The hissing sound you hear..... the air escaping from the Obama Balloon!

In recent weeks, we have all gotten a good dose of the enigma which is Obama. We've watched him attempt to morph from a liberal left-winger to a moderate democrat, as his liberal base has turned from a nice pinkish color to several shades of red, and now to a curious shade of purple as the blood vessels in their pinheads begin to bulge out and pulsate.

We've seen the issue of the Iraq War go from something "hawt", as Paris would say, to something lukewarm, and now to something as cold as the fish handshakes of Obama on the campaign trail. Suddenly, things in Iraq aren't so bad and it looks like by November, it will be down to planning the ticker-tape parade for returning troops, but Democrats are so much better at planning parades and such, so maybe they still have an issue? It's times like this, I miss the comedic genius of John Fucking Kerry, who would be telling us all how he could welcome home the troops "better and smarter" than his opponent.

The tire gauge comments by Obama aren't helping. It is reminiscent of the Dukkakis tank moment, except with a sound bite and articulated idea on Energy Policy. Speculation he may pick Bayh as his VP, seems to have the pinheads in a frenzy, their poor veins can't handle much more pulsating! We've now gone to a deep purple color with eyeballs bulging in the sockets.

As with ANY presidential candidate, the closer we get to the election, the more scrutinized they become. Every speech, every word, every articulation, is put under the microscope and examined. Obama has not helped himself with this, it seems that every time it happens to him, he has to run out and defend himself, drawing even more attention to the original complaint than if he had just ignored it. Not only that, but he resorts to tacitly playing the "race card" and attempting to draw sympathy because he is the poor black man being oppressed by whitey.

The closer we get to the election, the more people are realizing, this guy just isn't ready for prime time. He lacks the experience to be commander in chief, he lacks any formidable plan to deal with any of the issues on the table, and the "issues" he was nominated on (Iraq), have simply dried up and blown away. Awww... there is nothing more sad than a bunch of tie-dyed anti-war hippies with no war to protest! Dammit, why did that surge have to work, huh?

A political pundit stated it best the other day, he said, the democrats have a tendency to fall in love with their candidate on the first date. They fail to see any potential flaws and focus on their romantic notions instead. Obama looked good, spoke well, and seemed like a good choice to represent the party, but underneath the facade, there was no substance. His speeches are good, but they are simply laden with platitudes and meaningless catch phrases. He's a democrat, his name is not Bush, and he doesn't have an (R) beside his name, but other than that.... what does he offer? Oh yeah... Hope and Change! Back to the point about platitudes and meaningless catch phrases.

What is so amazingly ironic is, if the Democrats had nominated Hillary, I believe she could have beaten McCain like a rented mule. She could have probably run RIGHT of McCain on key issues, and forged a new voting block... The Hillary Republicans. That might be taking it to the extreme, but I certainly think she would have had dibs on the independent votes. Obama will do well to not get embarrassed. It won't be like a Nixon-McGovern landslide, simply because McCain is almost as poor a choice as Obama, but I think Obama's chances of actually winning in November are slipping away rapidly, as America really starts to take an objective look at him.
No; if the Dems had run Hillary, McCain would be running the same dishonest campaign, just with different issues. The polls would be just as close, and you'd be typing the same thread, except it would be about Hillary & say at the end that the Dems should have nominated Obama, since he represented a clean break from the past. You'd probabaly be criticizing the Dem party for being a slave to the Clintons, and not being able to see the potential of a true alternative in Obama.

Because you're a partisan hack, and are as predictable as the sunrise. Nothing about "Americans taking an objective look" has anything to do with the polls being close; the polls are close because negative campaigning works.

And Obama will still win, because McCain has nothing else to offer.
I forgot to add - not only is Obama still going to win, but the Dems are going to get close to 60 seats in the Senate, and expand their majority in the House.

Thanks again for electing Bush.
No; if the Dems had run Hillary, McCain would be running the same dishonest campaign, just with different issues. The polls would be just as close, and you'd be typing the same thread, except it would be about Hillary & say at the end that the Dems should have nominated Obama, since he represented a clean break from the past. You'd probabaly be criticizing the Dem party for being a slave to the Clintons, and not being able to see the potential of a true alternative in Obama.

Because you're a partisan hack, and are as predictable as the sunrise. Nothing about "Americans taking an objective look" has anything to do with the polls being close; the polls are close because negative campaigning works.

And Obama will still win, because McCain has nothing else to offer.

Actually, I am fairly "bipartisan" on most things. More so than you and your Anti-Bush Zombies, anyway. You people are like rabid dogs, down to the foam coming from your mouths. Absolutely mad, and beyond reason or rationality, and you've been this way a while... perhaps you don't even realize how afflicted you are anymore?

