The Greatest Threat America Has Ever Faced: the GOP?


The Mother of All Messes By Paul Craig Roberts

"Republicans are sending around the Internet a photo of a cute little boy whose T-shirt reads: “The mess in my pants is nothing compared to the mess Democrats will make of this country if they win Nov. 2nd.”

One can only wonder at the insouciance of this message. Are Republicans unaware of the amazing mess the Bush regime has made?

It is impossible to imagine a bigger mess. Republicans have us at war in two countries as a result of Republican lies and deceptions, and we might be in two more wars--Iran and Pakistan--by November. We have alienated the entire Muslim world and most of the rest.

The dollar has lost 60% of its value against the euro, and the once mighty dollar is losing its reserve currency role.

The Republicans’ policies have driven up the price of both oil and gold by 400%.

Inflation is in double digits. Employment is falling.

The Republican economy in the 21st century has been unable to create net new jobs for Americans except for low wage domestic services such as waitresses, bartenders, retail clerks and hospital orderlies."
Well it will probably be more important to vote Democrat in congressional elections then for President. A fillibuster/veto proof majority is needed.
Nope lets look at the root causes. Stupidity , laziness and greed.
that is what enabled the Republicans to get in power in the first place.

We do need some good conservatives in govt to balance out the extreme left, but this neo stuff is pure crap, and people were stupid enough to buy their crap.
“The mess in my pants is nothing compared to the mess Democrats will make of this country if they win Nov. 2nd.”

Isn't anyone finding it hilarious that the GOP is saying 'hey, at least we're better than a $h1t$st@in!!!'
The Mother of All Messes By Paul Craig Roberts

"Republicans are sending around the Internet a photo of a cute little boy whose T-shirt reads: “The mess in my pants is nothing compared to the mess Democrats will make of this country if they win Nov. 2nd.”

One can only wonder at the insouciance of this message. Are Republicans unaware of the amazing mess the Bush regime has made?

Does anyone ever question the bullshit?

It is impossible to imagine a bigger mess. Republicans have us at war in two countries as a result of Republican lies and deceptions, and we might be in two more wars--Iran and Pakistan--by November. We have alienated the entire Muslim world and most of the rest.

Republican lies and deceptions ?

Need I post the infamous Democratic quotes that show (prove)them saying EXACTLY the same things Bush said?....and show they were repeating these same warnings about WMD and Saddam since 1995 on into there are no lies or deceptions...incorrect conclusions, in hindsight from D's and R's I can buy, but nothing sinister at all ....

Two wars the fault of R's....bullshit again...for the information of complete idiots, WE WERE ATTACKED .... and the Resolution for entering Iraq was passed with Dem. assistance....

The dollar has lost 60% of its value against the euro, and the once mighty dollar is losing its reserve currency role.

More least according to CBS News...
CBS News....7/6/08
The dollar has lost roughly a quarter of its purchasing power against the currencies of major U.S. trading partners from its peak in 2002.
Last time I checked, a "quarter" was 25%....

The Republicans’ policies have driven up the price of both oil and gold by 400%.

Republicans control the price of oil and gold ? Thats too freekin' stupid to warrant a response...

Inflation is in double digits. Employment is falling.

Inflation is about 5.02 released 7/16/08 for June 2008
Employment varied from 5.7%(2002) down to 4.6%(2007) and now stands at about yes, technically, employment is falling (big woop)

The Republican economy in the 21st century has been unable to create net new jobs for Americans except for low wage domestic services such as waitresses, bartenders, retail clerks and hospital orderlies."

Just plain liberal rant bullshit
"Need I post the infamous Democratic quotes that show (prove)them saying EXACTLY the same things Bush said?....and show they were repeating these same warnings about WMD and Saddam since 1995 on into there are no lies or deceptions...incorrect conclusions, in hindsight from D's and R's I can buy, but nothing sinister at all ...."

