The Greatest Generation Was Great For One Reason


Verified User
They fought to defend their country. They did not fight for a moral cause:


Liberal scum assigning a moral cause to the Greatest Generation is sickening. This year’s philosophical interpretation of D-Day was more perverse than ever before.

The Greatest Generation did not fight and die to save democracy, or to save civilization, or to save foreign peoples. They fought to destroy Japan after Pearl Harbor. They only fought in Europe because Germany declared war on the U.S. a week or so after Pearl Harbor.

Socialists/Communists would not have fought for this country in WWII had Hitler not invaded the Soviet Union. That does not prevent today’s liberals from taking credit for winning WWII because it saved Communism in the Soviet Union. Prior to Hitler invading the Soviet Union the American Left was quite content with Stalin and Hitler dividing Europe between them.

In fact, American Communists went berserk demanding a second front after Hitler tore up the non-aggression pact.

After Hitler made the mistake of declaring war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor every Communist effort in this country focused on bullying FDR into establishing a second front.

In November, 1943, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt met together in Teheran, Iran, to discuss military strategy and post-war Europe. Ever since the Soviet Union had entered the war, Stalin had been demanding that the Allies open-up a second front in Europe. Churchill and Roosevelt argued that any attempt to land troops in Western Europe would result in heavy casualties. Until the Soviet's victory at Stalingrad in January, 1943, Stalin had feared that without a second front, Germany would defeat them.

Had Hitler never double-crossed Stalin the Soviet Union would have remained neutral for the duration. As far as Stalin was concerned in 1939 Hitler could have the rest of Europe so long as he stayed out of those countries the Soviets coveted. Stalin knew he could not defeat Germany anyway; so he thought he got a good deal in the Soviet-Nazi Non-Aggression Pact. Stalin was correct in 1939. Had the war been fought between Germany and the Soviet Union alone Germany would have won hands down.

American Communists/Socialists began screaming for a second front after“Operation Barbarossa.” Prior to Hitler’s double-cross American Communists switched loyalties fasted than greased lightning.

Had Hitler not stuck it to Old Joe every American Socialist/Communist would have been conscientious objectors throughout WWII.

NOTE: Communist supporters came out of the woodwork to demonstrate for Communism during the Vietnam War.

Many WWII buffs believe that Hitler’s biggest mistake was invading the Soviet Union. The fact is that declaring war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor was Hitler’s biggest mistake. Japan was Germany’s ally so declaring war on the U.S. —— AFTER THE U.S. DECLARED WAR ON JAPAN —— was based on Germany’s High Command decision that the U.S. could not wage and win a war fought on two oceans.

Had Germany not declared war, FDR would have been forced to concentrate the war effort on Japan. Hitler’s miscalculation was short-sighted. After Japan had been beaten, the American public would still have been against helping Communism survive in the Soviet Union.

Indeed, Americans could see no good reason for entering the war in Europe. Polls taken in the pre-WWII era showed that 80 percent of the American people wanted no part of a European war. As late as June 23, 1941, then-Senator Truman remarked:

If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible. Harry Truman

Senator Harry S. Truman was a vehement opponent of America getting involved in another European War. The man who would later become president understood the American people because he was one of them. To hear today’s liberals talk about WWII, young Americans have been conned into believing that the Greatest Generation could not wait to die for strangers in foreign lands.

Finally, let me go astray with a caution for Democrats.

Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto is credited with saying:

"To invade the United States would prove most difficult because behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle."

Yamamoto never said it; nevertheless, Democrat gun-grabbers are wishing for an invading enemy.

There is no doubt that Democrats would welcome a foreign military à la Vidkun Quisling the same way they welcome illegal alien invaders.
The Greatest Generation was far from the greatest generation. The aftermath of WWII could not have been worse, such as the rise of Communism and the decline of America. The Greatest Generation took political power after WWII, and headed us toward the mess we're in now.
They fought to defend their country. They did not fight for a moral cause:


Liberal scum assigning a moral cause to the Greatest Generation is sickening. This year’s philosophical interpretation of D-Day was more perverse than ever before.

