The insidious, effective email campaign against Obama


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I absolutely cannot believe that, after a solid month of coverage on Rev. Wright and Obama's CHRISTIAN church, there are still people who think like these guys:

"I'm kind of still up in the air between McCain and Hillary," said Jason Jenkins, 32, who cited information from a hoax e-mail as a reason to spurn Obama.

"I'll be honest with you. Barack scares the hell out of me,"he said. "He swore on the Koran."

Obama did manage to pull in many white voters, but still encountered similar sentiments from a man who refused to shake his hand at a diner in Greenwood, Ind.

"I can't stand him," the man said. "He's a Muslim. He's not even pro-American as far as I'm concerned."

Once again, I would like to reiterate my call for more scrutiny on voter registration, and have a basic test for revoking it. Standard questions on the test could run along the lines of: "Do you think Obama is a Muslim?", "Do you think Iraq attacked us on 9/11?," "Would you vote Bush for a 3rd term if he could run?"....things like that.
I don’t want bigots like that voting for the same candidate I’m voting for anyway. Let them stick with the republican party, it’s where they belong. I know that it’s infuriating that people are so stupid as to think Obama is a Muslim, but to my mind, so what if he were? I can’t stand those kind of people.
"I know that it’s infuriating that people are so stupid as to think Obama is a Muslim, but to my mind, so what if he were?"

That's one of the worst parts of the one quote. "I can't stand him...he's a Muslim. He's not even American as far as I'm concerned." What the hell? Could you be a more overt bigot than that?
I had to email an to some lady who got my email at a family wedding last year that proved the horseshit she was emailing arround was nothing but lies. She hasnt Emailed me since. Some people dont care that its lies.
come on you think any of these rednecks are voting for anybody but McSame.
If they take time away from the NASCAR, dear hunting, and wife beating Mcfossil gets that demographic.
I just wish that demographic did not exist. If we had better education it would.
They will always exsist. Some people do not value truth they only value finding ways to justify being stuck in there narrow little worlds. The current republican party likes to use them to justify their greed. There margins are being decreased adn that is all we can hope for in this area.