The Great Wide Whale's war for the wealthy

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Chris Christie eliminated funding for family planning, cut medical assistance for home care and nursing homes, wiped out funding for Rutgers University legal programs that assisted the poor, and sliced 40 percent from funding for civil legal services for the needy.

No money was given for the Urban Enterprise Zone program, which had been designed to encourage economic development in poor neighborhoods. Also dropped were after school programs, while changes to eligibility rules are expected to cause over 50,000 poor people to lose access to health care coverage.

Such cuts were deemed necessary due to inadequate state revenue, yet at the same time, Christie granted corporations $180 million in tax breaks.

The New Jersey Supreme Court overturned Christie's education cuts of $1 billion last year, ordering the state to spend half that amount on its poorest schools in the current fiscal year.

Christie considers this only a momentary setback, however.

Unremittingly hostile to the concept of public education, Christie envisions the complete privatization of education in his state, and to help spur efforts in that direction, he appointed Christopher Cerf, former president of Edison Schools Incorporated, as acting Commissioner of Education.

Replacing public education with a voucher system has long been on the Right's agenda.

The well-to-do send their children to private schools, and resent having to pay taxes to support public education.

With their narcissistic rejection of the concept of the public good, they see only their own personal interest.

In their eyes, the beauties of the voucher system are manifold.

Poor families would not be able to afford any amount over the voucher amount, with the result that their children would be condemned to attend the most poorly funded schools.

The "riffraff," in other words, would be kept out of sight.

The well-to-do, however, would see the fees they currently pay to private schools reduced by the voucher amount.

And perhaps best of all in the free market mindset, would be the evisceration of schoolteacher unions and the opportunity for private companies to run schools, where quality of education would run a distant second to the drive for profit.
The right no longer believes in society. They work for those that want to turn America into a 2 class oligarchy.
Yep, you caught us. That's all I think about every day: how to destroy society and crush the common man.

Seriously, does this shit sound sane to you lunatics? How is it in the best interest of the wealthy to make people poor? Most wealthy people came into money from providing a product or service. If most people are poor, they won't be able to afford the products/services.

The only way to save NJ is to cut services, plain and simple. That's the route Andrew Cuomo is taking in NY... although I haven't heard anyone on the left criticize him for it. Funny how that works.
How is it in the best interest of the wealthy to make people poor? Most wealthy people came into money from providing a product or service. If most people are poor, they won't be able to afford the products/services.

Apparently our resident libs are speechless, as they have not been able to explain how it's in the wealthy's best interest to make everyone else poor.
Gov. Chris Christie’s budget cuts are so harsh toward vulnerable people, you wonder what he could do for an encore.

Bite the head off a live sparrow? Club a baby seal? Kick Grandma’s walker out from under her?

Christie is acting like a vindictive creep.

If you take the long view, this governor might be remembered as the one who made it possible to save progressive government in New Jersey.

Christie just pummeled the working poor, cut funds for AIDS drugs, choked off money to the city of Camden, and even moved to close down a center for sexually abused kids.

So why would he be considered a savior of anything, beyond tax cuts for the rich?
LOL, not only did you ignore my question (as usual), you also conveniently butchered that article.

Yes, this one needs some explaining. Christie just pummeled the working poor, cut funds for AIDS drugs, choked off money to the city of Camden, and even moved to close down a center for sexually abused kids. So why would he be considered a savior of anything, beyond tax cuts for the rich?

Short answer: Because he got pension and health care reform done. And without that reform, these rising costs would squeeze state and local budgets harder every year, leaving little room for social spending.

This is no theory; it’s already happening. Newark’s pension and health costs are up 20 percent this year. Cops can retire at age 50 with a pension that equals 70 percent of their highest salary, along with lifetime medical benefits.

The result is that Mayor Cory Booker had to lay off 163 police officers, even after raising taxes by 16 percent. Not surprisingly, shootings are up 40 percent this year.

Booker can only watch as his government shrinks.

“If I tried to raise taxes to cover the mushrooming cost of pension and health costs, we would just crush families,” Booker said on WBGO radio station last week.

Like most mayors, Booker was a big fan of Christie’s reforms, which will require Newark’s finest to pay more and get less. They will still have more generous benefits than the typical taxpayer, by a long shot. But the cost curve will finally be bent downward.

In all, these reforms will save an average of $4.3 billion a year, split between Trenton and local schools and towns. It will be phased in, so the impact won’t be felt much at first.

But the huge scale of those savings makes this reform the state’s most important political achievement in memory. And Christie was the indispensable player.

Democrats don’t much like to hear this argument. Sen. Joe Vitale (D-Middlesex) is a leading liberal who has spent years expanding health programs the governor just scaled back.