The real problem in being a Liberal Pinhead is, you can't really run a campaign on liberal pinheadedness, it simply doesn't go over in the heartland. So you nominate these liberal pinhead candidates, and then try to dress them up like Ronald Reagan and fool the heartland. People are on to this trick, and they aren't falling for it anymore. Obama is so died-in-the-wool Liberal, he simply can't make the transformation to moderate, without looking like a complete betrayal of his own previously stated principles and core beliefs. He doesn't have a lot of 'history' to begin with, but he seems to have completely contradicted every position he ever has endorsed or supported, in an attempt to make himself look more moderate to the heartland, and it's not selling.

Meanwhile, McCain embraces Conservatives like Nancy Grace embraces 'persons of interest'. THIS is the only reason the polls are even close now. If McCain suddenly bumped his cancer-mole head and started sounding like a Ronald Reagan conservative, this would be ugly and embarrassing for the Democrims.

Oh yeah, if Hillary were running, I would be saying all kinds of things about Hillary, who would be leading in all the polls and beating McCain's socks off. The Clinton's know how to run a campaign and win a general election, that is for certain. There is no doubt in my mind, had the Dems nominated Clinton, they would have won this election handily. In fact, I am not so sure that a lot of Obama's support in the primaries, didn't come from Republican's who wanted to knock out Hillary early. I know of several R's who voted in their states open primaries, for Obama. If I personally know of several, there must have been thousands, at least.

On your extended remarks about Congress and the optimism of picking up seats, we will have to see. With only 9% of America approving of Congress, they may not have anyone getting re-elected on either side. Who knows? What I do know is, this country is largely center-right, and they are getting really bored and tired of the left-wing rhetoric and obfuscation. I actually heard a democrat pundit the other day, refer to this current congress as "a republican congress!" Like America is too stupid to realize the democrats control it! You see, it's shit like this that will lose votes at the ballot box, because people generally don't like being taken for fools.
"What I do know is, this country is largely center-right, and they are getting really bored and tired of the left-wing rhetoric and obfuscation"

There you go again, speaking for the country. You don't speak for anyone but the residents of a dirt road in Alabama. You were saying the same thing before the '06 election, and it turned out that Americans weren't tired of a damned thing, because you got your ass handed to you.

Book it - the Senate is bad, bad news for the GOP this fall; no one disputes that at this point. And there is a snowball's chance in hell that the GOP picks up any seats in the House; again, it's pretty much universally acknowledged that they are poised to lose more seats.

So, a 'center-right' country is about to give Democrats big majorities in the House & Senate, and likely the White House, as well.

"What I do know is, this country is largely center-right, and they are getting really bored and tired of the left-wing rhetoric and obfuscation"

There you go again, speaking for the country. You don't speak for anyone but the residents of a dirt road in Alabama. You were saying the same thing before the '06 election, and it turned out that Americans weren't tired of a damned thing, because you got your ass handed to you.

Book it - the Senate is bad, bad news for the GOP this fall; no one disputes that at this point. And there is a snowball's chance in hell that the GOP picks up any seats in the House; again, it's pretty much universally acknowledged that they are poised to lose more seats.

So, a 'center-right' country is about to give Democrats big majorities in the House & Senate, and likely the White House, as well.


9% of America is pleased with the DEMOCRAT Congress. That's only 7% higher than 2% Milk! Not very good, if you ask me.

Book it- The country is center-right. You will see in this election, either your candidate will win by sounding like Ronald Reagan, or he will lose. What happens in Congress, I have no idea, but I would say it doesn't look good for incumbents.
9% of America is pleased with the DEMOCRAT Congress. That's only 7% higher than 2% Milk! Not very good, if you ask me.

Book it- The country is center-right. You will see in this election, either your candidate will win by sounding like Ronald Reagan, or he will lose. What happens in Congress, I have no idea, but I would say it doesn't look good for incumbents.

Well, I have plenty idea. Dems at least 55-58 seats in the Senate. 10-15 more seats in the House.

I doubt anyone will sound as stupid as Reagan, though.

A center-right country wouldn't give Democrats more of a majority; hell, they're likely going to give them the executive & legislative branches. The country is not center-right, and you don't speak for it.

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As much as I hate to agree with Dixie, the country is just slightly right of center. More than anything though, we are non-ideological as a nation. Particularly compared to European party systems.
No; if the Dems had run Hillary, McCain would be running the same dishonest campaign, just with different issues. The polls would be just as close, and you'd be typing the same thread, except it would be about Hillary & say at the end that the Dems should have nominated Obama, since he represented a clean break from the past. You'd probabaly be criticizing the Dem party for being a slave to the Clintons, and not being able to see the potential of a true alternative in Obama.

