The health care bill


OK--who the heck knows what is in it today--but it had some pretty radical stuff in it at one time (still now, I am sure).

Folks--it had a provision in there that if I moved to another state (my insurance would change--because states are not alloowed to compete) or changed my plan in any way, I could not buy private insurance again, that I had to go on the government dole or face a $250,000 fine and up to 5 years in prison.

You must buy this from the government--or go to jail.

I know we have been desenitized, and even justify dictatorship in our schools, so you may not agree--but this is about as communist as it gets.

Is this the change you voted for?
OK--who the heck knows what is in it today--but it had some pretty radical stuff in it at one time (still now, I am sure).

Folks--it had a provision in there that if I moved to another state (my insurance would change--because states are not alloowed to compete) or changed my plan in any way, I could not buy private insurance again, that I had to go on the government dole or face a $250,000 fine and up to 5 years in prison.

You must buy this from the government--or go to jail.

I know we have been desenitized, and even justify dictatorship in our schools, so you may not agree--but this is about as communist as it gets.

Is this the change you voted for?

The Dude says when you let right wingnuts bomb the fuck out of innocent countries what you get is a new set of awholes that are opposite of the last awholes.