The Global Elite: Rigging the Rules That Fuel Inequality


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Brainy response kid. Maybe try to counter with facts instead of "Pie charts are crap" theory.

Dear dunce; it isn't the pie chart that is crap, but the moronic premise.

But you keep cheering for that Big Government Nanny State dunce; they'll protect you and ensure that you only have just the right amount. It works great in Venezeula. ;)
In the game of life, everyone deserves an equal playing field, not some the better teams points to make the game a tie.
I'd like to see Kenny, or any other liberal here, admit that they think that in order for there to be wealthy, there must be many poor to support them.
I think it is really funny that those on the right try to make everyone believe that the ONLY ONE possible alternative to the increasingly obscene divide between the few very very rich and the many very very poor is to make everyone have exactly the same.
Dear dunce; it isn't the pie chart that is crap, but the moronic premise.

But you keep cheering for that Big Government Nanny State dunce; they'll protect you and ensure that you only have just the right amount. It works great in Venezeula. ;)

Oh, I'm fully aware that you are scared to death of a government. You probably see seat belt laws as "CONTROL!"..

If you had a brain you would know that this Country was based on Smart Government, not NO Government.
In the game of life, everyone deserves an equal playing field, not some the better teams points to make the game a tie.

"everyone deserves an equal playing field" is the key flaw in America. Our founders system of "The harder workers do better" is gone and today it's the Company that finds the Country with the cheapest labor.

We are a VERY successful Country and we DEMAND that our manufacturers be paid less than someone in a 3rd world Country otherwise we will outsource the job.

Since very young Children working for nearly nothing are cheaper than an American Wage jobs are outsourced.


In order for America to stay a successful Country we either have to drop our workers pay or we find reasons our employers should hire local.
I think it is really funny that those on the right try to make everyone believe that the ONLY ONE possible alternative to the increasingly obscene divide between the few very very rich and the many very very poor is to make everyone have exactly the same.

Dear dunce; the only ones who want to make everyone have exactly the same are your guys. Man you are one clue,ess twit aren't you? It's your hero sitting in the White House divining what is fair bloviating with his clueless Marxist Class envy message.

It's the right who correctly believes that the only way those who have less can do better is by promoting free market ideas that actually create good high paying jobs and actually educating our citizens and not indoctrinating them with this Politically Correct Liberal Progressive bullshit.

By the way dishonest dunce; show me one person on the right that ever said they want everyone to have the same. What a painfully stupid dishonest meme.
Oh, I'm fully aware that you are scared to death of a government. You probably see seat belt laws as "CONTROL!"..

If you had a brain you would know that this Country was based on Smart Government, not NO Government.

Dear dunce; please show me anyone who has argued that we don't need any Government.

This is why talking to dishonest idiots on the left is such a waste of time, you morons make crap up, then want to argue about it.

The smartest men in the world created the most ingenius document of governance ever invented by man. It is called the Constitution. These wise men correctly feared Governments and deliberately created a document that limited the role and scope of Government and would help ensure that the citizens would never be ruled over by politicians, but rather,the politicians ruled over by the people.

This did come with a caveat; that this brilliant document could only ensure our liberty through educated voters. Dunces like you suggest that our founders worst fears are being met; that this once great nations greatest threat would not come from outside, but from within when willful dunces like you realized that you can vote yourselves other people's money by electing corrupt politicians who promise something for nothing.

Your irrational fear of corporations is a testimony of the ingnorance being bred by our educational systems. Corporations can only thrive if people buy their products and services. If they do not produce a good or product people desire, they will go bankrupt. Governments thrive regardless of their failures and grow like a cancer eventually killing its host.

But alas, I'm trying to reason with and educate an idiot. Silly me.

Carry on.
"everyone deserves an equal playing field" is the key flaw in America. Our founders system of "The harder workers do better" is gone and today it's the Company that finds the Country with the cheapest labor.

We are a VERY successful Country and we DEMAND that our manufacturers be paid less than someone in a 3rd world Country otherwise we will outsource the job.

Since very young Children working for nearly nothing are cheaper than an American Wage jobs are outsourced.


In order for America to stay a successful Country we either have to drop our workers pay or we find reasons our employers should hire local.

This has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever read; yay you!
Dear dunce; the only ones who want to make everyone have exactly the same are your guys. Man you are one clue,ess twit aren't you? It's your hero sitting in the White House divining what is fair bloviating with his clueless Marxist Class envy message.

It's the right who correctly believes that the only way those who have less can do better is by promoting free market ideas that actually create good high paying jobs and actually educating our citizens and not indoctrinating them with this Politically Correct Liberal Progressive bullshit.

By the way dishonest dunce; show me one person on the right that ever said they want everyone to have the same. What a painfully stupid dishonest meme.
I say again:

"I think it is really funny that those on the right try to make everyone believe that the ONLY ONE possible alternative to the increasingly obscene divide between the few very very rich and the many very very poor is to make everyone have exactly the same."

That does NOT mean that anyone on the right WANTS everyone to be the same. It is, however, YOUR ridiculous argument that the LEFT believes that the ONLY WAY to deal with the increasingly obscene divide between rich and poor is by making everyone the same. No one on the left has ever demanded THAT.

And is all class envy Marxist? If so, why do you feel the need to call it "Marxist class envy"? That's sort of like saying, I'll have a bowl of the blue blueberries, isn't it? And if all class envy is NOT Marxist, would YOU not call everyone who advocates the Marxist variant of class envy, therefore, a Marxist?
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LMAO; dumb.

Taxing big corporations to pay for a vast array of social programs is smart. Inheriting wealth, parking it offshore, practicing exploitation and getting help from the government while preaching a bootstraps mentality to everyone not born with silver spoons in their mouths is dumb.
Taxing big corporations to pay for a vast array of social programs is smart. Inheriting wealth, parking it offshore, practicing exploitation and getting help from the government while preaching a bootstraps mentality to everyone not born with silver spoons in their mouths is dumb.

The corporate tax rate is currently 35%. Would you like to see that number rise?
Taxing big corporations to pay for a vast array of social programs is smart. Inheriting wealth, parking it offshore, practicing exploitation and getting help from the government while preaching a bootstraps mentality to everyone not born with silver spoons in their mouths is dumb.

Business taxes are not paid by the businesses. They are paid by every customer they have. The taxes they pay are part of their cost of doing business. In order to maintain the same profit margin, if business taxes are increased, they are forced to raise prices.