He concedes these reforms will make it possible to enact progressive programs down the road, but he doesn’t give Christie much credit.

“That wasn’t his intention,” Vitale says. “If it were up to him, he would use any extra money to cut taxes for the rich, not to restore the safety net for working poor and middle-class families.”

No doubt that is true. Christie wants to spend more on higher education, but even in this crisis his budget contains a new round of business tax cuts.

If you want to see what might happen without reform, look to Rhode Island, where the city of Central Falls is on the brink of bankruptcy due to these costs. The capital, Providence, is on track to run out of money in September. And the state government can’t help because it’s having trouble keeping up with its own pension costs.

Cops in Rhode Island can retire after 20 years, with free medical benefits for life.

In New Jersey, most Democratic legislators opposed this reform. A good liberal, they said, would never oppose the unions.

But is it liberal to give public workers these benefits if it means you have to cut back on preschool, job-training and health care for the working poor?

Not hardly. In austere times, the first job is to make government lean, to harden its muscles so it can survive the storm.

Christie is doing that. As harsh as this year’s budget is, his pension and health reforms will make government more viable for decades to come.

And when he’s gone, the reins in Trenton just may land in the hands of a kinder and gentler governor who can resume the work of progressive government.
my only deal with the fat bastard is that if he were running he'd have bought a treadmill by now.

I agree with the dumbass turbo-libs about the aristocracy, and thanks I like being called an aristocrat.

My cofusion is why are you still poor, it's soo obvious how to make it to aristocracy!!!
Yep, you caught us. That's all I think about every day: how to destroy society and crush the common man.

Seriously, does this shit sound sane to you lunatics? How is it in the best interest of the wealthy to make people poor? Most wealthy people came into money from providing a product or service. If most people are poor, they won't be able to afford the products/services.

The only way to save NJ is to cut services, plain and simple. That's the route Andrew Cuomo is taking in NY... although I haven't heard anyone on the left criticize him for it. Funny how that works.

It is not in their best interests, yet they persist. In Mass today, in Essex county the register of deeds described his office as a "crime scene". Robo-signing by Bank of America and other big banks has continued unabated. If I were to fraudulently sign a document leading to the illegitmate loss of someones dwelling, I would spend years in jail for ONE offence. These cretins have broken this law hundreds of thousands of times with no legal responsibility whatsoever.

I am not going to bother detailing enough cases of class warfare/downpressing to convince you since that is impossible. Suffice it to say, you have blinders on. Continue to vote for those who don't serve you, you will get the government you deserve. Anyone who is not a multi multi millionaire and votes republican is a moron.
Apparently our resident libs are speechless, as they have not been able to explain how it's in the wealthy's best interest to make everyone else poor.

No one said the wealthy are making anyone poor. That is a lie of your own creation.

The wealthy are doing their best however, to keep the poor from gaining wealth.

Allow me to let you in on a timeless secret, kid. You will likely learn it someday anyhow, when your youthfull idealism fades...there is a stream of wealth, it is closely garded against new entrants, it has always been that way, since the dawn of time. There are of course exeptions to every rule, it is a rule nonetheless.
And this is relevant how exactly?

You think the governor of NJ shouldn't be allowed to send his kids to a religious school?

The point is that the he should not use the helicopter for non-oficial business, nothing to do with religion whatsoever. Agian, try to look at the bigger picture.
I wonder how many of the board Rightards are debt-free and when faced with a budget shortfall, only cut their expenses instead of finding ways to boost their revenue.
Apparently our resident libs are speechless, as they have not been able to explain how it's in the wealthy's best interest to make everyone else poor.

(Excerpt) In economics, deflation is a decrease in the general price level of goods and services. Deflation occurs when the inflation rate falls below 0% (a negative inflation rate). This should not be confused with disinflation, a slow-down in the inflation rate (i.e. when inflation declines to lower levels). Inflation reduces the real value of money over time; conversely, deflation increases the real value of money – the currency of a national or regional economy. This allows one to buy more goods with the same amount of money over time. (End)

In other words the rich get richer because the poor get poorer. Ones wealth is determined by those with whom they do business, members of their community. If a plumber earning $30/hr loses their job they'll try to pick up work at, say, $20/hr. The person hiring the plumber would pay 1/3 less meaning the individual's wealth has increased by 1/3 as far as paying a plumber is concerned.

Extrapolate that to society and products/services become cheaper across the board resulting in the increase in value of the money one holds and it's the wealthy who hold the money.

That's why it's in the wealthy's best interest to make everyone else poor.
The point is that the he should not use the helicopter for non-oficial business, nothing to do with religion whatsoever. Agian, try to look at the bigger picture.
Obamas kids go to private school and get there by Limo.....whats your point...????