The Greatest Generation did not fight and die to save democracy, or to save civilization, or to save foreign peoples. They fought to destroy Japan after Pearl Harbor. They only fought in Europe because Germany declared war on the U.S. a week or so after Pearl Harbor.

Socialists/Communists would not have fought for this country in WWII had Hitler not invaded the Soviet Union. That does not prevent today’s liberals from taking credit for winning WWII because it saved Communism in the Soviet Union. Prior to Hitler invading the Soviet Union the American Left was quite content with Stalin and Hitler dividing Europe between them.

In fact, American Communists went berserk demanding a second front after Hitler tore up the non-aggression pact.

After Hitler made the mistake of declaring war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor every Communist effort in this country focused on bullying FDR into establishing a second front.

In November, 1943, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt met together in Teheran, Iran, to discuss military strategy and post-war Europe. Ever since the Soviet Union had entered the war, Stalin had been demanding that the Allies open-up a second front in Europe. Churchill and Roosevelt argued that any attempt to land troops in Western Europe would result in heavy casualties. Until the Soviet's victory at Stalingrad in January, 1943, Stalin had feared that without a second front, Germany would defeat them.

Had Hitler never double-crossed Stalin the Soviet Union would have remained neutral for the duration. As far as Stalin was concerned in 1939 Hitler could have the rest of Europe so long as he stayed out of those countries the Soviets coveted. Stalin knew he could not defeat Germany anyway; so he thought he got a good deal in the Soviet-Nazi Non-Aggression Pact. Stalin was correct in 1939. Had the war been fought between Germany and the Soviet Union alone Germany would have won hands down.

American Communists/Socialists began screaming for a second front after“Operation Barbarossa.” Prior to Hitler’s double-cross American Communists switched loyalties fasted than greased lightning.

Had Hitler not stuck it to Old Joe every American Socialist/Communist would have been conscientious objectors throughout WWII.

NOTE: Communist supporters came out of the woodwork to demonstrate for Communism during the Vietnam War.

Many WWII buffs believe that Hitler’s biggest mistake was invading the Soviet Union. The fact is that declaring war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor was Hitler’s biggest mistake. Japan was Germany’s ally so declaring war on the U.S. —— AFTER THE U.S. DECLARED WAR ON JAPAN —— was based on Germany’s High Command decision that the U.S. could not wage and win a war fought on two oceans.

Had Germany not declared war, FDR would have been forced to concentrate the war effort on Japan. Hitler’s miscalculation was short-sighted. After Japan had been beaten, the American public would still have been against helping Communism survive in the Soviet Union.

Indeed, Americans could see no good reason for entering the war in Europe. Polls taken in the pre-WWII era showed that 80 percent of the American people wanted no part of a European war. As late as June 23, 1941, then-Senator Truman remarked:

If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible. Harry Truman

Senator Harry S. Truman was a vehement opponent of America getting involved in another European War. The man who would later become president understood the American people because he was one of them. To hear today’s liberals talk about WWII, young Americans have been conned into believing that the Greatest Generation could not wait to die for strangers in foreign lands.

Finally, let me go astray with a caution for Democrats.

Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto is credited with saying:

"To invade the United States would prove most difficult because behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle."

Yamamoto never said it; nevertheless, Democrat gun-grabbers are wishing for an invading enemy.

There is no doubt that Democrats would welcome a foreign military à la Vidkun Quisling the same way they welcome illegal alien invaders.

No one wanted to get involved into another war, period.. After Pearl Harbor that changed & ppl started volunteering in droves..

What is your point, assuming you have one about commies & all the other bs....

Pls try to be specific, thanks
The Greatest Generation was far from the greatest generation. The aftermath of WWII could not have been worse, such as the rise of Communism and the decline of America. The Greatest Generation took political power after WWII, and headed us toward the mess we're in now.

Did you learn history in East Berlin or something??
They fought to defend their country. They did not fight for a moral cause:


Liberal scum assigning a moral cause to the Greatest Generation is sickening. This year’s philosophical interpretation of D-Day was more perverse than ever before.

