The GOP’s Surrender to the Antisemites

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
So Jews should now vote for the white xtian party whose driving religion was to eradicate Jews for over 2000 years starting with their antisemitic "new testament"

No, the enemy of our enemy are not our friends , tolerance yes, friends no

Yes the democrats have a small cadre of antisemitism but the party is not antisemitic as its core principles align with us Jews

"In Judaism, the concept of tikkun olam is a Hebrew phrase that roughly means "repairing the world" or "perfecting the world." It is a central tenet of Jewish Theology, as evidenced by its inclusion in the Aleinu, a Jewish prayer that is traditionally recited three times daily. Performing mitzvots, or good deeds, is one means of tikkun olam, and the concept of good deeds and improving the world is inextricably linked in Jewish minds to social justice and equality – the hallmarks of democratic principles."

"Given that backdrop, Jewish support for the Democratic Party is only natural. We are the party that fought for and ushered in a women's right to vote, the Civil Rights movement, the Civil Rights Act, women's reproductive rights, and currently champion the cause of Gay Americans.

Republicans love affair with the country of Israel, where over 90% of land is government owned, with universal health care, high taxes, and a generous welfare system, is recent and often stems from their twisted religious conviction of their end days and us Jews.

On September 3, Cynthia Hughes, founder of the Patriot Freedom project, regaled the crowd at Donald Trump’s “Save America” rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, with the plight of her nephew, Tim Hale-Cusanelli. Poor Tim, who once served in the Navy, had been convicted for his role in the January 6 insurrection. The story of his “mistreatment” drew moans from the sympathetic audience.

Hughes did not mention that Navy investigators found 34 former colleagues who reported that Hale-Cusanelli had expressed “extremist or radical views pertaining to the Jewish people, minorities, and women.” One recollected Hale-Cusanelli’s practice of asking new colleagues if they were Jewish. Another remembered him saying Jews “are ruining everything and did not belong here,” and yet another recalled him saying, “Hitler should have finished the job.” Hale-Cusanelli has been photographed wearing a distinctive Hitlerian mustache. His passion for genocidal antisemitism developed into a passion for a right-wing putsch attempt, and now he has become essentially a martyr figure championed by the Republican Party’s leader.

Trump attacked his critics as a cabal of “globalists” and fixated on the secret powers exerted by Soros, who has displaced (or in some cases joined) the Rothschilds in the imagined role of secret Jewish financier orchestrating a series of catastrophes for profit. The explosion of militant paranoia that followed Trump’s rise — from the Oath Keepers to QAnon — has appeared both online and in the real world with occasionally deadly consequences in places like Charlottesville and Pittsburgh. Although much of this activity has taken place outside the party system, the energies on the right have crept into the Republican Party.

In Pennsylvania, Doug Mastriano, the GOP nominee for governor, paid the ultraright-wing social-media site Gab to promote his candidacy, which has articulated Christian-nationalist themes. Gab’s chief executive, Andrew Torba, is an explicit antisemite who has promoted Mastriano as a fellow enemy of the Jews. “We don’t want people who are Jewish,” Torba explained.

The GOP’s overriding goal is to win, and it has decided this means accepting the support of anybody who will provide it. For three-quarters of a century, antisemites were locked out of major American politics or at least had to keep their bigotry quiet. Now the door is open.
People are free to vote however they like but when The NY Times and other progressive leaning publications have written articles about progressive Jews feeling betrayed by people they thought were progressive allies, that’s more than just a “small cadre of anti-semitism” within the Democratic party.

It’s not news to anyone following that there’s a big battle within the party over this. If you’re a Democrat of course you’re going to want to downplay it. Neither party wants their inner turmoil dominating the news.

As far as Presidential elections go, it doesn’t take a large number of voters either switching parties or staying home to make a difference in certain swing states.
So Jews should now vote for the white xtian party whose driving religion was to eradicate Jews for over 2000 years starting with their antisemitic "new testament"l

Quite a way to start off, Guno.

Even though I'm only a Christian Catholic ethnically and am a secular humanist by belief,
I would interpret this as a belligerent beginning to the conversation.

If the New Testament is shit,
the Old Testament was surely the model for penny dreadfuls and subsequent pulp fiction.

Despicable Jewish Republicans have abounded for a while.

Jack Abramoff.
Sheldon Adelson.
The turncoat Joe Lieberman, Gore's running mate,
was one of my favorites, the little motherfucker.

Don't make collateral damage out of your friends.
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People are free to vote however they like but when The NY Times and other progressive leaning publications have written articles about progressive Jews feeling betrayed by people they thought were progressive allies, that’s more than just a “small cadre of anti-semitism” within the Democratic party.

It’s not news to anyone following that there’s a big battle within the party over this. If you’re a Democrat of course you’re going to want to downplay it. Neither party wants their inner turmoil dominating the news.

As far as Presidential elections go, it doesn’t take a large number of voters either switching parties or staying home to make a difference in certain swing states.

Since 1916 Jews have voted democratic in all presidential elections and for good reasons if any switch it will be to another party that reflects our values
Quite a way to start off, Guno.

Even though I'm only a Christian Catholic ethnically and am a secular humanist by belief,
I would interpret this as a belligerent beginning to the conversation.

If the New Testament is shit,
the Old Testament was surely the model for penny dreadfuls and subsequent pulp fiction.

Despicable Jewish Republicans have abounded for a while.

Jack Abramoff.
Sheldon Adelson.
The turncoat Joe Lieberman, Gore's running mate,
was one of my favorites, the little motherfucker.

Don't make collateral damage out of your friends.

It was focused to rightwing xtian republicans

We are on pins and needles as we have family and friends in Ashkelon
Since 1916 Jews have voted democratic in all presidential elections and for good reasons if any switch it will be to another party that reflects our values

It's almost two different conversations; how Jews vote and their effect on Presidential elections. Jews can vote a majority Democratic, but if enough stay home or enough vote for someone else that can have a material effect on an election (in certain states).

I'm not telling people how to vote nor am I speaking for Jews but progressive publications aren't writing all these articles about the alienation some progressive Jews feel for no reason. Political parties, and their voters, change over time. There is potential shake up now in the Democratic Party. Maybe years down the road we'll look back and say nothing came of it. But right now you have traditional supporters under the Democratic umbrella at odds and the party has concerns.
Since 1916 Jews have voted democratic in all presidential elections and for good reasons if any switch it will be to another party that reflects our values

I'm not going to pretend to speak for you but I can take an educated guess towards your feelings now. You're a progressive Jew and have made your dislike/hatred of Republicans and the Republican Party pretty clear. Even people on the same side can have occasional disagreements but what's happening now isn't over something like the minimum wage, it's an existential issue. And some people who you generally see as friends and allies, even on this board, hold a very strong differing opinion. And on this particular issue the hated Republicans are more on your side than the Democrats (on the whole).

Of course, for this issue, I'm sure you want as many people on your side as possible - even Republicans. But being the partisans we are I'm sure it's a conflicting feeling for you (wanting/needing their support but not wanting to acknowledge it).