The Hollywood power players turning on the Biden campaign: 'It's about the ability to WIN'


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Biden has a lot of pressure on him to step down, if he continues to be defiant and delusional, the calls for him to step down will only intensify?!!

I personally don't believe Biden had a bad night doing that debate, not an episode more like a condition?!! And if he wants to prove me and the other skeptics wrong, take a independent cognitive test and release the results and Trump should also do the same too?!!

Hollywood knows a flop when it sees one.

So it's hardly surprising that some of the industry's biggest luminaries are engaged in a collective act of hand-wringing over President Biden's weak performance during last week's presidential debate against former President Trump.

Hollywood backers, including those who previously wrote large checks, are feeling skittish about Biden's prospects, with some growing increasingly vocal in their calls to remove him from the top of the ticket.

The public drumbeat from the reliably liberal entertainment industry began to crescendo with a column published Wednesday in Deadline from “Lost” co-creator Damon Lindelof, who said he would withhold future donations until Biden stepped aside as the Democratic presidential candidate.

In a Friday email to The Times, Lindelof said Biden's debate performance — which was supposed to assuage concerns about Biden's age, but did the opposite — changed his mind about the president's candidacy. Though he has "immense respect" for Biden, he said, the risks posed by the president remaining in the race were too high. Lindelof said he donated $125,000 this cycle to the Biden campaign and nearly as much to Democratic Party Senate and congressional candidates.

“For me, this isn’t about the ability to govern, it’s about the ability to WIN,” he wrote.

Many Democrats fear Biden's liabilities put the party at risk of losing not just the White House but downballot races in a way that will do long-term damage to their causes.

Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, too, has called for Biden to "step aside to allow a vigorous Democratic leader to beat Trump and keep us safe and prosperous," according to the New York Times. Hastings and his wife have contributed more than $20 million in donations to the Democratic Party over the last few years, the newspaper reported. Hastings declined further comment.

Other prominent Hollywood players have voiced concerns about Biden's continued presence in the campaign, including Endeavor Chief Executive Ari Emanuel and media titan Barry Diller, who replied bluntly when asked by the Ankler if he would continue to support the Biden campaign: "No." Filmmaker and Disney heir Abigail Disney said she would withhold donations until Biden was replaced at the top of the Democratic Party's ticket.

Biden has said he will remain in the race, despite the mounting pressure. On Friday, speaking in front of supporters at a Wisconsin middle school, Biden acknowledged his subpar debate but vowed to keep fighting.

“I beat Donald Trump,” Biden said. “I will beat him again.”:whoa:

The Revolution is getting on the same sheet of music. The leadership seems to be going slow because a part of this is that the foot soldiers need to process that a giant con was run on them....and that the D Primary was cancelled via fraud.

That can leave a mark.