The GOP Body Count


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Republicans are leaving so many dead bodies along the road to the White House, that one would think they were bounty hunters instead of public servants committed to creating a better world for one and all.

The war on women continues unabated, with one state after another proposing various bills that would violate a woman's right to privacy. Women should be able to find common ground on this issue since it is irrelevant whether a woman wants full control in the timing of a family or whether she wants to leave it to fate. The bottom line is men are attempting to dictate what woman must do, and they are invading the privacy of all women to do so.

The Republican stance on same-sex marriage leaves gays and lesbians subjected to a life of second-class citizenship.

The GOP's refusal to raise taxes on the rich ultimately will cause middle class angst, and its threat to drastically cut entitlement programs will devastate the elderly, disabled, and the poor.

A look at the GOP position on immigration indicates that many Republicans oppose the Dream Act and together with Mitt Romney, suggest that illegal immigrants should be harassed to the point where they will "self-deport". How can immigrants look kindly on a country that invites them in, that declares "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free" and then tries to usher them back out without offering a road to legality? Legal immigrants are even being left face down in the mud, robbed of their heritage under the rash of "English only" laws

Will there be anyone left that the GOP has not angered? Yes, it would likely be white Christian males. We will hand the country over to such a minority because of our own failure to read, watch and listen. Name recognition guides our votes, not the record of a politician. We refuse to gather information from more than one source, and we assume such a source is irrefutable. We believe everything we hear if it is repeated more than twice. We have allowed irrational anger and narrow mindedness to take over civil discourse, and we have let the angry and narrow minded usurp our better angels. Finally, too many of us cannot see the wisdom in the separation of church and state. The line has been blurred and that is most assuredly not healthy in a democracy.

There comes a time when we must say "Stop!" If we are in this together, we must stick together not only as people, but as determined brokers of our future.

