The Islamaphobia Lie & The Religious Should Be Charged For Inciting What They Call Ha

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
The Islamaphobia Lie & The Religious Should Be Charged For Inciting What They Call Ha

The Islamaphobia Lie & The Religious Should Be Charged For Inciting What They Call Hate Crime

First off factually proven foundations of religious lies (every religion and the foundation of every / any religion is some ridiculous story of how we / everything came to be into existence) have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day because lies lead to war and divide as thousands of years already proves. I'll share that very factual evidence below. Those who encourage / follow religion incite what the religious call hate crime as they already have for thousands of years so why are they not being charged for inciting what they call hate crime in the first place one must wonder?! If the religious were not following factually proven foundations of religious lies that have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide there would quite obviously not be people fed up with such disgusting followings poisoning our society with war and divide while turning followers into sheep who rely on morals stolen from society and attributed by the religious to their religion to assist the selfish and greedy in taking advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many while the religious, after thousands of years of factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies already leading to war and divide, act like they are the victims while pretending to be clueless as to why these so called hate crimes happen all the while the religious incite these so called hate crimes so it is the religious who should be getting charged with inciting what they call hate crime.

It's like going around punching people in the face then acting like the victim when someone punches back. If your factually proven foundation of religious lies leads to what you call hate crimes (war and divide) and you continue to stoop to claiming to be religious then you quite obviously value a factually proven foundation of lies more than you value human life hence what it means to be religious. Religion is the longest running hate crime against humanity spanning over thousands of years. You see with so called globalists seeking to divide and conquer several countries around the world with lies and deceptions simultaneously (mainly western civs) of course they will be pushing for freedom of religion from country to country. Of course the religious brainwashed by rubbish are going to support themselves being brainwashed by rubbish while trying to make anyone else the bad guy for where their factually proven foundations of lies have already proven to lead time and time again.

Again, what was your time of weakness when the religious took advantage of you? Were you an innocent little baby? Did you just get raped? Did you just lose a loved one? Did you just lose your marriage? Were you homeless? Were you starving? Did your community just suffer a natural disaster? Did you get cornered and told convert or be killed? Perhaps you realized how using religious lies could enable you to take advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many and succumb to your own selfishness, greed and ignorance?

The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies: I'll keep this simple because it really is simple. Not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Go ahead and share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness, you never will and I know this because again the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter which is also the factual evidence proving that everything that exists is always did exist as a part of an endless duration of constant change. The only thing that doesn't change is that change occurs because energy matter and time are always present. (Nothingness is absence of energy and matter) What proves that everything that does exist always will exist as a part of an endless duration of constant change is the simple fact that not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness because again the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

In other words, some religions foundation (ridiculous story of how everything / we came into existence) is what they call the creator of everything and refer to such as god or allah. What proves factually beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such thing as a god or allah is simply that not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone not anything can develop an intellect out of nothing or even create with nothing which again proves that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything. Oh and that these fools who follow religion pray acknowledges the claim that the lie they refer to as the creator has intellect to be able to understand such.

I will also include a video below that crushes the foundation of the big bang theory / scientology rubbish. You bring on the foundation of any religion and I will demonstrate how the factual evidence I share proves that the foundation of any / every religion is based upon lies.

Violent hate crimes against non muslims escalate everywhere muslim populations begin to rise as I noticed for years before WEF had their useful idiots (officials who conspire against their own citizens by conspiring with the World Economic Forum) make policies to remove videos and hide stories of such happening (I "began" to notice around 2010 - 2012) because they quite obviously had a plan to thrust muslims into western civilizations from many countries under the guise of Syrian crisis in 2015 both illegally as well boosting so called legal immigration. I also noticed that once muslims have a majority, minorities have no rights, at best they get to live as slaves paying a large portion of their earnings as tax unless they convert to such offensive garbage as islam. Non religious and those of other religions speaking against islam generally hear allahu akbar as they are decapitated where muslims are a majority.

Not all msulims are violent but the so called moderates do nothing while the radicals carry out the violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam because then if they did the so called moderates are then targeted as speaking against islam. So take a good look at the seemingly friendly muslim next to you before their populations begin to rise because they too will turn a blind eye because it is more important for them to not speak against their factually proven foundation of filthy religious lies than it is for them to care about you in the end.

