The Great Depression vs. Today; And "Share the Wealth" program.


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
"Long charged that the nation’s economic collapse was the result of the vast disparity between the super-rich and everyone else. A recovery was impossible while 95% of the nation’s wealth was held by only 15% of the population. In Long’s view, this concentration of money among a handful of wealthy bankers and industrialists restricted its availability for average citizens, who were already struggling with debt and the effects of a shrinking economy. Because no one could afford to buy goods and services, businesses were forced to cut their workforces, thus deepening the economic crisis through a devastating ripple effect."

Sounds just like today to me.

Today though, outsourcing is the key issue. "The people on welfare are low skill workers and the jobs being outsourced are low skill jobs" is what I always say. And this is fact.

So what is it folks......Do we want outsourcing of jobs to profit the few? Or do we want to keep American jobs and profit the many?......

I keep seeing the most uneducated people in America fighting for us to get into another depression and I can't figure out if it's because of their media Fox News or if they seriously think that Corporations don't have monetary interest. Either way in my opinion, they are uneducated.
I know, smart threads aren't welcome here. Thought I would try. Maybe I should just jump on the "hate" bandwagon.
"Long charged that the nation’s economic collapse was the result of the vast disparity between the super-rich and everyone else. A recovery was impossible while 95% of the nation’s wealth was held by only 15% of the population. In Long’s view, this concentration of money among a handful of wealthy bankers and industrialists restricted its availability for average citizens, who were already struggling with debt and the effects of a shrinking economy. Because no one could afford to buy goods and services, businesses were forced to cut their workforces, thus deepening the economic crisis through a devastating ripple effect."

Sounds just like today to me.

Today though, outsourcing is the key issue. "The people on welfare are low skill workers and the jobs being outsourced are low skill jobs" is what I always say. And this is fact.

So what is it folks......Do we want outsourcing of jobs to profit the few? Or do we want to keep American jobs and profit the many?......

I keep seeing the most uneducated people in America fighting for us to get into another depression and I can't figure out if it's because of their media Fox News or if they seriously think that Corporations don't have monetary interest. Either way in my opinion, they are uneducated.

Let’s see, you claim to lean politically right and you think Fox News is the fucking boogieman. Thus, your either a fucking liar or a fucking idiot or a fucking lying idiot.
why does fox news tout economic solutions right out of the short bus Austrian school of economics?

why do they support ideas built on false math?
where is FDR in the historians vote?

pretty high up there huh?

the funny ass part is the USA all you right wing fools want to go back to was the result of FDRs policies.

what fucking lemmings you are
Let’s see, you claim to lean politically right and you think Fox News is the fucking boogieman. Thus, your either a fucking liar or a fucking idiot or a fucking lying idiot.

I started to learn more Left lately due to certain topics.....that is the beauty of my position. I can do whatever the hell I want.

Once again you avoided the topic completely only to come troll like a 12 year old on youtube. Nothing at all to say about the topic. Aren't you the one that stated "you never win debates with me because you never debate me"? I post stuff like this all the time and you simply troll and leave.
shes an idiot liar.

she is famous on this site for befriending the female leftys in PMs and then lying about what they said to her in PMs.

shes a real nasty bit of work
Let’s see, you claim to lean politically right and you think Fox News is the fucking boogieman. Thus, your either a fucking liar or a fucking idiot or a fucking lying idiot.

Your post indicates that one who leans right (which I can't see how you could possibly surmise considering anti-party's above post) should or would support Fox News, a self admitted "entertainment" network, not a news network.

Thus, your either a fucking liar or a fucking idiot or a fucking lying idiot.

I mean seriously, this is the stupidest post you have ever made, and quite possibly one of the stupidest things ever published on the internet.

Did you know that Fox can't legally call their show News in Canada?
I started to learn more Left lately due to certain topics.....that is the beauty of my position. I can do whatever the hell I want.

Once again you avoided the topic completely only to come troll like a 12 year old on youtube. Nothing at all to say about the topic. Aren't you the one that stated "you never win debates with me because you never debate me"? I post stuff like this all the time and you simply troll and leave.

Why bother?

Classic Idiot is too stupid to understand what you are telling him.
It doesn’t take much smarts to know what the junior leftist idiot “is telling.” His posting handle should be “Anti-Fox” because he’s one of the most leftist partisan bastards in this forum. There’s nary a fucking post of his that doesn’t bemoan Fox News. That wouldn’t be so fucking hilarious if the junior leftist lying bastard didn’t pretend he’s a right leaner. It’s a well known fact that the idiot racist communist, socialist bastards on the left are scared shitless by Fox News. Just the very idea that anybody would have the gall to provide a TV News program in opposition to the major lamestream leftist propagandizing bastards machine strikes fear in the loony leftist heart. They become obsessed by Fox and bemoan Fox in every post here. It’s really hilarious!!!!!
Actually I'm surprised that more didn't jump in here, with socialists ideals epitomized.

Oh? The New Deal was a compromise between the socialists, communists, unions and business community. Roosevelt tried to appease members of the working class, while still remaining within the structure of capitalism. In essence, that kind of liberalism, or social democracy, is a way of saving capitalism, not of discarding it.
Unfettered capitalism does not remain capitalism long.

Its why the wealthy have invented things like the Austiran school of economics and Fixed news to fool people with
"Long charged that the nation’s economic collapse was the result of the vast disparity between the super-rich and everyone else. A recovery was impossible while 95% of the nation’s wealth was held by only 15% of the population. In Long’s view, this concentration of money among a handful of wealthy bankers and industrialists restricted its availability for average citizens, who were already struggling with debt and the effects of a shrinking economy. Because no one could afford to buy goods and services, businesses were forced to cut their workforces, thus deepening the economic crisis through a devastating ripple effect."

Sounds just like today to me.

Today though, outsourcing is the key issue. "The people on welfare are low skill workers and the jobs being outsourced are low skill jobs" is what I always say. And this is fact.

So what is it folks......Do we want outsourcing of jobs to profit the few? Or do we want to keep American jobs and profit the many?......

I keep seeing the most uneducated people in America fighting for us to get into another depression and I can't figure out if it's because of their media Fox News or if they seriously think that Corporations don't have monetary interest. Either way in my opinion, they are uneducated.

It does sound like today. Isn't that among the reasons why so many monopolies were broken up in the late 1800s? because too much money was concentrated in too few hands? And that's one of the reasons for the estate tax - to get the money back out in the economy through govt and govt spending.

I don't know how anyone can say our growing income disparity is good for our country. Isn't a strong middle class important to this democracy?
It doesn’t take much smarts to know what the junior leftist idiot “is telling.” His posting handle should be “Anti-Fox” because he’s one of the most leftist partisan bastards in this forum. There’s nary a fucking post of his that doesn’t bemoan Fox News. That wouldn’t be so fucking hilarious if the junior leftist lying bastard didn’t pretend he’s a right leaner. It’s a well known fact that the idiot racist communist, socialist bastards on the left are scared shitless by Fox News. Just the very idea that anybody would have the gall to provide a TV News program in opposition to the major lamestream leftist propagandizing bastards machine strikes fear in the loony leftist heart. They become obsessed by Fox and bemoan Fox in every post here. It’s really hilarious!!!!!

You are so wrong on so many levels that you are never worth responding to again. Fox is not news.

Pay attention you fucking moron.

If you shut your idiot trap and read other's posts you might learn something, but I doubt it, since you are so bigoted.