The Greatest Generation did not fight and die to save democracy, or to save civilization, or to save foreign peoples. They fought to destroy Japan after Pearl Harbor. They only fought in Europe because Germany declared war on the U.S. a week or so after Pearl Harbor.

Socialists/Communists would not have fought for this country in WWII had Hitler not invaded the Soviet Union. That does not prevent today’s liberals from taking credit for winning WWII because it saved Communism in the Soviet Union. Prior to Hitler invading the Soviet Union the American Left was quite content with Stalin and Hitler dividing Europe between them.

In fact, American Communists went berserk demanding a second front after Hitler tore up the non-aggression pact.

After Hitler made the mistake of declaring war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor every Communist effort in this country focused on bullying FDR into establishing a second front.

In November, 1943, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt met together in Teheran, Iran, to discuss military strategy and post-war Europe. Ever since the Soviet Union had entered the war, Stalin had been demanding that the Allies open-up a second front in Europe. Churchill and Roosevelt argued that any attempt to land troops in Western Europe would result in heavy casualties. Until the Soviet's victory at Stalingrad in January, 1943, Stalin had feared that without a second front, Germany would defeat them.

Had Hitler never double-crossed Stalin the Soviet Union would have remained neutral for the duration. As far as Stalin was concerned in 1939 Hitler could have the rest of Europe so long as he stayed out of those countries the Soviets coveted. Stalin knew he could not defeat Germany anyway; so he thought he got a good deal in the Soviet-Nazi Non-Aggression Pact. Stalin was correct in 1939. Had the war been fought between Germany and the Soviet Union alone Germany would have won hands down.

American Communists/Socialists began screaming for a second front after“Operation Barbarossa.” Prior to Hitler’s double-cross American Communists switched loyalties fasted than greased lightning.

Had Hitler not stuck it to Old Joe every American Socialist/Communist would have been conscientious objectors throughout WWII.

NOTE: Communist supporters came out of the woodwork to demonstrate for Communism during the Vietnam War.

Many WWII buffs believe that Hitler’s biggest mistake was invading the Soviet Union. The fact is that declaring war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor was Hitler’s biggest mistake. Japan was Germany’s ally so declaring war on the U.S. —— AFTER THE U.S. DECLARED WAR ON JAPAN —— was based on Germany’s High Command decision that the U.S. could not wage and win a war fought on two oceans.

Had Germany not declared war, FDR would have been forced to concentrate the war effort on Japan. Hitler’s miscalculation was short-sighted. After Japan had been beaten, the American public would still have been against helping Communism survive in the Soviet Union.

Indeed, Americans could see no good reason for entering the war in Europe. Polls taken in the pre-WWII era showed that 80 percent of the American people wanted no part of a European war. As late as June 23, 1941, then-Senator Truman remarked:

If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible. Harry Truman

Senator Harry S. Truman was a vehement opponent of America getting involved in another European War. The man who would later become president understood the American people because he was one of them. To hear today’s liberals talk about WWII, young Americans have been conned into believing that the Greatest Generation could not wait to die for strangers in foreign lands.

Finally, let me go astray with a caution for Democrats.

Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto is credited with saying:

"To invade the United States would prove most difficult because behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle."

Yamamoto never said it; nevertheless, Democrat gun-grabbers are wishing for an invading enemy.

There is no doubt that Democrats would welcome a foreign military à la Vidkun Quisling the same way they welcome illegal alien invaders.

When Japan thought the US would never recover from Pearl Harbor, to be any opposition to them, our boys went to war, our women went to work, and we gave a big ole Fuck You to the Axis of evil.

Plus they did it, with many of them bitching and moaning. :good4u:


They fought to defend their country. They did not fight for a moral cause:


Liberal scum assigning a moral cause to the Greatest Generation is sickening. This year’s philosophical interpretation of D-Day was more perverse than ever before.

The Greatest Generation did not fight and die to save democracy, or to save civilization, or to save foreign peoples. They fought to destroy Japan after Pearl Harbor. They only fought in Europe because Germany declared war on the U.S. a week or so after Pearl Harbor.

