The Growing Gap Between the Rich and Poor!


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we are too liberal and have too many give away's.

Sure attack the rich, that's the easy way which is generally what progressives and liberals like.

Why is it that there are ever more rich now?
Thats the Obama Unemployment Rate in action....get used to it....10 to 12% in gonna be the new norm....the days of 4 to 6% (Bush Administration)are over...

You have successfully waged a war against top marginal rate incomes, capitalism, and the free market economy.... yet you expected it to result in less of a gap between the rich and poor? You actually thought the rich would become less rich while the poor became richer? Could it possibly be, you have misunderstood something, or not considered all the factors?

You see... the more you attack Big Greedy Corporations, the more you try to redistribute the wealth, the poorer you make us all. We can go through all the reasons that is the case, but your statistical study pretty much proves it. For the past decade, the trend has been to punish wealth, to make the Big Greedy Corporations pay, to regulate and redistribute the wealth, to allow more government control over capitalism.... and the results are clear.
You have successfully waged a war against top marginal rate incomes, capitalism, and the free market economy.... yet you expected it to result in less of a gap between the rich and poor? You actually thought the rich would become less rich while the poor became richer? Could it possibly be, you have misunderstood something, or not considered all the factors?

You see... the more you attack Big Greedy Corporations, the more you try to redistribute the wealth, the poorer you make us all. We can go through all the reasons that is the case, but your statistical study pretty much proves it. For the past decade, the trend has been to punish wealth, to make the Big Greedy Corporations pay, to regulate and redistribute the wealth, to allow more government control over capitalism.... and the results are clear.

None of the above is remotely true. None of it. This is why I think Dixie is a spoof. Nobody could unintentionally be so wrong about so many things. It has to be an act.
:palm:Yeah Nigel, you've taken apart Dixies points line by line and I see you've proven him wrong on every least in your parallel, oxygen starved, universe...your our hero....send this to Dix....:igive:
None of the above is remotely true. None of it. This is why I think Dixie is a spoof. Nobody could unintentionally be so wrong about so many things. It has to be an act.

All of the above is absolutely true. For 8 of the past 10 years, Democrats have controlled Congress, and the liberal progressive mantra has been, to punish success in capitalism, to regulate and 'reign in' corporate America, to increase the tax burdens on top wage earners, and to attempt to 'redistribute the wealth' to the less fortunate. Almost every policy the Democrats have advocated, has this at its core. To deny that, is to deny reality.

The more we go down that road, the worse off people get... as kenneth's study shows. And it will continue to get worse, the more we attempt to meddle in wealth redistribution and attack the very mechanism by which we obtain prosperity as individuals. Until we stop that trend, and begin to, once again, recognize achievement and reward it, promote capitalism and free enterprise, and limit the burden of taxation on the masses, as well as government regulations on making money... then we will continue to have more and more people declining into poverty. We continue to demonize the one thing that can change this dynamic, and we continue to entertain the idiotic notion of playing Robin Hood, and making everyone "equal" in wealth... something that is simply never going to happen!
All of the above is absolutely true. For 8 of the past 10 years, Democrats have controlled Congress, and the liberal progressive mantra has been, to punish success in capitalism, to regulate and 'reign in' corporate America, to increase the tax burdens on top wage earners, and to attempt to 'redistribute the wealth' to the less fortunate. Almost every policy the Democrats have advocated, has this at its core. To deny that, is to deny reality.

The more we go down that road, the worse off people get... as kenneth's study shows. And it will continue to get worse, the more we attempt to meddle in wealth redistribution and attack the very mechanism by which we obtain prosperity as individuals. Until we stop that trend, and begin to, once again, recognize achievement and reward it, promote capitalism and free enterprise, and limit the burden of taxation on the masses, as well as government regulations on making money... then we will continue to have more and more people declining into poverty. We continue to demonize the one thing that can change this dynamic, and we continue to entertain the idiotic notion of playing Robin Hood, and making everyone "equal" in wealth... something that is simply never going to happen!

Um.... wrong... Dems have NOT controlled Congress for 8 of the past ten years.

The Reps controlled the House from 1995-2007
The Reps controlled the Senate from 1995-2001 and 2003-2007

Bottom line... in the past ten years the Dems have controlled

The House for THREE years and the Senate for FIVE years. They have controlled Congress in its entirety for THREE years.
You see... the more you attack Big Greedy Corporations, the more you try to redistribute the wealth, the poorer you make us all. We can go through all the reasons that is the case, but your statistical study pretty much proves it. For the past decade, the trend has been to punish wealth, to make the Big Greedy Corporations pay, to regulate and redistribute the wealth, to allow more government control over capitalism.... and the results are clear.

The linkage you assert between corporate success and individual success has been severed with the advent of globlization. Now, corporations are fattening their bottom line by laying off americans and getting cheaper labor overseas. Cheaper goods can no longer justify this trend, because no matter how cheap you get things, one can buy nothing with an income of 0$. And protectionism is not socialism, it's just rational trade policy.
This is what makes all conservatives shit heads, They couldn't give a damm about the poor.

Well you've convinced me...I'm changing my ways....I promise I'm not gonna make any more money in future years than in this year...Obviously, this will stop the gap between rich and poor from getting any bigger..
I know the Neo-Libtards will join me in this and stop this damnable widening gap that is just becoming intolerable....and join the poor in their suffering so we can in time ....all starve together as God meant us to.:palm:
Um.... wrong... Dems have NOT controlled Congress for 8 of the past ten years.

The Reps controlled the House from 1995-2007
The Reps controlled the Senate from 1995-2001 and 2003-2007

Bottom line... in the past ten years the Dems have controlled

The House for THREE years and the Senate for FIVE years. They have controlled Congress in its entirety for THREE years.

Tell me something, does your asshole get sore from being in a retentive state all the time? I'm just curious!

What little time the R's barely controlled Congress, by counting non-republicans like Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, nothing Republican could get passed into law, because there were enough democrats and moderates to stop it. I mean, we live in the same world, have the same access to the news, see the same shit unfold.... but here you are, acting like the past decade was a figment of our imagination or something! Why am I having to clarify this to you now? Is your memory really THAT short? Or maybe you just get off being a fuckwit who takes pride in how often he can pick apart any little detail of what Dixie posts? Glad I make your life worth living, shit for brains!