- Downing Street memo
- Powell's aide saying he was given a "chinese menu" of intel & told to make a case
- blatant lie about Curveball & bio-weapons labs in state of the union only days after they were debunked in a PDB
- British intel memo saying intelligence was being fixed around the policy
- Paul Wolfowicz quoted saying that WMD's were the reason "we decided on" to convince the country to go to war, to pursue their agenda
- Senate report (bipartisan) concluding that intel was manipulated

Need I go on?
The Iraq war is a fake war Bush made up because he didn't believe a president could be great without war and he was obsessed with his legacy.
"Need I post the infamous Democratic quotes that show (prove)them saying EXACTLY the same things Bush said?....and show they were repeating these same warnings about WMD and Saddam since 1995 on into there are no lies or deceptions...incorrect conclusions, in hindsight from D's and R's I can buy, but nothing sinister at all ...."

- Downing Street memo
- Powell's aide saying he was given a "chinese menu" of intel & told to make a case
- blatant lie about Curveball & bio-weapons labs in state of the union only days after they were debunked in a PDB
- British intel memo saying intelligence was being fixed around the policy
- Paul Wolfowicz quoted saying that WMD's were the reason "we decided on" to convince the country to go to war, to pursue their agenda
- Senate report (bipartisan) concluding that intel was manipulated

Need I go on?

Why go on?
None of what you post is relevant to what the Democrats were saying about Saddam and WMD from 1996 and on into 2003....
Are you telling me the Democrats were lying all those years about Saddam and WMD...or are gonna claim it never happened...

Are you gonna tell me Congressional Democrats didn't vote for the War Resolution is sufficient numbers to pass it....?
Maybe you wanna claim that Bush was just too smart for the Dems...
Conclusions reached in hindsight are useless....
And the wussy democrats caved in to the antiamerican and unpatriotic rhetoric of the right. Plus some of them had sold out to the same beast.
Bus as Oncelor points out this does not diminish in any way the lies and deception that Bushco spun to get their war going.
You said there were no lies or deceptions; you were wrong. There were plenty, and they are documented.

The claims made by Bush are literally identical to what Democrats were saying about Saddam and WMD from 1996 into 2003.....
The same claims made by intell. agencys from all the major countrys including our own CIA.....those are the facts of history, not cherry-picked accusations on "Monday morning after the game...."

If you want to consider them lies, have a ball....thats an awful lot of liars covering those 8 years and every intell org. in the civilized world...:readit:
bush apologists all thave the same lines.
and love to call me a partisan hack for despising anthing bush related.
The claims made by Bush are literally identical to what Democrats were saying about Saddam and WMD from 1996 into 2003.....

No they weren't. This is one of those "if you say it enough times, it's true." You need to do some more research.

3 days before the 2003 State of the Union address, Bush got a PDB stating that "Curveball," the only spy they had to support claims of bio-weapons labs in Iraq, was not at all credible, and that the information he provided could not be trusted. That didn't stop Bush from saying we had "multiple sources" that "confirmed" the presence of bio-weapons labs in Iraq at the State of the Union only days later. That's an outright lie (and, btw, Congress was not shown the new info on Curveball until much later).

You said there was no deception. British intel said the "intel was being fixed around the policy." Let's see...who to believe on that one: a hopeless, koolaid-baptized hack, or British intel?

No they weren't. This is one of those "if you say it enough times, it's true." You need to do some more research.

3 days before the 2003 State of the Union address, Bush got a PDB stating that "Curveball," the only spy they had to support claims of bio-weapons labs in Iraq, was not at all credible, and that the information he provided could not be trusted. That didn't stop Bush from saying we had "multiple sources" that "confirmed" the presence of bio-weapons labs in Iraq at the State of the Union only days later. That's an outright lie (and, btw, Congress was not shown the new info on Curveball until much later).

You said there was no deception. British intel said the "intel was being fixed around the policy." Let's see...who to believe on that one: a hopeless, koolaid-baptized hack, or British intel?


I noticed no reply came from the wingnuts.

I do not hate america, I do hate what America has beocme though at the lead of the right wingers.
I just want my country back!