Socialists/Communists would not have fought for this country in WWII had Hitler not invaded the Soviet Union. That does not prevent today’s liberals from taking credit for winning WWII because it saved Communism in the Soviet Union. Prior to Hitler invading the Soviet Union the American Left was quite content with Stalin and Hitler dividing Europe between them.

In fact, American Communists went berserk demanding a second front after Hitler tore up the non-aggression pact.

After Hitler made the mistake of declaring war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor every Communist effort in this country focused on bullying FDR into establishing a second front.

In November, 1943, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt met together in Teheran, Iran, to discuss military strategy and post-war Europe. Ever since the Soviet Union had entered the war, Stalin had been demanding that the Allies open-up a second front in Europe. Churchill and Roosevelt argued that any attempt to land troops in Western Europe would result in heavy casualties. Until the Soviet's victory at Stalingrad in January, 1943, Stalin had feared that without a second front, Germany would defeat them.

Had Hitler never double-crossed Stalin the Soviet Union would have remained neutral for the duration. As far as Stalin was concerned in 1939 Hitler could have the rest of Europe so long as he stayed out of those countries the Soviets coveted. Stalin knew he could not defeat Germany anyway; so he thought he got a good deal in the Soviet-Nazi Non-Aggression Pact. Stalin was correct in 1939. Had the war been fought between Germany and the Soviet Union alone Germany would have won hands down.

American Communists/Socialists began screaming for a second front after“Operation Barbarossa.” Prior to Hitler’s double-cross American Communists switched loyalties fasted than greased lightning.

Had Hitler not stuck it to Old Joe every American Socialist/Communist would have been conscientious objectors throughout WWII.

NOTE: Communist supporters came out of the woodwork to demonstrate for Communism during the Vietnam War.

Many WWII buffs believe that Hitler’s biggest mistake was invading the Soviet Union. The fact is that declaring war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor was Hitler’s biggest mistake. Japan was Germany’s ally so declaring war on the U.S. —— AFTER THE U.S. DECLARED WAR ON JAPAN —— was based on Germany’s High Command decision that the U.S. could not wage and win a war fought on two oceans.

Had Germany not declared war, FDR would have been forced to concentrate the war effort on Japan. Hitler’s miscalculation was short-sighted. After Japan had been beaten, the American public would still have been against helping Communism survive in the Soviet Union.

Indeed, Americans could see no good reason for entering the war in Europe. Polls taken in the pre-WWII era showed that 80 percent of the American people wanted no part of a European war. As late as June 23, 1941, then-Senator Truman remarked:

If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible. Harry Truman

Senator Harry S. Truman was a vehement opponent of America getting involved in another European War. The man who would later become president understood the American people because he was one of them. To hear today’s liberals talk about WWII, young Americans have been conned into believing that the Greatest Generation could not wait to die for strangers in foreign lands.

Finally, let me go astray with a caution for Democrats.

Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto is credited with saying:

"To invade the United States would prove most difficult because behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle."

Yamamoto never said it; nevertheless, Democrat gun-grabbers are wishing for an invading enemy.

There is no doubt that Democrats would welcome a foreign military à la Vidkun Quisling the same way they welcome illegal alien invaders.

What a crock of shit, especially pimping such as DDay and patriotism to make an asinine "point"

They fought to defend their country. They did not fight for a moral cause:


Liberal scum assigning a moral cause to the Greatest Generation is sickening. This year’s philosophical interpretation of D-Day was more perverse than ever before.

The Greatest Generation did not fight and die to save democracy, or to save civilization, or to save foreign peoples. They fought to destroy Japan after Pearl Harbor. They only fought in Europe because Germany declared war on the U.S. a week or so after Pearl Harbor.

Socialists/Communists would not have fought for this country in WWII had Hitler not invaded the Soviet Union. That does not prevent today’s liberals from taking credit for winning WWII because it saved Communism in the Soviet Union. Prior to Hitler invading the Soviet Union the American Left was quite content with Stalin and Hitler dividing Europe between them.

In fact, American Communists went berserk demanding a second front after Hitler tore up the non-aggression pact.

