The Great "Frontline" Special


New member
This past weekend's "Frontline" Special, "How We can Bash the American Military about Hadifa While we're at WAR", was par for the course. The Anti-Military, one-sided Hit Piece was basically an Anti-American diatribe against the Bush Admin., and against the American Military in General. I'm sure Generals George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, Mashall, Patton, Eisenhower, and Pres. John F. Kennedy are ALL spinning like TOPS in their graves, to see an AMERICAN media organization put an ongoing, concerted effort to destroy morale, and to try and embarrass America before the World Stage.
The "special" showed WHY most Americans do NOT trust the Liberal Democrat Party to sit in the White House as Commander-in Cheif, WHY there has only been TWO Democrat Presidents elected since 1968, and both disasters and disgraced. But the MODERN Democrat is even WORSE than the historically "bad for defense" Dems of yesteryear.

We had an incident in Hadifa, Iraq,where Iraqi civillians were killed. Is that a trgedy? Of course. Were there mistakes made? Of course. Did our soldiers pull the trigger too fast? Maybe. But NO ONE in America knows what REALLY happened there, except the SOLDIERS who were THERE. Not that SCUM, who wanted to get his fat face on CNN, John Murtha, the pig who's been feeding at the public trough of taxpayer paychecks, free lunches, and lobbyist bribes.
Not John Murtha, who ran to find TV cameras to say "Our American soldiers went into houses in the dead of night, and MURDERED WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN COLD BLOOD". Ted Kennedy MURDERED someone. Robert Byrd probably MURDERED someone, when he presided at lynchings of Black Men when he was a Chief in the Ku Klux Klan. THOSE are facts, of Kennedy'd killing a woman, and Byrd's power in the K.K.K.
MURTHA, on the other hand, was talking out of his ASS. He is a DISGRACE to his constituients, a DISGRACE to the American Flag, and a DISGRACE to the Marine uniform he once wore. To MAKE such an accusation, when he has NO WAY of knowing what REALLY happened, SHOULD, by law, have him in a JAIL CELL as a TRAITOR, giving "Aid and Comfort to an Enemy of the United States", along with Ted Kennedy and Robert "KKK" Byrd. But we KNOW that Senators and Congressmen, especially if they have a "D" after their name, are immune from prosecution.

In the next weeks, some poor aMERICAN soldier or soldiers, after living for weeks, months and some cases YEARS, in a situation where ANY MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD COULD easily BE THE PERSON who has the BULLET or BOMB with HIS NAME ON IT. After months of CONSTANT FEAR OF BEING CAPTURED, where he might easily be the next one to be ON CAMERA, GETTING HIS NECK SLICED AND HACKED THRU WITH A SWORD. And after this type of CONSTANT FEAR AND STRESS, they got into a firefight in Hadifa, where it wasn't CLEAR WHO was the enemy and WHO was a freind, and something happened. What happened was the same thing that happened in EVERY WAR SINCE Ug Bob's Cave had a war with Ug Joe's Cave. Some INNOCENT PEOPLE DIED. Does anyone remember OVER THREE THOUSAND INNOCENT AMERICANS, WORKING IN SOME SKYSCAPER OFFICE BUILDINGS, AND HOW THEY DIED???? It doesn't seem that John Murtha remembers.
just try for one mine to think of it in a selfish point of view instead of like a party hack.

what are you getting out of this war?

Money? - no your losing money because deficit surging, printing more money causing dollar value to decline.

Saftey? - No, Iraq had nothing to do with 911. SA, afganistan, and perhaps pakistan is where we should have focused. If anything we stired a beesnest of a generation of hatred towards americans from young iraqi's whos families may have been victims of 'accidents'

oh i know.. OIL? - nope.. 100 a barrell.. gas prices all time high

AHH ok world respect? - Opinion of America is at all time lows.. forighn Investment is down, countries and groups like opec are swapping to the EURO from the dollar as we are now losing the currency war.

Seriously you party hacks need to start thinking for yourself.
im a right leaning centrist. Fiscal conservative social liberal and even i can see iraq is a scam botch job.

it amazes me that people are this stupid.
And when a 15 year old is gang-raped and then shot in the face, and her six year old sister is also murdered, how is that a “mistake”? Do you know of any definition that would make that a “mistake”?
What are you talking about? I simply pointed out his misspelling. Talk to somebody else about "mistake".

I think bad people do bad things regardless of whether they are in the military.
What are you talking about? I simply pointed out his misspelling. Talk to somebody else about "mistake".

I think bad people do bad things regardless of whether they are in the military.

"We had an incident in Hadifa, Iraq,where Iraqi civillians were killed. Is that a trgedy? Of course. Were there mistakes made? "

I was talking about that. I didn't imply that you said it though. Here i got something for you Damo.

"We had an incident in Hadifa, Iraq,where Iraqi civillians were killed. Is that a trgedy? Of course. Were there mistakes made? "

I was talking about that. I didn't imply that you said it though. Here i got something for you Damo.

You quote my post but don't "imply" that you are answering it? Right.

You can take the Midol, after twisting like that you probably have a cramp somewhere.
You quote my post but don't "imply" that you are answering it? Right.

You can take the Midol, after twisting like that you probably have a cramp somewhere.

No, that’s why I started with “And”…as in, and not only that but...
Did you quit smoking again?