries We Are Destroying?

Same thing in the UK. A 300,000 job loss and the Green jobs will pay less on average than those lost did.

The WEF, a Green friendly organization, says going Green will cost the world about $3.5 trillion a year in lost economic value.

What’s the price of a green economy? An extra $3.5 trillion a year

Another radical Leftist failure in economics: The Green economy. Their Crapper Touch strikes again...
Yep, Greentard policies are destroying the German economy.

Germany went from envy of the world to the worst-performing major developed economy. What happened?

Germany is the world’s worst-performing major developed economy, with both the International Monetary Fund and European Union expecting it to shrink this year.

All a nation has to do is follow radical Leftist, Greentard demands and their economy is fucked. As always, the Left uses their Crapper Touch to turn everything to shit.

They have made course corrections. They reopened most, if not all, their coal plants and are remining their abundance of brown coal. Not the most efficient coal, like what is mined in W. Vir. and here in AK, but better than putting their head in the sand.
Plus the good coal is not that expensive to import.
I was listening the other day to yet another person saying that Merkel was a complete disaster for Germany and all of Europe....none of the things that needed to happen on her watch happened....she resisted needed change and did a lot of really stupid shit instead.

That's pretty much what happened. I think they have a saner PM now.

Merkel was a globalist piece of shit. She did massive damage.

The same damage the Biden administration is doing.
That's pretty much what happened. I think they have a saner PM now.

Merkel was a globalist piece of shit. She did massive damage.

The same damage the Biden administration is doing.

Its a Revolution, this is a Regime, and you MOTHERFUCKER will do as you are told...OR ELSE!