The interview that never aired

omfg... here we go again!

For a guy who talks a big game about spreading Democracy, you're terribly unengaged in the preservation of the one in which you participate. You're head-in-the-sand approach to election fraud would be funny if it wasn't so infuriating.
Imagine if the nearly impossible vote-switching happens this time around. It'll be in such contradiction to the exit polls (which conservatives are historically MORE likely to participate in accurately, as opposed to the bullshit excuses they told us) that it'll be obvious to everyone but Dixie without a complex mathematical breakdown.
You goofballs amaze me. IF it were possible to wave a magic wand and actually REVEAL all voter fraud in the history of America, I would bet everything I own that DEMOCRATS have been responsible for the vast majority of it. Unfortunately, we can't do that, we just have to live with your cheating lying asses, trying to manipulate public opinion and whine about some mythical problem that doesn't exist, because Gore lost the damn election 8 years ago! Get over it, move on with your lives! While you're at it, do something about the laws which have been so relaxed in recent years, as to allow people to vote, who have absolutely NO right to vote in America!
In the last thirty years is what matters to me.

The Republicans have been caught and punished for trying to disrupt the system.

I dont care what the republicans did 50 years ago just like I dont care what the Dems did 50 years ago as long as its not happening now.

Its our current vote we need to protect and we can do nothing about what happened 80 years ago.
Desh, we can't do any fucking thing about what happened EIGHT years ago! Once the election is over and certified, that is IT! Whether there was "cheating" or not, is irrelevant! We can't put every election we ever have, under a microscope of endless scrutiny for weeks or months on end, to explore every possible infraction that may have occurred! If we did this, we would NEVER elect anyone in this country!

I support any measure you want to put in place to insure accurate vote tabulations. Any safeguard we can establish beforehand, I fully support and think we should do it! I have a real fucking problem with 'counting dangling chads' and determining 'voter intent' in recount after recount. I have even MORE problem with allowing people to vote with absolutely NO identification or proof they are indeed eligible to vote. I told you once before, if you want to objectively FIX the problems in our voting system, I am all for that! Right there with you baby! But, please... stop this petty pandering for attention and non-stop crying about elections being 'stolen' by crooked Republicans. The Florida butterfly ballots which were so controversial, were adopted and approved by DEMOCRATS! The Diebold machines in Ohio, were purchased and approved by DEMOCRATS! It was only AFTER the fact, people like you wanted to scream and cry, and bitch and moan, about 'voter fraud' in the election. Why? Because your guy didn't win! If your guy had won, I suspect you would not have said a damn word about it!
ALL voting should be by hand. written and dropped into a box and counted by people. It will be slow, but it will be much more accurate. You get reps of all parties and they each touch every ballot and say what that ballot says. If there is a disagreement you have a unbiased third party judge make a detemination. No machines. Blind people can take some one in with them.
ALL voting should be by hand. written and dropped into a box and counted by people. It will be slow, but it will be much more accurate. You get reps of all parties and they each touch every ballot and say what that ballot says. If there is a disagreement you have a unbiased third party judge make a detemination. No machines. Blind people can take some one in with them.

First of all, it would be cost prohibitive for most voting precincts, do you plan to 'federally fund' such a labor intensive process? Secondly, it opens the door to 'human error' which often occurred in the days before we had calculators and computers, and votes were indeed counted by humans and ballots filled out by hand. Thirdly, it violates voter confidentiality to have numerous people viewing all the ballots, and opens the door to even more tampering and fraud. Then comes the ever-intriguing question of 'voter intent' and where we draw the line there. Would a 'human count' system be inclined to 'bend the rules' and allow votes to count, that normally wouldn't count, if they were restricted to proper procedures?

I have worked elections with the Judge of Probate before, and I can assure you, they take the process very seriously. A number of safeguards are already in place, to insure proper vote tabulation. Mechanical tabulation is much more accurate than human tabulation, I have seen examples of this in numerous recounts. The 'machine' gave a consistent result, but the 'human' recount, varied almost every single time. Regardless of what process you come up with, there will always be a way to make mistakes and you will never insure that votes are ALWAYS counted accurately. This is a fact of reality we need to live with, and do our best to insure the most accurate process with the least possibility of fraud. Nothing is ever going to be "perfect" because we live in an imperfect world!
Desh, we can't do any fucking thing about what happened EIGHT years ago! Once the election is over and certified, that is IT! Whether there was "cheating" or not, is irrelevant! We can't put every election we ever have, under a microscope of endless scrutiny for weeks or months on end, to explore every possible infraction that may have occurred! If we did this, we would NEVER elect anyone in this country!

I support any measure you want to put in place to insure accurate vote tabulations. Any safeguard we can establish beforehand, I fully support and think we should do it! I have a real fucking problem with 'counting dangling chads' and determining 'voter intent' in recount after recount. I have even MORE problem with allowing people to vote with absolutely NO identification or proof they are indeed eligible to vote. I told you once before, if you want to objectively FIX the problems in our voting system, I am all for that! Right there with you baby! But, please... stop this petty pandering for attention and non-stop crying about elections being 'stolen' by crooked Republicans. The Florida butterfly ballots which were so controversial, were adopted and approved by DEMOCRATS! The Diebold machines in Ohio, were purchased and approved by DEMOCRATS! It was only AFTER the fact, people like you wanted to scream and cry, and bitch and moan, about 'voter fraud' in the election. Why? Because your guy didn't win! If your guy had won, I suspect you would not have said a damn word about it!

