The History of the World is not the theatre of happiness.

That's obvious. Why do you think extra-terrestrials avoid direct contact with our species?
No. Just reality based.
Is that so? What's the basis in reality for hoping another person is violently murdered? The reality that you're a piece of shit? This is why you are treated the way you are. You arent entitled to peace and quiet. Evil must be harassed everywhere it reads it's ugly head.
Your quite sheltered ....aren't you.
Nah, he just reads insane drivel like that stuff Hegal wrote he linked to. You read stuff like that all the time and your brain ends up tapioca in no time flat.

Take this opening gibberish from that link for example:

The third kind of history, — the Philosophical. No explanation was needed of the two previous classes; their nature was self-evident. It is otherwise with this last, which certainly seems to require an exposition or justification. The most general definition that can be given, is, that the Philosophy of History means nothing but the thoughtful consideration of it.

It starts off with a sentence fragment with grammatical errors. Philosophical is turned into a noun. Then it jumps into a run-on sentence that invokes a definist fallacy by declaring something left unspecified as "self-evident." The third sentence goes off on a tangent--"otherwise with this last." What last? What is to be expounded on or justified? Then Hagel makes up a definition out of nothing, again improperly using capitals to produce a proper noun out of something that isn't a noun. Lastly, what are we to "thoughtful(ly) consider," philosophy, history, or his made up definition of something he's calling Philosophy of History?

It's all just nonsense and drivel.
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