The Indecency Of Republicans


I'm reading this article on MSNBC about the SS and how they are protecting the conventions, both conventions. Of course, much of it ends up being about Obama because of that thing that isn't affecting the election and won't; race. So, right smack in there is a blurb from Tom Ridge. Here is what he says:

"That (OBama's decision to hold it at outdoors Invesco field) undoubtedly puts far, far more pressure on people and resources than holding it inside," said Tom Ridge, the country's first Homeland Security secretary and a former Republican governor of Pennsylvania. As for Obama's decision to move his acceptance speech to Invesco Field, Ridge said, "I don't know if he thought about that. Maybe he didn't care."

There is a possible VP pick for Grandpa, and the former head of Homeland Security, using security concerns over someone's life, to get in political shots. And they are right off the talking points: Obama doesn't care if he causes problems for the little people (his agents), obama is arrogant enough to think he can hold his convention wherever he wants.

And you know, this just reinforces something for me: Republicans are the lowest form of life that we know of. They're scum. They swim in scum and they love it.

They are indecent.
OMG... How dare Tom Ridge say anything against the messiah. When the roctstar that Obama thinks he is wants to hold an outdoor acceptance speech to be anointed as the chosen one, why would Obama worry about the little stuff, he's not paying for it, the taxpayers are.
I agree, the republicans can only criticize the opponent because if they looked at themselves they'd have to feel ashamed at their constant failure.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
I agree, the republicans can only criticize the opponent because if they looked at themselves they'd have to feel ashamed at their constant failure.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Midcan seriously you are a riot. I love when a totalitarian like you warns how dangerous John McCain would be for individual rights.
People view things within their own specialties.

I am a safety professional, and I tend to be quicker to see unsafe or potentially unsafe things as a priority.

He is a security expert. He sees things from the perspective of security and the security personnel.

And an outdoor event is alway less secure than an indoor one. Case in point, the recently discussed potential for sniper fire at Obama.

Yes, its an assholish sorta attitude. But its not surprising. Its a presidential campaign. Its what both sides do.