We can STOP what was happening eight years ago from still happening.


Voter Registration Corruption: Suppressing the Vote in Key States

It is the season of intensive voter registration drives – Virginia, for example, just ordered 200,000 voter registration forms because of shortages – and of voter suppression efforts as well. Throughout the country, particularly in battleground states, Republican voter registration challenges are moving forward aggressively.

In the last two presidential elections voter suppression may have been the key to Republican “victories.” (Note: I am not a Democrat or Republican. I am a voter that does not support either of the major political parties manipulation of American democracy.) Many have concluded that the 2000 election was corrupted in Florida by operatives in the Jeb Bush administration who suppressed the black vote and undermined the vote count, as well as by the partisan Supreme Court justices who stopped the recount. But, now it is also evident that the 2004 election was corrupted by the Republican Secretary of State in Ohio who undermined voter registration in black communities and made sure that there were not enough election machines in Democratic Party-leaning precincts. (If you have any doubt that the 2004 election was stolen see the film “Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections” available at: or “Stealing America Vote by Vote,” which document election theft.)

Now, we are seeing many of the techniques used in those elections to suppress the vote in 2008. The McCain-Palin campaign and Republican Party are aggressively seeking ways to reduce the number of Democratic voters. Here are a few examples:

- The chairman of the Republican Party in Macomb County, Michigan, a key swing county in a key swing state, is planning to use a list of foreclosed homes to block people from voting in the upcoming election as part of the state GOP’s effort to challenge voters on Election Day. Ohio Republicans are considering the same tactic. This mean-spirited approach to denying people their vote will not only intimidate voters but will create long lines in Democratic-leaning precincts. A coalition of faith-based, community and labor organizations protested outside of McCain-Palin’s Michigan office against this tactic.

- In Wisconsin, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen a Republican and co-chair of the McCain-Palin Campaign in Wisconsin, filed a lawsuit demanding Wisconsin election officials verify voters' identity before the November election. This could lead to frustration at the polls and exhausted clerks in a hotly contested state in the presidential race. One million people have registered since January 1 and if successful the lawsuit would require every new registrant be checked.

- The Florida Secretary of State decided on September 8th to enforce the state's "no-match, no-vote" law, a voter registration law that blocked more than 16,000 eligible Florida citizens from registering to vote in 2006, through no fault of their own, and could disenfranchise tens of thousands more voters in November. Republican Secretary of State Kurt Browning's last-minute decision to implement the law in the final month before the registration deadline will post a significant hurdle to eligible Florida citizens hoping to vote in November. It will disenfranchise voters who do not send or bring a photocopy of their driver's license to county election officials' offices after voting, even though these voters will have shown their driver's licenses when they went to vote at the polls. The decision will put thousands of Florida citizens at risk due to bureaucratic typos that under the 'no-match, no-vote' law will prevent them from voting this November.

- On September 11, 2008 Air America the Tom Hartmann Show received calls from people in swing states who had received “absentee ballot request forms” from the McCain campaign. These were being sent to people registered as Democrats or Independents, but there seemed to be errors in the forms, instructions and/or the return addresses on the envelope for mailing back the forms.

- Also in Ohio, a Republican passed election law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters. The Democratic Secretary of State describes it as an unconstitutional law that allows Ohio county election boards to cancel a voter's registration solely because some election notices mailed to a home address come back undeliverable.

- In Colorado, Holly Lowder resigned from her post as elections director two months before one of the biggest elections in Colorado history. She held that job since 2006. Colorado Ethics Watch had been pursuing documents from the state regarding Lowder's ties to John Paulsen whose company installed voter databases in more than 30 counties and recently got two contracts worth almost $184,000 with the secretary of state's office for data work related to the current election season. It turns out Lowder and Paulsen were living together.

- In Virginia, students who are registering to vote for the first time are facing ambiguous new state rules about whether a campus address is sufficient for voter registration purposes. Two weeks ago, in Montgomery County, where Virginia Tech is located, the county election director said students who register to vote in Virginia could no longer be claimed as dependents on their parents' tax returns -- which the Internal Revenue Service later said was incorrect -- and could lose scholarships or coverage under their parents' car and health insurance. Student voting advocates said those remarks were intended to suppress student voting.

There seems to be one reported incidence of the Democrats playing games to suppress Republican voter registration. This September in Ohio the McCain-Palin campaign sent out an absentee ballot request form to approximately one million Republican voters. The form had an unnecessary box where the voter needed to check that he or she was a legitimate voter. The Democratic Secretary of State is reading the law to say that if that box is not checked the voter is not allowed to vote. She has offered to contact people who did not fill out the box but the Republicans find that unacceptable and her reading of the law as too narrow.
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