The guilty liberals' conundrum

I mean, this is really getting painful. It's like that summer that "Mmm...bop!" kept playing & playing on the radio. But at least that was a fun song, as tiresome as it got.

This song isn't fun; it's really, really bad, and boring, and negative. There is nothing redeeming about it. It's just repetitive, and stupid.
"If it is racist not to vote for PRESIDENT Obama because of his skin color, is it not equally racist to vote for him because of his skin color?"

What is this obsession you have with race?

I have not seen one god damned person say it was racist not to vote for Obama but you.

Is this all you have in your bag of tricks to try and tell us why McCain the king of deregulation pain should be president?
If anyone fails to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama wants to withdraw from Iraq, which will weaken America’s global position beyond repair, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone does not vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama thinks that a nuclear Iran is no threat to the world, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone doesn't vote for President Obama, it won’t be because it’s a stupid idea for the leader of the most powerful nation in the world to approach dictators as a supplicant, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone neglects to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because they hate the idea of a President who will subordinate America’s interests to the UN (as he inevitably will), it will be because they're racist.

If anyone does not vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama has the thinnest resume ever in the history of Presidential candidates, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone refuses to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because they think President Obama’s connections (Ayres, Dohrn, Soros, Pfleger, Wright, etc.) show him to be either stupid about or complicit with an agenda antithetical to basic American values, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone fails to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama consistently chooses as advisers people who deny Israel’s right to exist, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone doesn't vote for President Obama, It won’t be because President Obama wants to socialize American medicine, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone refuses to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama wants to gut the military, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone does not want to vote for President Obama, it isn’t because President Obama wants to bypass the Second Amendment, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone fails to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama has announced that he will support activist judges who place their “feelings” above the law, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone neglects to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama supports judicial decisions creating a right to gay marriage depite the will of the voters, it will be because they're homophobic and racist.

If anyone refuses to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama will increase taxes, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone fails to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama’s record in the Senate (albeit short and undistinguished) is so liberal he makes Ted Kennedy look like a reactionary, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone denies their obligation to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama’s an open-borders advocate, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone does not vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama has shown himself to be a slow thinker and poor speaker when out of sight of a teleprompter (which doesn’t bode well for those cozy chats with Ahmadinejad, Jong-Il, and Assad), it will be because they're racist.

If anyone fails to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama’s wife clearly loathes America and everything it stands for, despite the fact that she’s done pretty well out of it, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone seems reluctant to vote for President Obama, it isn’t because President Obama was affiliated for more than 20 years with a church that preached hatred and distanced himself only when it affected his campaign, it's because they're racist.

If anyone fails to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama's ties to Tony Rezko, and other sleazy characters shows that President Obama is either complicit or a singularly bad judgment of character), it will be because they're racist.

If anyone refuses to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama’s an elitist liar who thinks the public is too stupid to catch him out, it will be because they're racist.

If anyone neglects to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama’s campaign has proven to be fly-paper for every anti-Semite in America, it will be because they're racist.

If a citizen (or non-citizen, come to think of it) fails to vote for President Obama, it won’t be because President Obama’s ready to start down the totalitarian path of purging his predecessors through criminal prosecutions, it will be because they're racist.

I know you're no racist, right?
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What is this obsession you have with race?

I have not seen one god damned person say it was racist not to vote for Obama but you.

Is this all you have in your bag of tricks to try and tell us why McCain the king of deregulation pain should be president?


Don't feed the troll.
Many liberal racists hide their feelings, and it is possible that some do not even consciously realize how much they hate and fear the African-Americans they've patronized all their lives.

You may not admit you have the disease, but you know the cure - vote for President Obama.
how would you know how a liberal feels about other people or anything else?
you're so far right you cant even see the middle. pffft
When the assholes like desh and uscitizen and mottley etc. get their asses handed to them they run like the cowards they away, run away, come back to get bitch slapped another day....and that my friend is the liberal way......