The Hillary's BenghaziGate Revisited


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Don't tell me that Benghazi was not a major screw up by "The Hillary's" State Department gang. After the first Benghazi attack, the military rescue teams were told to stand down, because they could not get there in time with the first attack and I can agree somewhat with that assessment. The problem was that 5 hours later there was that second attack that "The Hillary's" people never anticipated, so troops could have easily been there in time and should have been sent anyway just in case of a second attack which did occur, a major State Department blunder. It seems that "The Hillary's" State Department did not want to hurt the Libyan leader's feelings by sending our troops into their Country. It was basically a Diplomatic decision to not send our rescue troops over, which cost the lives of those two Navy Seals and all you Libs know it. You and "The Hillary" need to cleanse your souls and admit the truth, just come clean, no pun intended