Because you're a partisan hack, and are as predictable as the sunrise. Nothing about "Americans taking an objective look" has anything to do with the polls being close; the polls are close because negative campaigning works.

And Obama will still win, because McCain has nothing else to offer.

I disagree, if Hillary had won, McCain would be way ahead in the polls. Obama is clearly the stronger candidate, which is what prompted so many of us to donate to her campaign and vote for her in the primary...
As much as I hate to agree with Dixie, the country is just slightly right of center. More than anything though, we are non-ideological as a nation. Particularly compared to European party systems.

Maybe it's just because I live in Mississippi but I've always felt that we're WAY right of practically every other democracy in the world. Nazi Germany in the 30's is a very slight exception.
As much as I hate to agree with Dixie, the country is just slightly right of center. More than anything though, we are non-ideological as a nation. Particularly compared to European party systems.
So true. But the Left in this country wants it's favors or they will show us and vote for McKinney and Nadar and they will get NONE of what they wanted. But hey... They will have proven a point. the air escaping from the Obama Balloon!

In recent weeks, we have all gotten a good dose of the enigma which is Obama. We've watched him attempt to morph from a liberal left-winger to a moderate democrat, as his liberal base has turned from a nice pinkish color to several shades of red, and now to a curious shade of purple as the blood vessels in their pinheads begin to bulge out and pulsate.

We've seen the issue of the Iraq War go from something "hawt", as Paris would say, to something lukewarm, and now to something as cold as the fish handshakes of Obama on the campaign trail. Suddenly, things in Iraq aren't so bad and it looks like by November, it will be down to planning the ticker-tape parade for returning troops, but Democrats are so much better at planning parades and such, so maybe they still have an issue? It's times like this, I miss the comedic genius of John Fucking Kerry, who would be telling us all how he could welcome home the troops "better and smarter" than his opponent.

The tire gauge comments by Obama aren't helping. It is reminiscent of the Dukkakis tank moment, except with a sound bite and articulated idea on Energy Policy. Speculation he may pick Bayh as his VP, seems to have the pinheads in a frenzy, their poor veins can't handle much more pulsating! We've now gone to a deep purple color with eyeballs bulging in the sockets.

As with ANY presidential candidate, the closer we get to the election, the more scrutinized they become. Every speech, every word, every articulation, is put under the microscope and examined. Obama has not helped himself with this, it seems that every time it happens to him, he has to run out and defend himself, drawing even more attention to the original complaint than if he had just ignored it. Not only that, but he resorts to tacitly playing the "race card" and attempting to draw sympathy because he is the poor black man being oppressed by whitey.

The closer we get to the election, the more people are realizing, this guy just isn't ready for prime time. He lacks the experience to be commander in chief, he lacks any formidable plan to deal with any of the issues on the table, and the "issues" he was nominated on (Iraq), have simply dried up and blown away. Awww... there is nothing more sad than a bunch of tie-dyed anti-war hippies with no war to protest! Dammit, why did that surge have to work, huh?

A political pundit stated it best the other day, he said, the democrats have a tendency to fall in love with their candidate on the first date. They fail to see any potential flaws and focus on their romantic notions instead. Obama looked good, spoke well, and seemed like a good choice to represent the party, but underneath the facade, there was no substance. His speeches are good, but they are simply laden with platitudes and meaningless catch phrases. He's a democrat, his name is not Bush, and he doesn't have an (R) beside his name, but other than that.... what does he offer? Oh yeah... Hope and Change! Back to the point about platitudes and meaningless catch phrases.

What is so amazingly ironic is, if the Democrats had nominated Hillary, I believe she could have beaten McCain like a rented mule. She could have probably run RIGHT of McCain on key issues, and forged a new voting block... The Hillary Republicans. That might be taking it to the extreme, but I certainly think she would have had dibs on the independent votes. Obama will do well to not get embarrassed. It won't be like a Nixon-McGovern landslide, simply because McCain is almost as poor a choice as Obama, but I think Obama's chances of actually winning in November are slipping away rapidly, as America really starts to take an objective look at him.

WE can all see how much value we should put into DIXIE predictions!
WE can all see how much value we should put into DIXIE predictions!

Hmm, yes... let's review...

His speeches are good, but they are simply laden with platitudes and meaningless catch phrases. -- NAILED IT!

He lacks any formidable plan to deal with any of the issues on the table. --NAILED IT!

He's a democrat, his name is not Bush, and he doesn't have an (R) beside his name, but other than that.... what does he offer? Oh yeah... Hope and Change! Back to the point about platitudes and meaningless catch phrases. -- AND NAILED IT!

Looks like I did pretty good after all!