The Greatest Sin —— Compromise With Socialists/Communists


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Elected official dress in their Sunday-go-to-meeting finery whenever they engage in the dirty business of screwing the people that elected them; hence, the words compromise and bipartisan wear many descriptions. Those two words are much more than synonyms. They are the clothing of necessary legislation that supposedly benefits every American, the common good, and compassionate tax dollar charity tailor-made to convince Americans that that is the kind of people they are.

After all of the compromises Democrats demand are agreed to, as they surely will, this bill will be remembered as one more piece of legislated burglary.

This time the robbery is being planned and executed by Republican scum instead of Democrat scum passing Obamacare:

Democrats said they dissatisfied with worker protections in the bill, which was written by Republicans, and say the rules on corporate bailouts are too lax.

"We'll see what happens, I think we'll get there," President Donald Trump said at the White House moments after the measure failed to advance. "We have to help the worker, we have to save the companies."

Coronavirus stimulus bill fails to move forward, McConnell cites 'obstruction'
NBC News
By Allan Smith, Haley Talbot, Julie Tsirkin and Josh Lederman
Mar 22nd 2020 9:59PM

Surgical masks are promoted to hide the faces of government bandits.


There is no justification for giving Democrat bureaucrats a penny to spend let alone give them more than a trillion tax dollars to finance the Democrat Party’s Socialist agenda.

Congressional scum fixed it so the coronavirus stickup cannot be punished as a crime, while it is a sin beyond punishment in this world.

As far as I know, those small business owners hurt financially by the coronavirus scam cannot sue in a civil court. Wealthy corporations that have the wealth have no reason to sue. Hell, they drove the getaway car.

Finally, everything that went wrong in this country since 1913 came about because freedom-loving Americans compromised with Democrats, or to be precise, the officials Americans elect do the compromising while productive Americans descend to the next level in hell.

Here are a few compromises Democrats demanded and eventually got.

1. Membership in the League of Nations.

2. Peace without victory.

3. Democracy. (A demand in progress.)

4. Every welfare state program.

5. Open-borders.

6. Special privileges legislated for specific groups.

7. Activist judges passing laws.

8. Unconstitutional gun control laws.

9. Legal infanticide.

All of the above and much more began life as compromises before Democrats acquired the positions of power they occupy today.

NOTE: In the early 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century the word compromise was called incrementalism. Around the same time (1905) the word bipartisan first appeared. (Research the words bipartisan and partisan.)

Bottom line: Labeling every theft bipartisan does not justify compromising with Democrats on anything. Should Democrat Communists get the violent revolution they have been threatening for as long as I can remember give it to them now before they compromise themselves into enough tax dollars to pay for it.


I had pretty much made up my mind not to vote the presidential line. Now I may not vote at all:

Not voting is now certain. Republicans are bat shit crazy if they think conservatives will vote for anyone that hands Democrat scum a trillion tax dollars.