After Hitler made the mistake of declaring war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor every Communist effort in this country focused on bullying FDR into establishing a second front.

In November, 1943, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt met together in Teheran, Iran, to discuss military strategy and post-war Europe. Ever since the Soviet Union had entered the war, Stalin had been demanding that the Allies open-up a second front in Europe. Churchill and Roosevelt argued that any attempt to land troops in Western Europe would result in heavy casualties. Until the Soviet's victory at Stalingrad in January, 1943, Stalin had feared that without a second front, Germany would defeat them.

Had Hitler never double-crossed Stalin the Soviet Union would have remained neutral for the duration. As far as Stalin was concerned in 1939 Hitler could have the rest of Europe so long as he stayed out of those countries the Soviets coveted. Stalin knew he could not defeat Germany anyway; so he thought he got a good deal in the Soviet-Nazi Non-Aggression Pact. Stalin was correct in 1939. Had the war been fought between Germany and the Soviet Union alone Germany would have won hands down.

American Communists/Socialists began screaming for a second front after“Operation Barbarossa.” Prior to Hitler’s double-cross American Communists switched loyalties fasted than greased lightning.

Had Hitler not stuck it to Old Joe every American Socialist/Communist would have been conscientious objectors throughout WWII.

NOTE: Communist supporters came out of the woodwork to demonstrate for Communism during the Vietnam War.

Many WWII buffs believe that Hitler’s biggest mistake was invading the Soviet Union. The fact is that declaring war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor was Hitler’s biggest mistake. Japan was Germany’s ally so declaring war on the U.S. —— AFTER THE U.S. DECLARED WAR ON JAPAN —— was based on Germany’s High Command decision that the U.S. could not wage and win a war fought on two oceans.

Had Germany not declared war, FDR would have been forced to concentrate the war effort on Japan. Hitler’s miscalculation was short-sighted. After Japan had been beaten, the American public would still have been against helping Communism survive in the Soviet Union.

Indeed, Americans could see no good reason for entering the war in Europe. Polls taken in the pre-WWII era showed that 80 percent of the American people wanted no part of a European war. As late as June 23, 1941, then-Senator Truman remarked:

If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible. Harry Truman

Senator Harry S. Truman was a vehement opponent of America getting involved in another European War. The man who would later become president understood the American people because he was one of them. To hear today’s liberals talk about WWII, young Americans have been conned into believing that the Greatest Generation could not wait to die for strangers in foreign lands.

Finally, let me go astray with a caution for Democrats.

Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto is credited with saying:

"To invade the United States would prove most difficult because behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle."

Yamamoto never said it; nevertheless, Democrat gun-grabbers are wishing for an invading enemy.

There is no doubt that Democrats would welcome a foreign military à la Vidkun Quisling the same way they welcome illegal alien invaders.

Not quite right. The United States declared war on Germany not to destroy Japan, but to destroy Germany. Germany was threatening all of Europe. Japan was threatening only China and the United States.

Those guys on D-Day were there because France was occupied and Britain was next.

Germany had taken their lands and their freedom. They were pillaging Europe everywhere they went.

The Allies fought against Germany on moral grounds. We fought against Japan on moral grounds as well.
To StoneByStone: Getting even for Pearl Harbor was necessary.

The war in Europe was different:

No. Stopping the Japanese war effort was necessary. They attacked us, remember.
Stopping the German war effort was necessary. They had attacked and overrun most of Europe. They would've expanded to the United States after that. They were already attacking our ships.

Germany was no different than Japan as far as a threat to the United States was concerned.

People in this country would even lie about their age to join the war army or navy. I don't consider that an involuntary effort, despite the selective service system. Most people of fighting age supported that system at the time.
The Greatest Generation was far from the greatest generation. The aftermath of WWII could not have been worse, such as the rise of Communism and the decline of America. The Greatest Generation took political power after WWII, and headed us toward the mess we're in now.

No doubt now as to why those KKK churchstate cops Islamophobia Pedophilia of Rehnquist's Reichquest got standing for Mengele concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations of one of Eisenhower's Washington, D.C. born Pentagon staff sergeants who passed a few weeks before 9/11.