The Gold Standard to Return One Way or Another


New member
Is there no hope for the dollar, then? After all, the dollar has suffered before (the 70s come to mind) before returning to its former glory.

On our way to a post-collapse, post-dollar world, Asia will likely transition from a de jure dollar standard to a de facto gold standard. This will happen in stages as the dollar crumbles; Asian countries and consumers will accumulate gold reserves surreptitiously at first, and may eventually formalize the transition through some sort of pan-Asian IMF-type arrangement.

What is your obsession with the gold standard?

The gold standard would do nothing for America. Nothing. In an international market, a fiat standard is every bit as good, and better, because inflation can be controlled at a standard rate, instead of Gold's haphazard inflation and deflation.
What is your obsession with the gold standard?

The gold standard would do nothing for America. Nothing. In an international market, a fiat standard is every bit as good, and better, because inflation can be controlled at a standard rate, instead of Gold's haphazard inflation and deflation.

Do you understand why counterfeing is bad? It's the same but on a bigger scale. It gives criminals too much illegitimate power.
It took us over a century to get of the gold standard. In the meantime we had severe shortages of money. Now we got lots of it. In fact, there is no practical limit to production of wealth.
It took us over a century to get of the gold standard. In the meantime we had severe shortages of money. Now we got lots of it. In fact, there is no practical limit to production of wealth.
There are reasons that the Federalized bank has failed three times and is working on its fourth.
There are reasons that the Federalized bank has failed three times and is working on its fourth.
Previous failures were due to insufficient money supply, followed by adoption of silver as a secondary standard, and the US paying off paper and silver debts with gold. The paper standard eliminates those problems, doesn't it?
Previous failures were due to insufficient money supply, followed by adoption of silver as a secondary standard, and the US paying off paper and silver debts with gold. The paper standard eliminates those problems, doesn't it?
Those are excuses for previous failures. They are symptoms of the issue. Money does best when it has an intrinsic value, not one based on debt.
Those are excuses for previous failures. They are symptoms of the issue. Money does best when it has an intrinsic value, not one based on debt.
That is an opinion, albeit widely held. But our current standard is based on "confidence", not debt, and it is responsible for more people living a higher standard of living than at any time in history.
Yes though. The dollar will tank. Other countries are becoming weary of our irresponsibility. We've lost their confidence, southern man. We affected them all when we repackaged (securitized, remember the video) all those bogus loans, and then just bailed out our banks when people defaulted on the loans they should have never received. their greed has sealed all our fates.
That is an opinion, albeit widely held. But our current standard is based on "confidence", not debt, and it is responsible for more people living a higher standard of living than at any time in history.
Money is created in debt in our current system. It isn't based in "confidence" the economy is based in that. One can have a recession while the dollar is still high, for instance. The value of the dollar is based entirely on debt at this point in time.
Money is created in debt in our current system. It isn't based in "confidence" the economy is based in that. One can have a recession while the dollar is still high, for instance. The value of the dollar is based entirely on debt at this point in time.
I can see your point; perhaps we are aguing the same thing. I accept a dollar for payment for a good or service, since I have the confidence that I can use it to purchase a good or service that I cannot provide otherwise.