All muslims are slaves living under threat of death for leaving or speaking against islam.

A rational concern is not a phobia at all but because oppression lurks primarily within western civilizations these days due to WEF conspiring with useful idiots, they use such lies as islamaphobia to try and silence the public while they load your country with muslims.

I happen to value human life more than I value factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies which is why I have fought for the past 23 years for the destruction of religion because removing lies and deceptions also removes motivation for war and divide. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy.

The Question All Modern Physicists Cower From Because They Lie

I up and relocated to Midland Ontario and not sure yet if I am going to stay but that is a story for another day FYI.

Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Midland Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
it is a hateful ugly world you live in. My community is over 30 percent Muslim. When you talk to them, they are offended when people think they are Middle Easterners. One told me. I am an American I was born here. I was in the armed services. I am working in America. I am an American.
it is a hateful ugly world you live in. My community is over 30 percent Muslim. When you talk to them, they are offended when people think they are Middle Easterners. One told me. I am an American I was born here. I was in the armed services. I am working in America. I am an American.

Wouldn't it be great if liberals would say that instead of burning our flag and kneeling for the Star Spangled Banner?
Wouldn't it be great if liberals would say that instead of burning our flag and kneeling for the Star Spangled Banner?

The Arabs in Dearborn are not doing that. But a flag is just a piece of cloth. You let them rile you up. We sell 150 million flags a year. We have flags to burn.
Just stop doing the Anthem before sporting events. They are business ventures, not political events. We could end all that strife.
The Arabs in Dearborn are not doing that. But a flag is just a piece of cloth. You let them rile you up. We sell 150 million flags a year. We have flags to burn.
Just stop doing the Anthem before sporting events. They are business ventures, not political events. We could end all that strife.

Why should we bow to your demands? If you don't like it, leave. You won't be missed.
Something cannot be created out of nothing.

If you were to put a jar on a table with absolutely nothing in it how long would it take for a universe to form inside of it?

Man created gods to explain what is out of intellectual reach. As science got better and better, we needed fewer gods and invisible creatures.
Those remaining gods that religions believe in were created out of nothing. Something had to be. I can see the universe. I know it exists. I can make sense of that popping into existence from primordial energy. I do not need a god or 2 as agents. They make no sense and have never been seen.
Wouldn't it be great if liberals would say that instead of burning our flag and kneeling for the Star Spangled Banner?

Let's see , me, my father and my son and uncles served and liberal. You? Never served and I doubt the rapist who spawned you didn't either

Now go fly your flag on your stripper pole and don't forget to wear your VFW lady's auxiliary hat, phony patriot
Let's see , me, my father and my son and uncles served and liberal. You? Never served and I doubt the rapist who spawned you didn't either

Now go fly your flag on your stripper pole and don't forget to wear your VFW lady's auxiliary hat, phony patriot

Why do I live inside your bigoted racist head? You ain't even black. You aren't a full blooded anything, just a scum of the earth mongrel.

BTW, you are once again breaking rule 12c. Why can't you just fuck off and die, or at least fuck off and go away, city trash?
Something cannot be created out of nothing.

If you were to put a jar on a table with absolutely nothing in it how long would it take for a universe to form inside of it?

The big bang was not created out of nothing. It was an expansion of the existing universe.
So how can you create a universe if one already exists?

What created that first universe?

It existed in a very dense form and that expanded and continues to expand today.

If matter and energy cannot be created out of nothing, maybe the universe was always there and was not created. I have no clue to that question. Even if there is a God that created it means energy and mass were created out of nothing.
It existed in a very dense form and that expanded and continues to expand today.

If matter and energy cannot be created out of nothing, maybe the universe was always there and was not created. I have no clue to that question. Even if there is a God that created it means energy and mass were created out of nothing.

So why not call that dense form of energy God?

It created everything didn't it?
So why not call that dense form of energy God?

It created everything didn't it?

Except for that good ole SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 ChristHitler national religion food for thought after baking "serve the Pope or die" together with Islam "death to the infidels" not so master race suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming master plan as the IRS gets to tax the USA as "one nation under god with equal justice under law" ....