The GI bill was a great sucess

The G.I. Bill, formally known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, was a law that provided a range of benefits for some of the returning World War II veterans (commonly referred to as G.I.s). The original G.I. Bill expired in 1956, but the term "G.I. Bill" is still used to refer to programs created to assist some of the U.S. military veterans.
The final bill provided immediate financial rewards for practically all World War II veterans, thereby avoiding the highly disputed postponed life insurance policy payout for World War I veterans that had caused political turmoil in the 1920s and 1930s.[5] Benefits included low-cost mortgages, low-interest loans to start a business or farm, one year of unemployment compensation, and dedicated payments of tuition and living expenses to attend high school, college, or vocational school. These benefits were available to all veterans who had been on active duty during the war years for at least 90 days and had not been dishonorably discharged.[6]
Here’s the dealeo dudes

It was a massive success

Without it what would have happened

Massive unemployment

An economic crash because no one was spending

So FDR and team managed the economy off a cliffs edge

The people got educated and more technical innovations took place

Having people educated is the life’s blood of an economic power

Fascists don’t like education

The GI bill is a good example of why the Republican Party keeps giving up and letting Democrats Fix the mess they cause to the economy (it’s like a history loop)

It proves a government can successfully manage an economy to keep it out of a constant boom and bust cycle

The Uber wealthy hate that

They make more money with a boom and bust economy

In a properly managed economy EVERYONE MAKES MORE MONEY

The wealthy only get to make a reasonable profit

I think we can insist they make that horrendous sacrifice of making a bit less profit

So that 99% of us can have a decent life

What say you all?
The affluent actually do far better long term with Democratic economic policies that result in better economic situations for all.

The affluent are generally so defensive of their immediate circumstances, however,
that they are physiologically incapable of thinking "long term."

Everybody seeks to look out for his/her own best interests,
and nobody is absolutely certain what his/her best interests are.
Yes we can know what’s best

We just have to stop pretending Keynesian economics doesn’t work even though it’s obvious it works if you believe in real history

Stop letting the wealthy convince you that a government of the people can’t manage the economy like adults

We Democratic Party members keep having to fix what you break

Then you immediately go back to saying it didn’t work and insist we do your failed idiot ideas again until they yet again break everything




Buy a clue from Alex mooranzzzzzz
The wealthy are more successful at consolidating wealth in a boom and bust economy

It’s why the LIKE crashes

They buy up stuff at a bargain

They don’t care about the peoples misery

It means nothing to them

We have to manage the economy to keep them from letting things crash from time to time

It’s why they fight regulations

They want a free reign,The G.I.,at the time, Charles G.

We need to remember the real history before someone starts saying MORE real history needs to be erased

The G.I. Bill, formally known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, was a law that provided a range of benefits for some of the returning World War II veterans (commonly referred to as G.I.s). The original G.I. Bill expired in 1956, but the term "G.I. Bill" is still used to refer to programs created to assist some of the U.S. military veterans.

The policy worked like magic

We got the advances that this policy provided

The 1950s boom and we were top in the world

The years republicans refuse to admit they want to go back to

The good ole days when you could raise a family by just getting a job and working hard

Buy a house

Get a new car every 7 years or so

Have a decent retirement

Have great hope for your kiddos lives
Here’s the dealeo dudes

It was a massive success

Without it what would have happened

Massive unemployment

An economic crash because no one was spending

So FDR and team managed the economy off a cliffs edge

The people got educated and more technical innovations took place

Having people educated is the life’s blood of an economic power

Fascists don’t like education


There was no massive unemployment after WW2, it was the complete opposite, it led into America's boom years of the 50s.

I am opposed to any law that benefits one single group of people and nobody else.

FDR was right to oppose it.

FDR wanted the legislation to apply to all poor people, not just veterans.
The G.I. Bill, formally known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, was a law that provided a range of benefits for some of the returning World War II veterans (commonly referred to as G.I.s). The original G.I. Bill expired in 1956, but the term "G.I. Bill" is still used to refer to programs created to assist some of the U.S. military veterans.

The policy worked like magic

We got the advances that this policy provided
The 1950s boom and we were top in the world
The years republicans refuse to admit they want to go back to
The good ole days when you could raise a family by just getting a job and working hard

Buy a house
Get a new car every 7 years or so
Have a decent retirement
Have great hope for your kiddos lives

Actually, it didn't. In the immediate postwar years, the US was the only intact, major, industrialized nation on the planet. The Soviet Union was wrecked from war as was most of Europe. The UK was broke from fighting that war. Japan was in ruins as was Germany. The US was the nation providing virtually everyone around the world with manufactured goods and food. So, the US economy was booming. This is true even as major military spending after an initial big drop resumed with the Cold War.

As other nations recovered, the US economy declined.

The GI Bill wasn't some panacea for that. Only about a third of enlisted soldiers, at most, could really make use of it as they were the fraction capable of college level work. The other two thirds went back to work in some factory or other blue-collar job.

The other thing that came out of WW 2 was the acceleration of the Electronics Revolution. This would be the cause of much of our current social and economic upheaval. The plentiful office and factory jobs of the Industrial Age are gone. Computers and other electronics replaced them. No need for workers to push a button or stand by a machine loading and unloading it.


Auto factory 1930's


Auto factory today


Word processing 1950's


Word processing today
Yes we can know what’s best

We just have to stop pretending Keynesian economics doesn’t work even though it’s obvious it works if you believe in real history

Stop letting the wealthy convince you that a government of the people can’t manage the economy like adults

We Democratic Party members keep having to fix what you break

Then you immediately go back to saying it didn’t work and insist we do your failed idiot ideas again until they yet again break everything




Buy a clue from Alex mooranzzzzzz

Like the democrats ignoring the housing bubble which caused the recession that Bush had to bail you out from?
Dear fucking idiot

Bush was running the nation during the whole buildup and crash

Fuck you very much

Bush was trying to warn congress of the bubble but the democrats ignored him.

Barney Frank and Maxine waters who were in charge denied there was a housing bubble.

I've posted all this proof before.
There was no massive unemployment after WW2, it was the complete opposite, it led into America's boom years of the 50s.

I am opposed to any law that benefits one single group of people and nobody else.

FDR was right to oppose it.

FDR wanted the legislation to apply to all poor people, not just veterans.

And that would have worked even better idiot

The GI BILL worked

You have no proof it didn’t

Just the same story Old fucking Republican lies

Republican lie about it every time it works

Then they get elected with those lies and election cheating

Then they give the wealthy everything they can get away with

Then the economy falters

Then Democrats get elected and fix the mess with Keynesian economics economic theory

Then the republicans yet again say “we are all Keynesians know” again

Then as the next election nears they begin to lie about what fixed the economy




Death to the Republican Party

They are a criminal organization
Bush was trying to warn congress of the bubble but the democrats ignored him.

Barney Frank and Maxine waters who were in charge denied there was a housing bubble.

I've posted all this proof before.


The entire Republican Party and it’s mule Fox denied the economy was in trouble you stupid russian

Then when it crashed because of their lies about it being healthy

The nation was shocked

But I wasn’t

All that can be proven with verifiable facts

Idiot lies like you just spewed is why Russia is such a failed nation